Am I going too "extreme"?



  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    At 5'3" that makes more sense for your calorie target to be 1200. I am 5'1", sedentary desk job, and over 50 years old. So, my calorie goal in MFP is also 1200. I have a male friend who is over 6'0" and was very concerned when I first started restricting calories and he heard my calorie goal. 1200 calories is unfathomable to him because of his stats (as it should be). So, it's possible your friend may be just concerned about your well being.

    IMO, 1200 is not necessarily extreme with the right mindset. I enter my exercise calories into MFP and often eat them back. I have days that I exceed my calorie goal by 50-200 calories and other days that I am up to 100 calories under. I try to let my hunger guide me and I try to pick overall healthy choices. I also purposely don't try to deprive myself from foods that I enjoy or a glass of wine with a friend.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    1200 is a bit on the low side. It really is all about calories in/calories out. If you consume less then you burn calorie-wise, you’re going to lose. I have a Fitbit Versa, and the bigger distance between those numbers, the better I lose, but I still lose when the burn numbers are bigger than the consumed numbers.

    Yes, I burn about 2400 avg. and I try to stay around 1700 consumed calories. Nobody bash me - this is just what works for me and what I’m comfortable with. Not looking for the “What you oughta do is....”. I get plenty of that from my busy-body, nosy mother.

    Figure out what works for you.
  • Candyspun
    Candyspun Posts: 370 Member
    I think the exercise is fine, just eat back some of your exercise calories.