Has anyone tried keto?!

So my step mother and a few friends have actually lost tons of weight by doing keto! My problem is that I’m a vegetarian so I’m not sure if keto would really work for me? I haven’t looked too much into it. Thought I’d check here and see if anyone has any success stories or if there are any vegetarian ways of doing it!

Pros are obviously multiple people I know personally who it’s worked for!

Cons the whole only fat thing has me sort of skeptical because I love fresh veggies and salads (again I haven’t looked too much into it I’m not sure how it all works or why I can eat)

My family and I have been talking about it lately anyone have any advice?

I’ve been doing the cabbage soup diet and it’s been GREAT for me! Although it’s not exactly a long term type of diet and I’m looking for a lifestyle change something that I can really commit to!




  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    @nvmomketo I understand where you're coming from, but it's important that we pick our words carefully with new dieters. Suggesting that keto often leads to better health more often than not translates into "keto is the best diet for health for everyone" because new dieters lack the information nuances to make non-binary conclusions. This is especially important when OP states a preference for a diet that isn't very compatible with keto and would feel pressured to eat in a way they don't enjoy and can't sustain because they think it's "better for you". Providing concise information that sets people up for success is better, regardless of our own dieting practices and preferences.

    To OP:
    People lose weight by eating fewer calories than they burn. This happens on every single diet that you can imagine that works for someone. Keto has the added factor of quick water weight loss, which is why your stepmother and friends lost "a ton of weight". Any weight lost beyond that is simply because they ate fewer calories than they burned. If at any point they decide to stop doing keto, a lot of that water weight will come back within a few days.

    Finding a "lifestyle" is not a single choice you commit to, it's a process of trial and error and investigation to find which eating practices you find pleasant and sustainable. Keep in mind that your results will likely be slower than on any crash diet you've been on, which is a good thing, because you want to lose weight in a healthy sustainable way. Here is a good "diet" to try for starters, after which you may feel more confident to customize things to your liking.


    Well said!