Have you ever met someone from this site in real life?



  • Caporegiem
    Caporegiem Posts: 4,297 Member
    I'd love to but no one lives near me :cry:

    You literally live as far from most everyone as possible.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member
    JustSomeEm wrote: »
    bufger wrote: »
    I haven't formed any close friendships here but yeah after a year or two if I made a close friend I would meet up. I've met some good friends via different communities over the years and I'm still in contact with many of them.

    I think you can learn a lot about someone online. It's rare to catfish for over a year without some kind of validation (call or video chat) at some point! You can also tell a lot about a person from their FB posts - if they have no internet history then avoid.

    What happens if they either have a common name OR have strict privacy settings? Avoid? And just curious why?

    Curious about this too since I keep a low internet profile for work reasons.

    To answer the original question: yes, one person.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member
    bufger wrote: »
    JustSomeEm wrote: »
    bufger wrote: »
    I haven't formed any close friendships here but yeah after a year or two if I made a close friend I would meet up. I've met some good friends via different communities over the years and I'm still in contact with many of them.

    I think you can learn a lot about someone online. It's rare to catfish for over a year without some kind of validation (call or video chat) at some point! You can also tell a lot about a person from their FB posts - if they have no internet history then avoid.

    What happens if they either have a common name OR have strict privacy settings? Avoid? And just curious why?

    @JustSomeEm I consider Facebook the closest you'll get to see a true person on the internet. They have family and friends , work colleagues etc. What they post and the company they keep says a lot about them. To consider them a friend I would meet I'd expect we would add each other on Facebook first.

    If the person doesn't have much internet history (i.e. On FB Less than a year or no friends/family added) it's more likely they aren't who they say they are. This is from my experience of course - I've been a server moderator, admin and ambassador to international chat rooms and P2P services and I've responded to hundreds of weirdo complaints and catfish claims. I've also met at least 30 people from various community groups.

    Yikes. I have no family other than my elderly father, who probably has only a vague idea of what Facebook is, and even less interest in signing up. I think I have maybe 40 friends on there, all people I know IRL.

    * pinches self to see if I'm real *
  • bojack5
    bojack5 Posts: 2,859 Member
    bojack5 wrote: »
    I'd love to but no one lives near me :cry:

    Aside from my stalker anyone ive met from here required me getting on a plane......

    That's right - I've heard about her

    Caporegiem wrote: »
    I'd love to but no one lives near me :cry:

    You literally live as far from most everyone as possible.

    I knowwwwwww, it stinks

    Sooo....do they have planes where you live? Maybe they have planes where an MFP friend lives? I'd say there is no excuse not to see/meet someone if you really wanted to :)
  • bojack5
    bojack5 Posts: 2,859 Member
    bojack5 wrote: »
    bojack5 wrote: »
    I'd love to but no one lives near me :cry:

    Aside from my stalker anyone ive met from here required me getting on a plane......

    That's right - I've heard about her

    Caporegiem wrote: »
    I'd love to but no one lives near me :cry:

    You literally live as far from most everyone as possible.

    I knowwwwwww, it stinks

    Sooo....do they have planes where you live? Maybe they have planes where an MFP friend lives? I'd say there is no excuse not to see/meet someone if you really wanted to :)

    My problem is all of the people that I want to meet are too spaced out and that would equal a ton of plane fare. What I need is a MFP reunion in a central location.

    A pool party in NY perhaps?
  • bojack5
    bojack5 Posts: 2,859 Member
    bojack5 wrote: »
    bojack5 wrote: »
    bojack5 wrote: »
    I'd love to but no one lives near me :cry:

    Aside from my stalker anyone ive met from here required me getting on a plane......

    That's right - I've heard about her

    Caporegiem wrote: »
    I'd love to but no one lives near me :cry:

    You literally live as far from most everyone as possible.

    I knowwwwwww, it stinks

    Sooo....do they have planes where you live? Maybe they have planes where an MFP friend lives? I'd say there is no excuse not to see/meet someone if you really wanted to :)

    My problem is all of the people that I want to meet are too spaced out and that would equal a ton of plane fare. What I need is a MFP reunion in a central location.

    A pool party in NY perhaps?

    Lol that's right, I'd forgotten about that

    I will leave the keys to the house under the front door mat, if I'm not there just go in and throw the party.....I'm sure I will be there shortly
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    So it's settled. Pool party at @bojack5 house.
  • millionsofpeaches1
    millionsofpeaches1 Posts: 409 Member
    Yup. Just one, when I was traveling. There are a few more I’d like to meet. But the Dakotas are kind of not close to many
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    Yup. Just one, when I was traveling. There are a few more I’d like to meet. But the Dakotas are kind of not close to many

  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    Nope, pretty sure most people would find me offputting if they met me in person, anyway.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    Yup. Just one, when I was traveling. There are a few more I’d like to meet. But the Dakotas are kind of not close to many

    pfffft.... the Dakotas ain't close to nuthin'.

  • millionsofpeaches1
    millionsofpeaches1 Posts: 409 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Yup. Just one, when I was traveling. There are a few more I’d like to meet. But the Dakotas are kind of not close to many


    Haha you are the only one I know of.
  • cammiecane
    cammiecane Posts: 62 Member
    bojack5 wrote: »

    I will leave the keys to the house under the front door mat, if I'm not there just go in and throw the party.....I'm sure I will be there shortly

    I’m invited too, right?! 😇
  • go_cubs
    go_cubs Posts: 1,183 Member
    No but would love to meet some of these cool cats
  • Continue_My_Dear
    Continue_My_Dear Posts: 200 Member
    Yes! It did not go as well as I hoped. We are no longer friends...

    Story time with @Continue_My_Dear
    Gather 'round

    Alright young ones gather 'round. This is a tale of dishonesty. Once a young girl befriended me, she told me she lived close and I was excited with the prospect of a walking partner. We planned to meet at a local park to walk. It turns out my friend Kelsey was actually named Michael and was 17 years older than he said he was. So I left and deleted and blocked him. Moral of the story maybe talk on the phone first...
  • joemac1988
    joemac1988 Posts: 1,021 Member
    I was spotted at a Panera 3 hours from home...she didn't talk to me, just PM'd to confirm it was in fact me.
  • striderb
    striderb Posts: 5,843 Member
    Anyone on here in the Boston area?
  • cdlee05mfp
    cdlee05mfp Posts: 1,139 Member
    joemac1988 wrote: »
    I was spotted at a Panera 3 hours from home...she didn't talk to me, just PM'd to confirm it was in fact me.

    so a legit "what would you do if you spotted the above poster in a coffee shop" forum scenario right there lol
  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    Whatever everybody, New Zealand is as far from anywhere as you can get. I've been travelling from Hobbiton to Mordor for weeks now, believe me!!

    Im on my way! Be there by next summer...
  • iamthemotherofdogs
    iamthemotherofdogs Posts: 562 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    There are some that are on my Actively Planning to Meet list and quite a few more on my radar so that if I’m ever in their area I’ll see to it they get unbusy

    Come to Georgia.