15lbs by November



  • metubal
    metubal Posts: 290 Member
    I'd like to join, but can't seem to add myself to the spreadsheet

    I couldn't do it on my phone either. Eventually I went to my computer and added myself to the spreadsheet there. You could give that a try maybe.
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    @metubal, Thank you. No computer. My Granddaughter fried mine for me months ago. :smirk: I'll just post on this thread every week.
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    •15 lbs by November•

    SW: (8/1) 186.8

    August 6: 186.2
    August 13
    August 20
    August 27

    September 3
    September 10
    September 17
    September 24

    October 1
    October 8
    October 15
    October 22
    October 29

  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    I cranked up my chromebook and it stayed on. I added my data to the spreadsheet. I will still post my info on this thread. I don't know what the CB is gonna do and may not be able to update.
  • SuzOh
    SuzOh Posts: 262 Member
    Just joining today
    8/7/18 - SW - 205 lbs
  • MiaisMIAinMiami
    MiaisMIAinMiami Posts: 196 Member
    Just joined on the spreadsheet. Looking forward to kicking butt with y’all!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Hello everyone. I am so sorry I haven’t been participating this week at all. My kid broke my laptop last weekend (dropped it on the floor and it just died). My husband ordered one from his job to replace it but I don’t know how long this will take. I hate doing this stuff on my phone because I have such dumb fingers and make so many mistakes and it takes me FOREVER to type out a simple message. So until I get a computer again I won’t be posting much at all but I am still here and trying my best. Not much of a loss this week but I am ok with this. I am only down 0.3 lbs. This is the first time I get in the 180’s and actually stay there 2 weeks in a row. I usually shoot right back up.

    I wish you all a great week! I’m still here keeping an eye out and reading you all. Let’s kick butt!!
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    Happy weighin day everyone!
  • seamonster111
    seamonster111 Posts: 18 Member
    A little late to the race but count me in too!
    Weigh in today is 187. I’ll try to figure out the spreadsheet. 😜
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    •15 lbs by November•

    SW: (8/1) 186.8

    August 6: 186.2

    August 13: 185.8 - fluid retention - 185 yesterday. I've been bouncing around the 185 increments for the past week.

    August 20
    August 27

    September 3

    October 1


  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,584 Member
    Awesome idea - just recorded. Let's have a really successful week :)
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Happy Saturday!! Good news...I've gotten a new laptop!! Hopefully I will now be able to comment and post a bit more. The only issue with it will be that its a swiss keyboard which will take some taking used to.

    A few new things for me this week.

    1. I started doing IF again altho it hasn't been perfect but I know I am getting there. I was actually doing really well until halfway through the week which is when I started eating crap food.

    2. I got myself back to the gym this week. I did an hour on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I have been doing a 20 minute brisk walk, 20 minute elliptical, and 20 minute bike each time.

    3. My pysio finally started working on my shoulders. He will be working on my left one for now until my hip is sorted then we will be alternating the shoulders every other session.

    Just weighed in and I’m down another 1.8 lbs This week! Yay!!
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    •15 lbs by November•

    SW: (8/1) 186.8

    August 6: 186.2
    August 13: 185.8 - fluid retention - 185 yesterday. I've been bouncing around the 185 increments for the past week.

    August 20 - 184 - Finally some relief from fluid retention.

    August 27
    September 3
    October 1

  • raspberriliana
    raspberriliana Posts: 61 Member
    A pretty solid "whoosh" for me this week, I was retaining some water because of all the salty deliciousness I consumed on a trip!
    And I'm just 100g away from reaching the 50s (in kg), which has always been nirvana territory for me :D
  • amylynnwolfe1
    amylynnwolfe1 Posts: 10 Member
    I want to join!
  • Merlotmom16
    Merlotmom16 Posts: 124 Member
    Rough week. vacation and the loss of my father. I gained 6 lbs. I'm trying to get back on track but I still have one more week of family events and being away from home.
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    @Merlotmom16, So very sorry for your loss. My condolences.
  • Just a little happy note- I have struggled with binge eating my whole life. I eat based on my emotions and since I began my 30lb weight loss journey late July, I've been battling it. Within the first week of this challenge, I lost 2.8 pounds. Unfortunately, I binged and gained almost 5 back. It's been a constant cycle. Losing weight, bingeing, gaining it back. BUT. I have had a large breakthrough and have slowly been breaking my bingeing cycle. I've been meeting my 1300-1500 calorie intake with ease. I got on the scale and I have lost 4.4 pounds in about 10 days!! I'm lighter than I was before I had that large binge!! This is actually the lightest I've been during this whole weight loss journey! This just goes to show that losing weight isn't only a physical battle, but a mental one. I can't wait to finish this challenge with all of you!!
  • raspberriliana
    raspberriliana Posts: 61 Member
    Just a little happy note- I have struggled with binge eating my whole life. I eat based on my emotions and since I began my 30lb weight loss journey late July, I've been battling it. Within the first week of this challenge, I lost 2.8 pounds. Unfortunately, I binged and gained almost 5 back. It's been a constant cycle. Losing weight, bingeing, gaining it back. BUT. I have had a large breakthrough and have slowly been breaking my bingeing cycle. I've been meeting my 1300-1500 calorie intake with ease. I got on the scale and I have lost 4.4 pounds in about 10 days!! I'm lighter than I was before I had that large binge!! This is actually the lightest I've been during this whole weight loss journey! This just goes to show that losing weight isn't only a physical battle, but a mental one. I can't wait to finish this challenge with all of you!!

    You are absolutely right about the mental aspect of weight loss. The binge/restrict cycle is a tough battle to fight, I'm recovering from BED and I haven't had a binge since February. Sadly, tracking calories and being overobsessive is what got me into this mess. I don't know your story and what's causing your binges, but just remember to be kind to yourself. I'm rooting for you!