Help! My fridge is overrun with zucchini!



  • hamminit
    hamminit Posts: 184 Member
    I gotta share this.

    2 years ago I was working in West Hope, ND. It is a great town with great people, population 429.

    One day I made a comment on everyone leaving their cars unlocked and often left running in the middle of down town while the owners took care of business. The person told me the only time they locked their cars was during gardening season. "Gardening season, why only then?", I asked. The person replied, "cuz if your friends find your car unlocked they fill it with zucchini! LOL

    thats hilarious :)
  • jmom376
    jmom376 Posts: 234 Member
    Thank you for the ideas. I have 3 zucchini's I need to use tomorrow.
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    Me too...

    I got tired of the zucchini bread (in about 20 different forms), tired of it grilled (although with a little seasoning, that's good).
    There's boiled zucchini and baked zucchini and zucchini soup (or minestrone with a good dose of squash thrown in), raw spears with hummus dip or sliced in your salad...I'm beginning to sound like Bubba in the Forrest Gump movie!

    Before you panic at the words breaded and fried, an occasional breaded and fried zucchini is delish, and doesn't have to be too fattening. Eat in moderation!

    1 medium zucchini, sliced about 1/4 inch, washed and pat dry
    Egg white bath (the yolk can make it taste soggy)
    Press Italian bread crumbs onto both sides - I also add a wee bit of diced cilantro on both sides or sprinkle lightly with hot pepper seeds or sometimes lemon pepper.
    Fry on medium high heat in just enough oil to coat bottom of heavy skillet - the key is only enough time on both sides to brown
    Salt and pepper to taste
  • eylia
    eylia Posts: 200 Member
    I'm in love with zucchini pasta at the moment, if you have a julienne peeler or a spiralizer it's super easy. You can freeze it once it's done too, if you need to. Goes nicely in a stir fry, or the other night I made up a spicy bolognese meat sauce and served on top of some zoodles I'd tossed with a tiny bit of parmesan-super tasty.

    Zucchini bake is yummy too, just a potato bake, but scrap the potato.

    Slices, quiches and frittatas too, all go perfectly with zucchini.
    I've got this bookmarked for later in the week, but sounds like an easy go to thing to keep in the fridge.
  • saphyreplatypus
    I have a zucchini "pasta" in pesto sauce recipe that is quite tasty!

    3-4 zucchinis julienned (or cut with a spiralizer) to make the "pasta"

    2 cloves garlic
    1 cup fresh basil
    3/4 cup pine nuts
    3 TBSP flax oil
    3 TBSP olive oil
    3 TBSP lemon juice

    Pour all ingredients (except zucchini) into a food processor and blend well
    Pour over zucchini and mix well
    You can either eat this as is, or heat in saute pan on stove til zucchini is "au dente"

  • DaniKPudgie
    DaniKPudgie Posts: 34 Member
    zucchini bread is great you can get recipies on

    ^this or zucchini fries
  • missQ79
    missQ79 Posts: 7 Member
    I made zucchini boats tonight. I use my watermelon baller to scoop out the flesh, rough chopped it with tomatoes, garlic and fresh mozzarella, and Italian dressing (next time I will be using balsamic vinaigrette). Topped it with a little bacon bits and baked I, broiling at the end. It was about 90 cals per half boat, very filling, and very delicious. Might be my new favorite way to make zucchini.
  • bhannana
    bhannana Posts: 22 Member

    I second the zucchini chips vote!! Here's another version:

    You can use an entire zucchini, eat the whole thing, and not even notice. Don't slice them thinner than a quarter though, or they will stick to the pan/baking mat. I've seasoned them with sweet chili powder and a bit of salt, or with thyme, rosemary, and oregano. Be careful with the salt though!!
  • Fitmommy1020
    Fitmommy1020 Posts: 2 Member
    zucchini lasagna! slice the zucchini thin and use in place of lasagna noodles. so yum and no carbs!!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Our basic,
    1. steamed, seasoned, with cheese.
    2. sliced into slabs, coated with olive oil, grilled, then seasoned and drizzled with a touch of lemon and butter.
    3. If you have a Spiralizer you can make zucchini noodles, eaten raw with drizzled olive oil and flavors/seasonings of your choice.
    4. Sliced into sticks served with homemade ranch dressing/dip (plain nonfat greek yogurt plus added seasonings and optional mayonnaise stirred in)

    I don't limit myself to when I can eat it, I often eat it for breakfast (yes, I have a garden, too)

    They can also be dressed up as VeggieTales lol as my children have done with the oversized ones:laugh:
  • janupshaw
    janupshaw Posts: 205 Member
    I have 2 favorite zucchini bread recipes, pumpkin zucchini and pineapple zucchini. For portion control, I bake in mini loaf pans & freeze them.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Bread & Butter pickles. /thread :laugh:
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Just made this tonight (using turkey), so good!

    It's good sliced and roasted with a spray of cooking spray and a little parm and salt/pepper
  • CrazyCatLadylovescats
    Use as one of your vegetables in curry or stir fry.
    Oil baking sheet, place rounds on it, put grated cheese on the top, bake. (Serve in place of pasta with the sauce and it is delish!)
    Grill it.
    Use it in place of pasta when making lasagna.
    Brown some ground meat, add cut up squash, add a can of tomatoes and some cheese at the very end.
    Bake it with cut up chicken and other vegetables and your favorite spice mix.
    Put it in with Lion's Head Meatballs.
    Add to pot pies.
    Add to scrambled eggs in the morning (kind of like napales.)
    Add to salads (grated large)
    Add to pasta dishes with other fresh vegetables (like green beans, tomatoes, cucumber...)
    Grate and add to salmon cakes or pie.
    Stuff with meat and cheese and bake.

    This time of year, almost every meal has some zucchini in it at my house. If I could get it into the kid's cereal without them noticing, I would do so!
  • pchesnut
    pchesnut Posts: 347 Member
    The way my mom always did it is the way I do it now. My kids love it and of course so do I because of sentimental reasons.

    Cut the zucchini into slices about 1/2 inch thick
    dip into beaten egg
    dip into flour
    sprinkle on salt, pepper, dash of onion salt and salad supreme (if you aren't familiar with this spice, it is AWESOME)
    Then fry it on a griddle set at highest setting. Cook until zucchini is tender to cut with fork (only takes a few min on each side)
    eat while it's still piping hot. sooooooo yummy!
  • hutchy90
    hutchy90 Posts: 67 Member
    I am going to try these Zucchini Chips - They look sooo good!


    olive oil

    1. Slice very thin and press between sheets of paper towels to remove moisture.
    2. Line up on a baking sheet and brush with olive oil, sprinkle w salt.
    3. Bake at 225 for 2+ hours till they dry and crisp.
  • ktully93
    ktully93 Posts: 160 Member
    Zucchini tots off of or chocolate zucchini bread off of
  • EirePetal
    EirePetal Posts: 54 Member
    I didn't read through the thread to see if someone already suggested this, so if this is a repeat, I apologize.

    If you make fruit smoothies at all (that is what I have for breakfast) than put some in your smoothy. Zucchini is so mild, the fruit flavors cover it all. Plus it means that an extra vegetable serving was snuck in. Recently I have been putting kale in my smothies and I have also put in spinach. Zucchini is by far the best since you don't even know that it is there.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    i use chopped zuchhini in everything. I put it in my eggs, use it as a vegetable in stir fry or basically any kind of dish. I get about one small to medium zuchhini every day or every other day from my plants. it's excellent for you and works in almost any dish.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Dry it.