July pushup squat and plank challenge



  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,542 Member
    01/07 Press-ups 15 o-k, 0 squats, 2 mile jog, 3 mile walk
    02/07 Press-ups 16 o-k, 5 squats, 4 mile walk
    03/07 Press-ups 17 o-k, 6 squats, 3 mile walk, went for a jog after the football (COME ON ENGLAND!), took a tumble in the dark, finished the jog but had to drive to work today.
    04/07 Press-ups 18 o-k, 7 squats, have to see about walking later - did the walk and 1.5 mile jog
    05/07 Press-ups 19 o-k, 8 squats, 1.5 mile jog, 3 mile walk
    06/07 Press-ups 19 o-k, 8 squats, 2 mile jog, 3 mile walk
    07/07 Press-ups 20 o-k, 10 squats, 7.7 miles walk
    08/07 Press-ups 21 o-k, 11 squats, 5.5 miles walk, 0.8 mile jog
    09/07 Press-ups 21 o-k, 11 squats, 3.1 mile walk, 2 mile jog
    10/07 Press-ups 21 0-k, 11 squats, 3.1 mile walk, 2 mile jog
    11/07 Press-ups 21 o-k, no squats as knee didn't feel right, 12k steps but no log on miles - football bad :(
    12/07 Press-ups 22 o-k, 12 squats, 4 mile walk, 2 mile jog
    13/07 Press-ups 22 o-k, 12 squats, rest day
    14/07 Press-ups 22 o-k, 12 squats, 5 mile walk, 2 mile jog
    15/07 Press-ups 23 o-k, 13 squats, 4 mile walk, no jog, just too hot
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    I just started a plank hold challenge elsewhere, but will check back here near the end of the month, looking for an August thread .... I can't do full body push-ups, and really liked the predecessor thread suggestion of "find your number / do that for one week / double up at the end of each week / see where you are at the end of the month". Hopefully, I will already be stronger from the plank holds by the time I start this in August.
  • fraukazi
    fraukazi Posts: 614 Member
    01/07 6k run (the longest this year and in the heat)
    02/07 yoga, FL and s&s (50+10)
    03/07 s&s (100+25) and FL - went to bed too late to get up for a run, postponed to tomorrow :/
    04/07 5km run and S&S (100+30)
    05-08/07 no workouts due to heat&time
    09/07 run 5km, 50squats, 20sit ups, 10knee push ups - i'm back on track!
    10/07 yoga & FL, evening 5km run
    11/07 rest day
    12/07 3.4km run, 60squats, 25situps, 10knee pushups
    13-15/07 no exercise due to busy weekend
    16/07 3.6km run. All visits and world cup out the way, time to get serious. Also signed up to a gym
  • fraukazi
    fraukazi Posts: 614 Member
    01/07 6k run (the longest this year and in the heat)
    02/07 yoga, FL and s&s (50+10)
    03/07 s&s (100+25) and FL - went to bed too late to get up for a run, postponed to tomorrow :/
    04/07 5km run and S&S (100+30)
    05-08/07 no workouts due to heat&time
    09/07 run 5km, 50squats, 20sit ups, 10knee push ups - i'm back on track!
    10/07 yoga & FL, evening 5km run
    11/07 rest day
    12/07 3.4km run, 60squats, 25situps, 10knee pushups
    13-15/07 no exercise due to busy weekend
    16/07 3.6km run
    17/07 yoga, 50squats, 20sit ups 10knee push ups, 20lunges
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,542 Member
    01/07 Press-ups 15 o-k, 0 squats, 2 mile jog, 3 mile walk
    02/07 Press-ups 16 o-k, 5 squats, 4 mile walk
    03/07 Press-ups 17 o-k, 6 squats, 3 mile walk, went for a jog after the football (COME ON ENGLAND!), took a tumble in the dark, finished the jog but had to drive to work today.
    04/07 Press-ups 18 o-k, 7 squats, have to see about walking later - did the walk and 1.5 mile jog
    05/07 Press-ups 19 o-k, 8 squats, 1.5 mile jog, 3 mile walk
    06/07 Press-ups 19 o-k, 8 squats, 2 mile jog, 3 mile walk
    07/07 Press-ups 20 o-k, 10 squats, 7.7 miles walk
    08/07 Press-ups 21 o-k, 11 squats, 5.5 miles walk, 0.8 mile jog
    09/07 Press-ups 21 o-k, 11 squats, 3.1 mile walk, 2 mile jog
    10/07 Press-ups 21 0-k, 11 squats, 3.1 mile walk, 2 mile jog
    11/07 Press-ups 21 o-k, no squats as knee didn't feel right, 12k steps but no log on miles - football bad :(
    12/07 Press-ups 22 o-k, 12 squats, 4 mile walk, 2 mile jog
    13/07 Press-ups 22 o-k, 12 squats, rest day
    14/07 Press-ups 22 o-k, 12 squats, 5 mile walk, 2 mile jog
    15/07 Press-ups 23 o-k, 13 squats, 4 mile walk, no jog, just too hot
    16/07 Press-ups 23 o-k, 13 squats, 2 mile walk
    17/07 Press-ups 23 o-k, 13 squats, 5 mile walk - stuck on 23/13
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,542 Member
    01/07 Press-ups 15 o-k, 0 squats, 2 mile jog, 3 mile walk
    02/07 Press-ups 16 o-k, 5 squats, 4 mile walk
    03/07 Press-ups 17 o-k, 6 squats, 3 mile walk, went for a jog after the football (COME ON ENGLAND!), took a tumble in the dark, finished the jog but had to drive to work today.
    04/07 Press-ups 18 o-k, 7 squats, have to see about walking later - did the walk and 1.5 mile jog
    05/07 Press-ups 19 o-k, 8 squats, 1.5 mile jog, 3 mile walk
    06/07 Press-ups 19 o-k, 8 squats, 2 mile jog, 3 mile walk
    07/07 Press-ups 20 o-k, 10 squats, 7.7 miles walk
    08/07 Press-ups 21 o-k, 11 squats, 5.5 miles walk, 0.8 mile jog
    09/07 Press-ups 21 o-k, 11 squats, 3.1 mile walk, 2 mile jog
    10/07 Press-ups 21 0-k, 11 squats, 3.1 mile walk, 2 mile jog
    11/07 Press-ups 21 o-k, no squats as knee didn't feel right, 12k steps but no log on miles - football bad :(
    12/07 Press-ups 22 o-k, 12 squats, 4 mile walk, 2 mile jog
    13/07 Press-ups 22 o-k, 12 squats, rest day
    14/07 Press-ups 22 o-k, 12 squats, 5 mile walk, 2 mile jog
    15/07 Press-ups 23 o-k, 13 squats, 4 mile walk, no jog, just too hot
    16/07 Press-ups 23 o-k, 13 squats, 2 mile walk
    17/07 Press-ups 23 o-k, 13 squats, 5 mile walk - stuck on 23/13
    18/07 Press-ups 23 o-k, 13 squats, 8 mile walk
    19/07 Press-ups 23 o-k, 13 squats, 5 mile walk - still stuck on 23/13
  • fraukazi
    fraukazi Posts: 614 Member
    01/07 6k run (the longest this year and in the heat)
    02/07 yoga, FL and s&s (50+10)
    03/07 s&s (100+25) and FL - went to bed too late to get up for a run, postponed to tomorrow :/
    04/07 5km run and S&S (100+30)
    05-08/07 no workouts due to heat&time
    09/07 run 5km, 50squats, 20sit ups, 10knee push ups - i'm back on track!
    10/07 yoga & FL, evening 5km run
    11/07 rest day
    12/07 3.4km run, 60squats, 25situps, 10knee pushups
    13-15/07 no exercise due to busy weekend
    16/07 3.6km run
    17/07 yoga, 50squats, 20sit ups 10knee push ups, 20lunges
    18/07 yoga class
    19-21/07 no exercise, unwell
    22/07 yoga at home,20squats, 10sit ups,10knee push ups
  • fraukazi
    fraukazi Posts: 614 Member
    2 out of the following 6/7 days:
    - Run
    - Squats(50+)&Situps(10+)"s&s"
    - Freeletics ("FL", which usually includes push ups)
    - Yoga
    01/07 6k run (the longest this year and in the heat)
    02/07 yoga, FL and s&s (50+10)
    03/07 s&s (100+25) and FL - went to bed too late to get up for a run, postponed to tomorrow :/
    04/07 5km run and S&S (100+30)
    05-08/07 no workouts due to heat&time
    09/07 run 5km, 50squats, 20sit ups, 10knee push ups - i'm back on track!
    10/07 yoga & FL, evening 5km run
    11/07 rest day
    12/07 3.4km run, 60squats, 25situps, 10knee pushups
    13-15/07 no exercise due to busy weekend
    16/07 3.6km run
    17/07 yoga, 50squats, 20sit ups 10knee push ups, 20lunges
    18/07 yoga class
    19-21/07 no exercise, unwell
    22/07 yoga at home,20squats, 10sit ups,10knee push ups
    23/07 yoga, 40squats, 20sit ups, 12knee push ups
  • fraukazi
    fraukazi Posts: 614 Member
    01/07 run
    02/07 yoga, FL, 50squ,10su
    03/07 100squ, 25su and FL
    04/07 run, 100squ, 30su
    05-08/07 -
    09/07 run, 50squ, 20su, 10knee pu
    10/07 yoga & FL, run
    11/07 rest day
    12/07 run, 60squ, 25su, 10knee pu
    13-15/07 -
    16/07 3.6km run
    17/07 yoga, 50squats, 20sit ups 10knee push ups, 20lunges
    18/07 yoga class
    19-21/07 -
    22/07 yoga at home,20squats, 10sit ups,10knee push ups
    23/07 yoga, 40squats, 20sit ups, 12knee push ups
    24/07 run, 100squ, 30su, 15knee pu, cool down yoga
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,542 Member
    Broke my run, 8 days of July left and need to get back in the game!!!
  • fraukazi
    fraukazi Posts: 614 Member
    24/07 run, 100squ, 30su, 15knee pu, cool down yoga
    25/07 100sq, 15 knee pu, 35su, short wake up yoga sequence, yoga class planned for tonight
  • fraukazi
    fraukazi Posts: 614 Member
    24/07 run, 100squ, 30su, 15knee pu, cool down yoga
    25/07 100sq, 15 knee pu, 35su, short wake up yoga sequence, yoga class in eve
    26/07 run, 110squ, 20knee pu, 40su
  • fraukazi
    fraukazi Posts: 614 Member
    Anyone still here??

    2 out of the following 6/7 days:
    - Run
    - Squats(50+)&Situps(10+)"s&s"
    - Freeletics ("FL", which usually includes push ups)
    - Yoga
    01/07 6k run (the longest this year and in the heat)
    02/07 yoga, FL and s&s (50+10)
    03/07 s&s (100+25) and FL - went to bed too late to get up for a run, postponed to tomorrow :/
    04/07 5km run and S&S (100+30)
    05-08/07 no workouts due to heat&time
    09/07 run 5km, 50squats, 20sit ups, 10knee push ups - i'm back on track!
    10/07 yoga & FL, evening 5km run
    11/07 rest day
    12/07 3.4km run, 60squats, 25situps, 10knee pushups
    13-15/07 no exercise due to busy weekend
    16/07 3.6km run
    17/07 yoga, 50squats, 20sit ups 10knee push ups, 20lunges
    18/07 yoga class
    19-21/07 no exercise, unwell
    22/07 yoga at home,20squats, 10sit ups,10knee push ups
    23/07 yoga, 40squats, 20sit ups, 12knee push ups
    24/07 run, 100squ, 30su, 15knee pu, cool down yoga
    25/07 100sq, 15 knee pu, 35su, short wake up yoga sequence, but yoga class planned for tonight
    26/07 run, 110squ, 20knee pu, 40su
    27/07 no exercises - job interview early in the morning and plans in eve
    28/07 run, 100squ, 50su, 20knee pu, short post run yoga
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    Is there going to be an August thread for this? I'd love to find a pushup check-in challenge (not restricted to pushups)
  • fraukazi
    fraukazi Posts: 614 Member
    @BMcC9 let's do it! I do push ups, squats and situps/crunches/leg raises, but would like to add planks in Aug.

    28/07 run, 100squ, 50su, 20knee pu, short post run yoga
    29/07 -
    30/07 run, 110sq, 50su, 25knee pu, short post run yoga
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    If you'll start the challenge thread (and post the name here so I can find it) I will SO be there! I will be doing a plank hold (variations) and either push-ups or tricep work.
  • fraukazi
    fraukazi Posts: 614 Member
    Thanks @emmab0902
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    there are good progress plans and info-videos about plank form at the top of https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10677813/60-minutes-per-month-plank-challenge-july-2018

    They only track planks, though. So a multi-purpose thread like ours will be is great news! I have already bookmarked it.
This discussion has been closed.