How much do you spend on groceries per week?



  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    About £400 per month. Would be cheaper if my son would eat a wider variety than one type of cereal imported from south africa
  • snemberton
    snemberton Posts: 175 Member
    US - East Tennessee. Between $800 and $1500 a month depending on how many of our kids are home. (We have a total of 6 "kids".) Two have officially moved out and started adulting, but one of them comes over for dinner once or twice a week. One is sometimes home from college, but he's got an internship this summer and isn't living at home. Another in college locally and living at home and she's home for the summer. The twins (15) live with us during the school year, but go to their dad's during summer and school breaks. That amount is on breakfast stuff, snacks, dinner and some lunch stuff, but not all. Husband and I work from home and go out for lunch a few times a week together. That doesn't count the amount we spend on eating out or the food for our pets.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    About $200 a month, though I am increasing that to $230 or so to give myself a little more wiggle room. That is for a single female in IN and includes things like OTC meds, kitty litter, personal items, and paper items. So not just food. I also only eat out a couple times a month. Usually Mexican for dinner with a friend and then one other splurge. To give an idea of what I eat:

    B- Greek Yogurt, nuts, eggs, toast, egg muffins, fruit, oatmeal
    L- Salads with fresh vegetables, nuts, cheese, protein, and dressing usually with a hardboiled egg on the side. Sometimes I will stuff the same items into a pita or tortilla.
    D- Lots of options. Over the next 2 weeks I have pulled pork, green chili chicken tacos, and chicken topped with cheese and spinach. I always have some sort of vegetable and I buy a LOT of frozen vegetables in steamable bags cause I can be lazy.
    S- Cottage cheese, hummus with vegetables, popcorn, fruit, individual chocolates, frozen fruit bars
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,256 Member
    I shop just for myself and spend $30 - $40 per week on groceries. The vast majority of that is just groceries, I use Amazon pantry for most household items, so only pick up non-food household items occasionally. I could probably trim that a good bit if I didn't buy as much prepared food as I do, but I hate cooking, so if I didn't buy most things ready to go, I'd be living on takeout. I mostly only buy fresh vegetables if they look good on the salad bar, otherwise I just get whatever frozen sounds good and/or is on sale. I do limit things by having a hard and fast rule that no food comes into my house unless I have a specific plan (day/meal) to eat it. Doing that makes it very easy to avoid doubling the size of the trip just because things sound good or are on sale or something.
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    I work out of town often in more secluded towns with less access so generally in a week while in a different town I spend about $250 just for myself.

    That is a conservative estimate though. It can be much higher considering fruit can be up to $0.40 more a pound it not more
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    We don't make much effort to economize, truthfully, and live in a fairly expensive area food-wise (Canada, not near the border.) My husband and I spend in the $600 - $700 range most months including misc house stuff (cleaning supplies etc.) We shop almost exclusively at Costco and eat a lot of fresh vegetables and husband eats a lot of meat, and we eat at home the vast majority of the time.
  • maybe1pe
    maybe1pe Posts: 529 Member
    I'm from Michigan so I'm not sure of price point comparisons. So for my gf and I and our two dogs (they eat home cooked meals because of epilepsy and allergies). We spend about $400 a month.

    We are able to cut down to $300 or less a month from June - October because we signed up for a farm share. $300 for the season and we get over a half bushel of fresh, organic vegetables every week. Honestly the best money I've ever spent is on this farm share. If any of you have the ability to sign up for one I would recommend looking into it.

    We also batch cook. So some weeks we only make two different recipes and we eat it every other day. Kind of boring but typically only do this with things we really, really love. This also includes us going out to eat once a week for dinner.
  • Scottgriesser
    Scottgriesser Posts: 172 Member
    Live in Tampa, FL so I'd imagine our prices on groceries are similar. I don't think you're spending all that much. I've always considered <$10 a day to be a comfortable food budget. And I'm a rather large dude, 250lbs. My wife who is significantly smaller and eats less calories spends just as much or more because all of her intake is fresh fruits and veggies.

    Budgets are a tricky question as everyone has a different income level.

    Fresh fruits and veg are definitely more expensive than frozen. Publix is definitely more expensive than Wal-mart. You have to pay for higher quality.

    Dollar per calorie is something that I am looking into as we are also in the process of re-working our budget. Proteins have a really large variance in this regard.
  • sbrooks0387
    sbrooks0387 Posts: 167 Member
    Family of 6. We average out to around $100/week. Some weeks I only buy milk and bread, some weeks I stock the freezer. I also grow a lot of our food. And we have a large flock of chickens, so all the eggs we could possibly eat.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    depends. for me and my son, usually around $100. but that includes non food items too.

    When my fiance is home, probably closer to $125-$150, depending on beer consumption and what im cooking (i cook more when hes home and do more easy/quick/convenient things when hes not)
  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    Depends if I’m bulking or cutting lol....also depends on my work situation, when I’m filming I get a lot of free food lol.
  • FL_Hiker
    FL_Hiker Posts: 919 Member
    depends. for me and my son, usually around $100. but that includes non food items too.

    When my fiance is home, probably closer to $125-$150, depending on beer consumption and what im cooking (i cook more when hes home and do more easy/quick/convenient things when hes not)

    $100 a month?? Wow how do you do it? Where do you live?
  • kellyw4444
    kellyw4444 Posts: 60 Member
    I live in Canada, so food costs more here. We spend on average about $300/week for a family of 4. This is down from $400/week when my son lived at home. We eat out maybe one night a week ($50-75) and the rest of the time all meals are homemade, including breakfasts and lunches. We have a large garden that we eat out of six months of the year. We also have two teenage daughters who eat a TON and are very physically active (both have 2nd degree Black Belts in Taekwon-Do), training 3 days per week, skateboarding and riding their bikes to/from school/work. When my daughter was away at university this past year, we saved $100/week on food without her! The majority of our food budget goes to fresh fruit and veggies, dairy and protein (chicken, ground beef, pork tenderloin and whatever is on sale), but that also includes paper products, laundry soap (our girls generate a lot of laundry, too) and cleaning products. We eat well and don't have to worry about eating on a budget but I still shop sales and buy things in bulk. I also can and freeze our own fruit and veggies every summer, make my own jam, relish, salsa and so forth. I like knowing what I put in my body and what I feed my family is healthy and low in salt, sugar, preservatives, and hormones.
  • Thisyearismyyear
    Thisyearismyyear Posts: 7 Member
    $100-$150 on groceries a week for a family of 3. But we also eat out about 3 times a week. It also doesn’t include the school lunch account.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Family of 6. We average out to around $100/week. Some weeks I only buy milk and bread, some weeks I stock the freezer. I also grow a lot of our food. And we have a large flock of chickens, so all the eggs we could possibly eat.

    Wow!! What ages in your family? My teenaged son eats more than anyone else in the house. $100.00 per week sounds so impossible.
  • tirowow12385
    tirowow12385 Posts: 698 Member
    edited June 2018
    I eat at work cafeteria, free food, so I don't spend much.
  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    I eat at work cafeteria, free food, so I don't spend much.

    I’d sneak in some Tupperware lol
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    FL_Hiker wrote: »
    depends. for me and my son, usually around $100. but that includes non food items too.

    When my fiance is home, probably closer to $125-$150, depending on beer consumption and what im cooking (i cook more when hes home and do more easy/quick/convenient things when hes not)

    $100 a month?? Wow how do you do it? Where do you live?

    100 a WEEK not a month.

    i WISH it was a month LOLOLOLOLOL
  • me3332
    me3332 Posts: 2 Member
    You guys need to teach me. I only buy for myself and I’m around $700 a month for food only.. 😔
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,564 Member
    me3332 wrote: »
    You guys need to teach me. I only buy for myself and I’m around $700 a month for food only.. 😔

    So what are you buying that you spend $700/month just for yourself? Do you cook? What do you cook? Do you follow a specific diet?