Help I'm lost

harley79 Posts: 79 Member
I'm 48 and weigh 323lbs. I'm at a list on where to start and Everytime I try a new program like WW or low carb or keto my mind sticks to it for a week or 2 and then gives up or I change plans to suit the way I want to eat.. I'm starting back on fitness pal even though the calories of 2100 is freaking me the hell out .. I don't know where to turn and feel like it's hopeless
P.S I also have to stop saying "Screw it" eat and be happy



  • harley79
    harley79 Posts: 79 Member
    I am 5'8" lol lol is that tall??
  • Kim_S_G
    Kim_S_G Posts: 120 Member
    As to where to start, read this:

    As to feeling hopeless: read some of the success stories, and see pictures of people just like you who lost a lot of weight. I find this very helpful. If other people my age and weight can do it, I know it is not impossible for me to do it.
  • harley79
    harley79 Posts: 79 Member
    Ty Booksgiver you r absolutely right every year I put it off i get older and older and I'll be saying I wish I did it when I was 48
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,545 Member
    You can eat what you like, as long as you don't eat more than your calorie allowance. So don't try to force some lifestyle onto you that isn't you. Don't do keto if you don't like not eating carbs, don't do anything else you don't like. Just eat, only less of it <3
  • Deviette
    Deviette Posts: 978 Member
    Echoing above comments: Ditch the all or nothing attitude. We are humans, we make mistakes, but that mistake doesn't need to ruin the day, or week, or month. If you sit there and say, "well I've eaten one cookie which has pushed me over my goal, I might as well eat the rest of the packet" Why? Try thinking of things over a week, or even a month. If you eat 100 kcal over your goal in one day that may seem like a lot in one day, but over the course of a week it's not a lot at all. As long as you stick to your goal the rest of the week, that 100 over, will probably be balanced out by the 20 under and 15 under that you'll gain from the rest of the days.

    If you're trying to achieve long term weight loss, you've got to aim to make long term changes in the way that you eat. If you're not prepared to stick to your plan once you reach your goal weight and go back to how you were eating before, then you'll just gain all that weight back again.
  • sharonedix
    sharonedix Posts: 28 Member
    New friend , the struggle real
    However I know there are ups and downs in life to be faced as we grow change struggle daily. But i am sure you can do this
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    harley79 wrote: »
    P.S I also have to stop saying "Screw it" eat and be happy


    if you're actually happy at your current weight, then thats fine, but the fact you seem to want to lose weight suggests otherwise?
  • kbmnurse1
    kbmnurse1 Posts: 316 Member
    Motivation comes from within. Your choices are eat healthy & exercise or don't. You might want to reflect on why you are sabotaging yourself.
  • stareeeyed1
    stareeeyed1 Posts: 10 Member
    I am 34 yo, 5'4", and at a weight loss goal of 1.5 lbs week. I currently have a calorie count 1300-1400 per day which I freaked out at when I first saw on MFP planner-- I find this doable for now after a few days of trying.I had been stuck for months w/ no results tracking my diet/exercise on my own in a spreadsheet old school. I stumbled upon MFP about 12 days ago and since using the trackers/calorie counters/food database I'm down 5 more lbs. so it was worth it to me to get over the slump I'd been in. Start there and see where it takes you. Everyone here understands the ups and downs.
  • deonbfit
    deonbfit Posts: 75 Member
    My sister has the same mentality as you (and I did too for a longgggg time). But it really just starts with small changes. My sister gets a bacon cheese burger with fries cheese and gravy (Poutine in Canada) on the side and eats it all in one sitting. But you need to start making sacrifices. Have the bacon cheese burger with a garden salad on the side instead. Or get the fries cheese and gravy but do a burger with no bun and just cheese. You don't need to be super restrictive to lose weight you just need to start making sacrifices at every meal. Think about the meal you want and how you can still have it but a healthier version. ground turkey or chicken instead of medium ground beef, zucchini noodles or bean sprouts instead of pasta (or half pasta half zucchini noodles), less rice more meat and veggies. Sauce on the side and dip in. baked instead of fried. etc etc etc.

    I am down 19 lbs and I have not given up anything! I'm constantly being mindful of what I'm about to eat, and I'm working to improve the foods I cant live without. I LOVE chicken wings. I eat them at least 2 times a week. I went from fried breaded to fried non breaded to grilled non breaded and now I'm starting to make them skinless.

    Shift your mindset to this and you will begin to see results. Good luck!
  • itsgood
    itsgood Posts: 85 Member
    Motivation gets you started, habit keeps you going!
    The mere thought of going restrictive and having to give up what you like is enough to stop most people in their tracks. Still, many of us get caught in the trap of thinking "I'm going to start right nowand change my ways!" only to get discouraged and let it go. The intention is good, the motivation is real, it's just not always a very effective approach, and the last thing you need is to feel like you've failed.
    Try this...rather than take away, ADD the things you know you want to be eating. Make a deal with yourself to do something like add roasted or steamed vegetables to whatever your meal is and work toward making them 50% of what you eat. Gradually reduce the quantity of things you don't want to be eating. But don't feel you have to give things up. Start to track food so that you'll become aware of what you're actually eating in a day. When you really know what you're consuming, you become much more in control of your choices and will find yourself able to decide what you can and can't do without. Be okay with tweaking things along the way. Don't be in a hurry for dramatic results. It takes a while, and can be oh so frustrating. But it happens! You really can do this!
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    Morbid obesity is not a good place to be......hence the word "morbid". Is your relationship with food worth that word?
    You want to change a lifestyle and it takes time to build good habits as well as "awareness".
    Get the word "diet" out of your vocabulary.
    Start by logging here on MFP and follow the calories that are issued to you from this website and MOVE!
    If you don't do anything it is just getting worse year after year......its up to YOU to change your life! Do not depend on others as well as blame others......its only you and your game!
    I am 61yo and I have been losing slowly but I am living life and improving my health and attitude as I am living.
    Love going thru my own closet and trying on things that I haven't worn in years and they fit!
    Either you extend your life or shorten it! Which are you going to pick???
  • GOT_Obsessed
    GOT_Obsessed Posts: 817 Member
    1 thing that helped me was a date in the future that is important to me. Not a deadline but just a date to think about. Last fall I thought about Canada Day long weekend. We have a big celebration with company from out of province. It just hit me last fall that if I dealt with my weight now, come July 1st I would be much smaller.

    And you know what? It's July 4th and I am under 2 lbs away from my goal. Had I said screw it like I often did in the past, I would still be 57 lbs heavier than now or even more. Think of Christmas, your bIrthday, anniversary, etc. Would it not be awesome to have dropped some weight by then? Best of luck. I hope you find what will stick for you.
  • harley79
    harley79 Posts: 79 Member
    You guys are awesome!! It sounds so simple and probably is I don't know why I think it will never be for me and that I can never achieve it!!
    I'm so strong in other areas of my life uuggh
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    harley79 wrote: »
    You guys are awesome!! It sounds so simple and probably is I don't know why I think it will never be for me and that I can never achieve it!!
    I'm so strong in other areas of my life uuggh

    Simple /= Easy. One day at at time, making sustainable changes, You will fail some days. That's ok. Just don't let those days outnumber the days you kick *kitten*.