Sometimes being a woman sucks...



  • Ck103084
    Ck103084 Posts: 139 Member
    I always have the weirdest damn cravings too. Like last month...pickles. I ate almost a whole jar. What the hell is that crap about?! Working so hard and then gaining because of your period is just frustrating.

    Hugs everyone! Now, who wants to rev some chainsaws and burn *kitten*?! :D
  • snemberton
    snemberton Posts: 175 Member
    Ck103084 wrote: »
    I always have the weirdest damn cravings too. Like last month...pickles. I ate almost a whole jar. What the hell is that crap about?! Working so hard and then gaining because of your period is just frustrating.

    Hugs everyone! Now, who wants to rev some chainsaws and burn *kitten*?! :D

    At least pickles aren't costing you any calories! I always want dense bread or cake type things. I usually opt for wheat bread if possible, since it has fewer calories than cake or brownies.
  • Candyspun
    Candyspun Posts: 370 Member
    I always tell myself it's just going to look bad for a little while, but if I keep doing my best in the meantime, then I'll be thrilled at the end of it.
  • firefoxxie
    firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member
    It's frustrating right now but when it ends is the most exciting! You see all that water weight drop off and then some!
  • deonbfit
    deonbfit Posts: 75 Member
    firefoxxie wrote: »
    It's frustrating right now but when it ends is the most exciting! You see all that water weight drop off and then some!

    Exactly!! One benefit of the period and water retention is that because I was SO CLOSE this week I feel like I want to eat PERFECTLY this weekend so I definitely see that number next week. Game face all weekend! :grimace:
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    Totally normal , albeit very annoying. As soon as I see a new low I am back up 3-5 lbs for almost a whole month before the new low resurfaces and comes to stay. If weighing daily doesn't bother you, get a weight trending app like Libra or Happy Scale. It will let you know if you are trending down or up. So far with all my peaks and valleys I have yet to see that blue trending line go up hill. It's comforting to see and provides me with a bit of extra motivation to keep going.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I gain at ovulation and right before my TOM. Because of this (and because Lyle McDonald said to) I compare myself to last month, not last week.
  • RunStart34
    RunStart34 Posts: 164 Member
    snemberton wrote: »
    deonbfit wrote: »
    snemberton wrote: »
    Do you do measurements beyond just the scale? I find that seeing a 1/4 inch off my hips helps negate the scale getting stuck during TOM. My water retention doesn't show up with the tape measure as much as the scale.

    I don't. But I still fit in my size 12's which I just started wearing a week or so ago so that's good enough for me hehe.
    It's not really a huge deal. Who knows maybe I'll eat perfectly and workout today any my water retaining self will see a 0.2lbs new low weight tomorrow morning. I'd be happy with that haha. :smile:

    Well, I certainly get your frustration. I'm currently "up" 4lbs from my low weight last week due to water retention and a little constipation caused by TOM. I know it isn't real weight since my other measurements are still slightly lower than last week, but it's irritating all the same.

    I agree. we all know its water weight and we all know it will come off in a week or so.. but man is it hard to see the number go up. I also try to stay away from the scale but when you feel fat in an emotional state during PMS its hard. I once cried because my friend drank the last coke. So more then likely I am going to get emotional when i see the scale go up a few pounds. In my non PMS state i wouldn't have thought anything of 1 or 2 pounds increase.. would have shrugged it off and done better.
  • Candyspun
    Candyspun Posts: 370 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Try to think of it as your body preparing a nice surprising by dropping a velvet curtain (um, some water weight) to temporarily mask your continuing fat loss, until, next week . . . TA DAH, the unveiling: Major victory. ;););)

    As a woman who has pms and is expecting a heavy weigh in tomorrow, this made me literally laugh out loud! I salute you.
  • Ainadan
    Ainadan Posts: 158 Member
    I'm right there with you. But I've just decided to feed into the water-gain... Drinking more water and eating watermelon because it is better than eating chocolate- which is what I'm craving right now.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    PWRLFTR1 wrote: »
    Sorry, but of all things that suck about being a woman, weight fluctuations wouldn't even make my list.

    Not being able to pee in the woods is number one.

    I gave you an insightful for that. On long hikes with my husband, he gets to pee and I don’t. I live in a desert, so peeing behind a tree is out of the question.
  • mamasara2
    mamasara2 Posts: 194 Member
    Omg I feel ya! I'm in peri menopause and my cycle is all kinds of skeewompus. I feel like I'm in a perpetual state of water retention. Its hard to say "this is water weight and this is not" so I end up going with whatever the number says on the scale and hope for any drop, even if it's minuscule.

    So ready this stage of life to be over with already!