What kicked your REAR into GEAR???



  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    Gall bladder issues brought on by years of overeating and bad eating. There is nothing like gall bladder pain to wake you up. It took about six months to get that straightened out. I'm better now, but I found I like the way I feel when I eat more healthy. I like the way I feel being down 54lbs.

    What's kept my rear in gear the last six week is that my boyfriend broke up with me. There is nothing like wanting to look good for the next time we run into each other...its kept me very motivated.

    Whatever works!!
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    I was one lb away from 250.
    And that's a scary thought
    I never want to weigh that much.
    That's like two of me. ;n;
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    I fought my weight my entire life. I knew I needed to lose weight, but lacked the discipline, until we moved into a new house. The shower is directly across from the sinks with the huge mirror behind them. HOLY COW!! I did not like what I saw at all. I knew I could not keep looking at that every morning. I knew if I didn't do something soon, it would just get harder as I got older.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    Gall bladder issues brought on by years of overeating and bad eating. There is nothing like gall bladder pain to wake you up. It took about six months to get that straightened out. I'm better now, but I found I like the way I feel when I eat more healthy. I like the way I feel being down 54lbs.

    What's kept my rear in gear the last six week is that my boyfriend broke up with me. There is nothing like wanting to look good for the next time we run into each other...its kept me very motivated.

    Whatever works!!

    Girl, I hear about wanting to rub that hotness in the face of those who've rejected you! Lol. I can't wait for the day when I reach my goal and go back to my high school reunion and be all like "yeah... that ugly, chubby, shy girl has been replaced by this tall glass of sexy." lol
  • ElMangosta
    I went on a camping trip in Kings Canyon last summer. I looked at the pictures and thought "Wow, you have no muscle, a fat belly, and are getting man boobs. What is wrong with you??"

    It took until this March for me to get my butt into high gear. I got back into Water and Fire Damage Restoration - the industry I was born for - and it's very physically demanding, so I knew that after over a year in a sales job that had me in a depression, I would need to regain my strength. I never ate poorly (I actually have to eat mostly paleo because of my food intolerances), but I was not exercising at all. So my first step was to go to Fitness Wave and get my body composition analyzed. She said my lean mass was low and my body fat was high. Now that I had my starting point, I could set realistic goals. Now my eyes are on the prize.

    I am averaging 2.5 lbs of weight gained per month, I feel like superman, and seeing the weight that I'm using increase constantly is incredible motivation. I am loving it. I've finally gotten back into that positive feedback loop of fitness and I refuse to let myself slip out of it. I also will be going back to Fitness Wave to retest in a couple months. That will be a huge motivator as well
  • OLDCell
    OLDCell Posts: 3
    Want to get rid of stomache before my wedding in April next year, be slim n trim for my wife to be! Plus needed doing for health.
  • pattycakes80
    pattycakes80 Posts: 118 Member
    for the past 10 + years i have struggled with depression and obsessive compulsive disorder. last summer, after a horrible episode that left me hospitalized, i agreed to weekly therapy, not expecting much.

    my life completely changed.

    not only did my mental health improve, but the fog that i was living beneath began to lift. i found the part of me that believes i could achieve my goals as well as the part of me that forgave myself and a part of me that refused to give in to the shame.

    i have tried losing weight over and over again, but it was never for myself and i was never in a healthy enough space to truly dedicate my efforts to any goals.

    with the tools that therapy has armed me with, i am able to tackle the next phase of a healthier me. i have the brain working better, now the body is going to follow.

    when you are ready, you know. you just do.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    Last summer marked the second year in a row that I was unable to get up on 1 water ski. I have been skiing since I was a "tween", so at the end of last year I vowed that I would not let it be 3 yrs in a row. A few weeks ago, after 7 months on MFP and 25 lbs lost (and shortly after my 60th birthday), I did it.
  • iTrainHARD
    The day when the only thing left in my closet that would fit me was a pair of stretchy yoga pants that were already being tested beyond the limits of physics.
  • Antoine112
    Antoine112 Posts: 49 Member
    A couple of months ago just for the heck of it... Signed up for a free health test organized by a reputed hospital around here. The tests revealed that my cholestrol level was border line high! That freaked me out because I was always an active and health concious person. Trying to find ways to lower cholestrol on the Internet helped me discover mfp! So glad I did!
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    MFP all the way.
  • Anewdress
    For me it was a combination of things.
    1) I gained 12 kilos (about 23 pounds) in between being 16 and 18 year old.
    2) My dad told me I was beautiful, and would be even more beautiful if I lost a little weight. Even though it sounds harsh, it was true. (I am 5'2" and weighed in at 150 pounds)
    3) my grandmother suffers from severe diabetes. She was diagnosed when she was 60. I looked just like her when she was my age. That frightened me.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I'd say opportunity, honestly. I gained weight over a period of several months during which a lot of stuff happened all at once, leaving me with little time for fitness and depending on quick/easy/not too healthy foods. My husband's cousin died of cancer in December, and my stepmother passed away of cancer as well less than 48 hours later- so with it came family gatherings, funerals, and a lot of time spent sitting down and working through paperwork. On top of it, I went back to school (online) last year, which left me pretty sedentary. Then there was the fact that I got married in April, and had a lot of things to do and crafts to make there. On top of all that, I came down with mystery digestive ailment that had me sick, almost constantly, for over six months straight. You'd think I'd have lost weight, given how sick I was- but I gained because I felt queasy whenever I moved and my metabolism got messed up and... blah, blah, blah. At the end of the day, every spare second of my time was devoted to something and, when I wasn't working on that stuff, I was lying in bed sick.

    My doctor finally wound up finding a medication that worked for my health issues, right around the same time I got married and finished school for the summer. As soon as the opportunity presented itself for me to get active again, I seized it with both hands and ran with it. I'll admit, I'm a bit nervous about how I'll handle things once I go back to school next month and start my new job in a week and a half- but at the same time, I think I'm better equipped to deal with that stuff than I was before because I have a routine now, and because my health is so much better.
  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    I saw picture of myself a little over a year ago. It was on easter and I took a few pictures with my boyfriend. When I saw how big my arms where and how round my face was, it just clicked.
    I started to lose the weight!
    I didn't start to track my weight till about 9 months ago on mfp.
    I have lost 11 pounds and can't wait to keep going!
    Same thing, I looked at one picture of the side profile and saw my belly button start showing up in a XL shirt, and that's it. I scared myself! Now I occasionally hijack my wife wardrobe on workout tank top. (the more manlier ones) And it fits. Now So far 40 lbs off and 10 to go.
  • spider_mark51959
    spider_mark51959 Posts: 2,830 Member
    So angry with myself that save for sweats, not a single piece of clothing that I owned fit me in January of this year. I lived in sweats and other stretchy/baggy clothing. It is much better now having gotten to work!
  • Helenca76
    Helenca76 Posts: 125 Member
    For me it was in Feburary this year. A huge asthma attack that put me in hospital made me realise that if I was fitter and healthier, I would never have suffered so badly and taken three weeks to recover from it. That and a picture of me at a party in March. I thought I looked ok but some friends posted pictures on facebook and I was horrified! I was the biggest person there so started the diet end of March and am down 20lbs so far (10 doing my own thing, 10 since 16 June when I finally decided to join MFP). Have thrown out my UK size 18 clothes cause I am never goin back to that size again. Have a long way to go to get to my goal weight but I am doing it slowly and surely and WILL get there this time!
  • LilyOfTheValleu
    My friends and I were talking about who would survive the longest if we were stranded on an island. I had 'tried' multiple times before to lose weight, but this time it just really hit home when my friend looked at me and said "Well, no offense, but I think you and I would die first, you know, we're both in horrible shape." I had been playfully teased like this countless times before, but I guess that was just the final straw. I was done with hiding in baggy clothes and being joked about.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I made a commitment to get in the habit of going to the gym everyday. I hated working out at first, but kept doing it anyway. I don't hate it anymore.
  • nichi123
    nichi123 Posts: 244
    I was quite large and by joining here I lost 42lbs. Then I regained it after I discovered I was Bipolar. I realised the weight had crept back on and I was starting to get out of breath - even bending down! The pics of myself was the last straw. Now I'm back on it! For good!!
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    I made myself a promise to be there for the kids and the grandchildren and I was realising I was breaking that promise. the clothes getting tigther and tigther + the scale going up confirmed it for me. Took me 20 pounds, but then it was really enough for me.