Want to be Toned but Not Ripped



  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Thinking you can gain a significant amount of muscle by accident is silly when you consider a natural pro bodybuilder would be happy with 5lbs of clean muscle a year.

    Anyway, start lifting now. You can't get big and muscular without the dedication or drugs to do so. By the way, toned isn't a real thing; it's a term created by women's media because it sounds sexier than lose bodyfat. Which is what you want to do.

    strong this^

    ripped is not easy; shredded is even harder

    Talk for yourself, I just wanted to be tone than bammmmmm I got too mooscoolar
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    Surely there must be a difference between lifting heavy and lifting like a girl - if you are a girl.

    How to piss off 99% of strong women on MFP.

    WTF does that even mean? My gf squats more than most males :laugh:
  • nads1012
    nads1012 Posts: 55

    Surely there must be a difference between lifting heavy and lifting like a girl - if you are a girl.

    How to piss off 99% of strong women on MFP.

    WTF does that even mean? My gf squats more than most males :laugh:

    I mean my body will look different whether I keep lifting heavy or light. Or will it not make any difference?
    You need to define 'strong' first before you can know who I'm pissing off.
  • ILoveBreakfast671
    ILoveBreakfast671 Posts: 76 Member
    I don't even English, bro.

    Is toned supposed to be beach body lean at like 13-15% bf and ripped is sub 10% bf?
  • nads1012
    nads1012 Posts: 55
    I don't even English, bro.

    Is toned supposed to be beach body lean at like 13-15% bf and ripped is sub 10% bf?

    When we women say toned, we mean we wanna look like these models. Slim lean and tight. But not muscley. That's why a lot of us fear heavy weights.
    Idiots like me, anyway.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    I don't even English, bro.

    Is toned supposed to be beach body lean at like 13-15% bf and ripped is sub 10% bf?

    I would have gone with sub 8%, but seems about right. For women, increase bf% by 9 or so.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I don't even English, bro.

    Is toned supposed to be beach body lean at like 13-15% bf and ripped is sub 10% bf?

    When we women say toned, we mean we wanna look like these models. Slim lean and tight. But not muscley. That's why a lot of us fear heavy weights.
    Idiots like me, anyway.

    whether you look muscly or not depends on your body fat percentage. For a woman to have visible muscle definition, she needs to have very low body fat percentage, i.e. around 15%. We have fat under our skin, that goes over the muscles. If you have very little fat under your skin, then your muscle definition will show. If you have more fat, it hides the muscle definition. The "toned but not ripped" look comes from having strong muscles under a layer of fat that's big enough to hide the definition, but still small enough that you don't look fat or bulky. The body fat percentage that you want is between 18 and 25%. If you have low body fat percentage and weak muscles, you'll still look soft and a little "flabby" even at your goal weight. If you have strong muscles but enough fat over them (i.e. the 18-25% range I just said) your body will look firm, "toned" but you won't have visible muscle definition.

    SO don't fear the weights, you need them for strong muscles that will give you the "toned" look under your 18-25% body fat. just keep your body fat percentage above 20% and you won't look muscly. And keep it below 25% and you won't look bulky either (bulky comes from having a higher body fat percentage, i.e. more fat under the skin)

    Hope that explains it clearly.
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    these threads always get me. Good luck looking like a bodybuilder. seriously.

    Weight lift and do cardio as you eat at a deficit and you will get that beauty queen look you're going for. you will not ever look like a body builder eating at a deficit or even eating at maintenance. Just workout, for crying out loud.

    Some folks are new and have heard a lot of broscience from family and on the internet. No need to get angry. Just point them towards the right direction with facts. The kind of replies I am seeing in this thread discourages people from asking and continuing believing in the broscience. Try being patient :)

  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I don't even English, bro.

    Is toned supposed to be beach body lean at like 13-15% bf and ripped is sub 10% bf?

    When we women say toned, we mean we wanna look like these models. Slim lean and tight. But not muscley. That's why a lot of us fear heavy weights.
    Idiots like me, anyway.
    Then you just stop cutting bodyfat when you get to the point you like. That's really all there is to it. Lifting heavy weights in of itself does not really affect your bodyfat all that much - it has to be coupled with a tightly controlled diet to achieve fat loss. Fear not weary traveller, for the road doth split wherest thou desires.
  • danapenguin
    ah i just posted something similar! i want to zap the flabbiness. i have never did weight training. where do i start?!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    @dana - Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5 preferably :) If you need to be shown form, pay for an hour and get the PT to walk you through each of the main lifts.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    Surely there must be a difference between lifting heavy and lifting like a girl - if you are a girl.

    what does that even mean??

    if you lift heavy- you get stronger- if you are a girl- or a guy.

    The style of lifting doesn't change just because you have a vagina- or not.

    I am not really trying to be an *kitten*- I just seriously do NOT understand what that statement even means.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Well maybe I think I'm bulging because I gain muscles but still like to eat a muffin, so there is fat as well? Or does that not make any sense.

    Can someone explain why it is that when you check out what the models with the long lean muscles and the lady who trains Gwyneth Paltrow do, they all say they don't lift heavier than 3 pound dumbbells? And they do more aerobics and core exercise?

    Surely there must be a difference between lifting heavy and lifting like a girl - if you are a girl.

    Huh? Lifting like a girl, as far as I'm aware, means being a girl and lifting, right? Cause I do the same moves as my husband (though not quite as heavy) but because I'm a female I would imagine I lift like a girl.

    I squat like a girl, deadlift like a girl, bench like a girl and so on, but I do it all with heavy weights.

    Unless I'm misunderstanding? So confused.
  • francescajeanfox
    Hey Everyone!
    Hoping someone would be able to give me a little advice. I am currently working towards a weight loss goal. I would ultimately like to be toned, but not ripped. (Think pageant girl instead of body builder). Do I lose the fat before I start lifting weights or do both simultaneously? I don't want to have huge muscles once I've lost the weight.
    Thanks :)

    Metabolically, it's pretty damn near impossible for females to put on enough muscle to look bulky/ripped, without years and years of hard work...and tons of drugs.
    Start lifting now. Do compound lifts and lift heavy. Continue to eat well. Look and feel awesome.

  • ILoveBreakfast671
    ILoveBreakfast671 Posts: 76 Member
    I wish I could become ripped on accident like women.

    I'm stuck at 16%. Sad life.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Hey Everyone!
    Hoping someone would be able to give me a little advice. I am currently working towards a weight loss goal. I would ultimately like to be toned, but not ripped. (Think pageant girl instead of body builder). Do I lose the fat before I start lifting weights or do both simultaneously? I don't want to have huge muscles once I've lost the weight.
    Thanks :)

    Metabolically, it's pretty damn near impossible for females to put on enough muscle to look bulky/ripped, without years and years of hard work...and tons of drugs.
    Start lifting now. Do compound lifts and lift heavy. Continue to eat well. Look and feel awesome.


    Except the fact that being "ripped" means different things to different people.

    I agree with your point, but for some people, simple showing a bit of definition is too muscular.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member

    Except the fact that being "ripped" means different things to different people.

    I agree with your point, but for some people, simple showing a bit of definition is too muscular.

    Well then those people can just be skinny fat and be happy. Except they are not, which is why they all want "tone".
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member

    Except the fact that being "ripped" means different things to different people.

    I agree with your point, but for some people, simple showing a bit of definition is too muscular.

    Well then those people can just be skinny fat and be happy. Except they are not, which is why they all want "tone".

    My point was that not everyone even wants to be toned... some people just don't want to be fat. Someone said it earlier in the thread... and to those people it's misleading to say that they are incapable of getting "ripped" - because ripped to them is very different than ripped to you and I.
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    My point was that not everyone even wants to be toned... some people just don't want to be fat. Someone said it earlier in the thread... and to those people it's misleading to say that they are incapable of getting "ripped" - because ripped to them is very different than ripped to you and I.

    Well, this thread is titled "Want to be toned," so at least the OP is interested in being toned. And the posted you responded to is right--we see tons of people posting on here that they've gotten to their goal weight, but they still have arms/belly/*kitten*/hips/ankles/elbows/noses that are still problematic in their mind, and they want to know if anyone's invented a magic spot-reducing exercise, or if they need to lose ANOTHER five, ten pounds, and will it go away then please? The answer is no, they are not happy with their bodies because they were so afraid of having a tiny amount of muscle definition that they satisfied themselves with dieting away muscle mass and they're still not happy with their bodies.
