How much do you spend on groceries per week?

FL_Hiker Posts: 919 Member
edited June 2018 in Food and Nutrition
I'm trying to get better about budgeting and saving money.. lately instead of shopping by recipe, I've been shopping by sales (BOGO!) Once a month I'll go to Costco with my mom and stock up on proteins but we do the majority of our weekly shopping at our nearby publix. I've found that I'm not really saving much by cooking from home... I buy mostly fresh veggies, fruits, cheeses, etc. and very little processed foods which seem to be breaking my bank! There's only two of us so I freeze leftovers and we eat them the next week. We do however order a small pizza every Friday, and wednesdays we go out for all you can eat fresh caught fish. My husband and I spend about $500 per month on our food alone!!! That seems insane to me! We're in Central FL if that makes any difference... I've made a menu of food with common reuseable ingredients that we go through every week how much do you all spend?

Here's our weekly menu! (I just added in lentil soup this week)

Monday: tacos or fajita bowl

Tuesday: chicken nuggets, potatoes, and veggies

Wednesday: Fish

Thursday: spaghetti meat sauce, Texas toast, salad

Friday: pizza & salad

Saturday: leftover pizza & salad

Sunday: spicy sausage lentil soup & quesadillas


  • FL_Hiker
    FL_Hiker Posts: 919 Member
    pinuplove wrote: »
    More than I probably care to admit, but I have 2 teenage boys :tongue:

    $500 between 2 people in a 30-day month is $8.34/person/day. Doesn't seem terrible to me, but I suppose it depends on how many of your other meals aren't included in that. Do you eat lunch at home or bring food from home, or is it usually from somewhere else? Is your dining out budget included in that $500, and if not, is it significant? Are any toiletries or other items included in the $500 or is it purely food? Rhetorical questions - no need to answer! Just musing. I don't separate our food budget from paper goods, toiletries, pet supplies, etc. because they are usually bought at the same place and same time, and I don't need that much detail in my budget frankly.

    Right so for us that $500 includes all meals as well as toiletries, shampoos, etc. For lunch my husband eats leftovers so nothing goes to waste and I drink a protein shake which is included in that. I get my shakes at Costco which is a huge savings at least!! I'm embarrassed to admit we spend even more money on our dogs food per month than us.. he's got major dietary issues but I'm working on cutting it down. It's hard cooking for just two people I feel like we always have tons of leftovers and recipes are usually designed for large families. Sure I cut the recipe in half sometimes but it gets real awkward when you only use 1/4 of an onion lol.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    that honestly doesn't seem that bad - my goal (single, female, eating between 29-3200 cal a day) is about $10 a day for food
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    $200-$300 per week depending. Includes toiletries, etc and alcohol. Family of 4.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    edited June 2018
    FL_Hiker wrote: »
    pinuplove wrote: »
    More than I probably care to admit, but I have 2 teenage boys :tongue:

    $500 between 2 people in a 30-day month is $8.34/person/day. Doesn't seem terrible to me, but I suppose it depends on how many of your other meals aren't included in that. Do you eat lunch at home or bring food from home, or is it usually from somewhere else? Is your dining out budget included in that $500, and if not, is it significant? Are any toiletries or other items included in the $500 or is it purely food? Rhetorical questions - no need to answer! Just musing. I don't separate our food budget from paper goods, toiletries, pet supplies, etc. because they are usually bought at the same place and same time, and I don't need that much detail in my budget frankly.

    Right so for us that $500 includes all meals as well as toiletries, shampoos, etc. For lunch my husband eats leftovers so nothing goes to waste and I drink a protein shake which is included in that. I get my shakes at Costco which is a huge savings at least!! I'm embarrassed to admit we spend even more money on our dogs food per month than us.. he's got major dietary issues but I'm working on cutting it down. It's hard cooking for just two people I feel like we always have tons of leftovers and recipes are usually designed for large families. Sure I cut the recipe in half sometimes but it gets real awkward when you only use 1/4 of an onion lol.

    I realized I never actually answered your question lol. We spend $12-1500 month for a family of 4, depending on if the kids are at home or in school and how often my husband decides to grill steaks. This doesn't include the $180/month on dog and cat food - not quite as much as yours but enough! My elderly golden/German shepherd mix has skin issues and eats grain-free, therefore I buy grain-free for all of them (the dogs like to get into the cat food bowl when opportunity presents itself). We could tighten it up and have subsisted on a much leaner budget in the past, but are enjoying having a little more leeway these days.

    I imagine cooking for 2 is its own set of challenges! Someday maybe I'll find out :wink:
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    My family is 2 adults and 1 teenage girl in Kansas. We eat out 1 meal per week and the rest of our meals are prepared from home. We eat meat and some meatless meals. We spend about $130- 150 a week. I plan meals for the week and shop once a week. I buy store brands. I don't buy organic stuff usually.
    I think we are on the frugal side but comfortable. $100 per week for the 3 of us would be doable but tight. Probably have to eat less meat and dairy.

    Meal planning is a good idea if you have a tight budget
    Low budget friendly foods where I live are oatmeal, tuna, whole chicken or chicken thighs, dry beans, lentils, rice, pasta, bread, peanut butter, eggs, potatoes, carrots, apples, ground turkey, less lean beef, cabbage, onions, canned tomatoes, frozen vegetables.

    Some MFP threads you may find interesting:

    Low budget menu planning and recipes:
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    edited June 2018
    I budget $550 a month on groceries for my family of four. $500 doesn’t seem too bad to me. My husband eats a large portion of our food lol. Weekly anywhere from $80-$100 or so. I also buy my meat in bulk once per month, around $130 or so.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    edited June 2018
    My household is just me and my 13-year-old son. I spend an average of $550 per month ($100-150 per week) on "groceries," which includes non-grocery stuff like cat food and cleaning supplies and whatever. I eat lunch out maybe once a week, which usually costs around $5; maybe once every two weeks I'll pick up pizza or order takeout for both of us at home, which usually costs around $20. I live in rural eastern NM where the cost of living is low, but I spend disproportionately on food because it's a cornerstone for me.
  • jgnickel
    jgnickel Posts: 80 Member
    My husband an myself spend right at 700-800 per month here in Alaska. I shop sales and buy bulk when I can (Costco is three hours away). Our menu every week is based on what is cheap. We only eat out about once a month. When I can I shop at the farmers markets, but they can be pretty spendy.
  • Amerane
    Amerane Posts: 136 Member
    Single, southeast US, and I spend $35-40 per week on groceries and household consumables. I eat a fair amount of chicken, fish (fresh salmon, frozen shrimp, occasionally catfish cause it's cheap), and beans/lentils. I cook almost everything and buy very few processed foods, which cuts down on my grocery bills. My most expensive items each week are usually meat and fruit. Veggies are generally cheap down here. I eat a lot of rice-based dishes (aka meat & veg + sauce + rice). I plan my weekly meals based on whats on sale and in season.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    FL_Hiker wrote: »
    I'm trying to get better about budgeting and saving money.. lately instead of shopping by recipe, I've been shopping by sales (BOGO!) Once a month I'll go to Costco with my mom and stock up on proteins but we do the majority of our weekly shopping at our nearby publix. I've found that I'm not really saving much by cooking from home... I buy mostly fresh veggies, fruits, cheeses, etc. and very little processed foods which seem to be breaking my bank! There's only two of us so I freeze leftovers and we eat them the next week. We do however order a small pizza every Friday, and wednesdays we go out for all you can eat fresh caught fish. My husband and I spend about $500 per month on our food alone!!! That seems insane to me! We're in Central FL if that makes any difference... I've made a menu of food with common reuseable ingredients that we go through every week how much do you all spend?

    Here's our weekly menu! (I just added in lentil soup this week)

    Monday: tacos or fajita bowl

    Tuesday: chicken nuggets, potatoes, and veggies

    Wednesday: Fish

    Thursday: spaghetti meat sauce, Texas toast, salad

    Friday: pizza & salad

    Saturday: leftover pizza & salad

    Sunday: spicy sausage lentil soup & quesadillas

    I've recently started following another similar thread here on MFP and I'm still unsure what people mean by "food". It's difficult to separate the food and non-food items which are all included in the same supermarket bill.

    With a fresh attempt to actually track spending, it's looking like our food spend per week, is what you spend in a whole month. Will report back here after I get to track a second or third month.
  • Strawblackcat
    Strawblackcat Posts: 944 Member
    Probably way too much, but grocery shopping is a hobby of mine, and I like buying all that organic/grass-fed/super-expensive stuff. And I also review food and snacks as a side job, so there's stuff associated along with that, too.
  • smb397
    smb397 Posts: 10 Member
    I am in the UK and spend between £400 and £500 a month. This includes toiletries, kitchen paper, toilet rolls etc. This does not include cat food, cat litter or wild bird food. My husband eats meat, but I do not. I cook from scratch using fresh vegetables mainly in season. We have lunch out probably once a week not an expensive restaurant but usually at a small independent cafe rather than a big chain.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,548 Member
    I usually stay below £100 per month for all groceries, single person, lots of fresh produce, fairly small amounts of meat or fish (about 100gr per dinner), larger amount of veggies and grains or potatoes. I usually cook for two days. Soups, stews and curries usually for more and freeze the leftovers.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,548 Member
    TonyB0588 wrote: »

    With a fresh attempt to actually track spending, it's looking like our food spend per week, is what you spend in a whole month. Will report back here after I get to track a second or third month.

    I don't have a lot of money coming in, thus budgeting is important for me. I have a spreadsheet on my phone where I list all money coming in and going out, and a total left for the month. I have columns for food, house (cleaning, kitchen items, furniture or decoration, etc..), medical things (need a few things I can't get on the NHS), car (incl. tax, insurance, petrol...), utilities and services, me (personal care, clothes, hairdresser), rent, fun and others. I usually put the single numbers from my groceries bill in the appropriate column and can see where I went over the top.
  • SabAteNine
    SabAteNine Posts: 1,866 Member
    Non-US and with a totally different diet than my husband, which is why I am aware of what everything costs.

    Breakfast is a protein bar - $1.5
    Lunch is usually about $5.5 (chicken and veggie side, tuna salad, whichever protein+vegetables)
    Dinner depends, around the same. If it's wine / beer as well, it's an extra $3-5 per night.

    All in all, on average, about 14 dollars a day, 420 per month. I could lower it significantly, up to 300 if I cook everything, but I absolutely have no time. And to be fair I don't eat potatoes, rice, things which are very cost-effective.

    Add to that coffee ($10-$20, non take out) and stuff for the house, toiletries, etc etc. It seems a lot compared to the others here - the prices in Eastern Europe are the same as in Western Europe, but the salaries aren't.

    We do however compensate with affordable utilities and rent, dirt-cheap internet, and I don't need a car.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I aim for about $200/month, for personal care and food (includes detergent, toilet paper, etc). I usually finish the month closer to $300 though.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »

    Thank you! I knew I'd seen that thread but couldn't find it for some reason.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    A lot. But there are 6 of us, well, sometimes there are 6 of us, I have joint custody with my exH, so half the week it's just H and I. I'd say I spend about $150/week at the grocery store, another $30/mth for school lunches (obviously not in the summer), I probably spend $50/week eating out at work and my H probably the same, and then once a week we go out to dinner which is $50 or so. I don't really want to add that up, but if I did, I'd say that we spend about $900-$1000 per month on food.