How to decide Macros for weightloss

sgod0905 Posts: 16 Member
I just started my joruney to weightloss. I joined a gym and want to loose 8-10 punds the healthy way.
My question is how do i know how many Carbs-Protein-Fats and total calorie per day should I be working towards?
All help and encouragement will be appreciated. Also, i would like to loose 1-2 pds per week. Is that possible?


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    For weight loss, it's the calorie goal that is important. Macros are for satiety and nutrition.

    Have you tried entering your stats into MFP? That will give you a calorie goal and you can start with the default macros and adjust them according to your preferences.

    If you're only losing 10 pounds or so, 1-2 pounds a week is probably too aggressive of a goal. You may want to choose .5 pounds a week.
  • sgod0905
    sgod0905 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you. So the default came up as 1440 calories, carbs 60% Protein and Fats at 20% each. Should i just leave it at that?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    sgod0905 wrote: »
    Thank you. So the default came up as 1440 calories, carbs 60% Protein and Fats at 20% each. Should i just leave it at that?

    I thought it was 50/30/20?
  • sgod0905
    sgod0905 Posts: 16 Member
    Should I change it to 50-30-20? I don’t want to eat more carbs than I should!
  • elizabethmcopeland
    elizabethmcopeland Posts: 167 Member
    Don’t overthink it, just try that ratio out for a few weeks. If you feel hungry or can’t stick to it, consider upping protein or fat, which some people find more satiating.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    sgod0905 wrote: »
    Should I change it to 50-30-20? I don’t want to eat more carbs than I should!

    carbs don't make you fat, too many calories do.

    there isn't really any such thing as 'more than you should' other than personal preference for satiety and performance.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    The focus should be on protein, aiming for around .7-1g/lb. And the rest can fall out based on personal eating style and preference.