Keto failure



  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    edited August 2018
    jla5774 wrote: »
    A lot of us people who come by it naturally found that skipping breakfast made us feel less hungry throughout the day. I just have tea throughout the day until around 3:00 or 4:00 and I'm fine. When I ate breakfast, if I didn't eat something every 3 hours or so, I was a crazy person. It was really weird. I've heard other people share similar stories.

    I think this is similar to how some people thrive on low carb diets and some people thrive on more mixed macros. It's just down to individual differences.

    So if you are only eating during g a very small window do you watch calories? Do you eat whatever you want? Have you lost weight this way? Curious. I have a lot of weight to lose and am wanting to try different techniques to help me reach that point.

    You have to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight, no matter how often, what time of the day, or in between what hours you eat your calories. Timing is irrelevant. If you eat too many calories, you gain weight - it doesn’t matter if they’re eaten In one meal a day or ten meals a day.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    jla5774 wrote: »
    A lot of us people who come by it naturally found that skipping breakfast made us feel less hungry throughout the day. I just have tea throughout the day until around 3:00 or 4:00 and I'm fine. When I ate breakfast, if I didn't eat something every 3 hours or so, I was a crazy person. It was really weird. I've heard other people share similar stories.

    I think this is similar to how some people thrive on low carb diets and some people thrive on more mixed macros. It's just down to individual differences.

    So if you are only eating during g a very small window do you watch calories? Do you eat whatever you want? Have you lost weight this way? Curious. I have a lot of weight to lose and am wanting to try different techniques to help me reach that point.

    You have to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight, no matter how often, what time of the day, or in between what hours you eat your calories. Timing is irrelevant. If you eat too many calories, you gain weight - it doesn’t matter if they’re eaten In one meal a day or ten meals a day.

    Agreed you must have deficit to lose weight. I am doing keto and losing weight so therefore I must be in deficit. I am also doing his without counting which is something that I had started gaining without doing previously (insert surplus here). Unless keto has some miracle fat burning component that reverses the world as we know it and still works with a surplus of calories. I think it is more plausible that my appetite is less than what it was and I am not storing carbs as excess fat. I do feel that a fast could burn some added fat but if the result is eating double the calories later I don't see much benefit. Just an opinion.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    jla5774 wrote: »
    A lot of us people who come by it naturally found that skipping breakfast made us feel less hungry throughout the day. I just have tea throughout the day until around 3:00 or 4:00 and I'm fine. When I ate breakfast, if I didn't eat something every 3 hours or so, I was a crazy person. It was really weird. I've heard other people share similar stories.

    I think this is similar to how some people thrive on low carb diets and some people thrive on more mixed macros. It's just down to individual differences.

    So if you are only eating during g a very small window do you watch calories? Do you eat whatever you want? Have you lost weight this way? Curious. I have a lot of weight to lose and am wanting to try different techniques to help me reach that point.

    Yes, I count calories. My appetite doesn't naturally regulate my caloric intake. I've skipped breakfast for years and was my highest weight as a breakfast skipper and at my lowest weight as a breakfast skipper.

    Meal timing is irrelevant. It does help me stick to my calorie goals, though. When I was obese and skipped breakfast, I pretty much just ate too much food and snacked too much. Now I eat two meals, with my food weighed and measured and my calories counted, and I'm done.

    I've lost 90 pounds and kept it off.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    rsclause wrote: »
    Not having success with Keyto yourself I think you are missing a key point. It is not about starving or craving. It is eating until full (satisfied) and stopping. It is normal to not feel hungry and skip a meal. Many choose to eliminate one meal a day but nowhere do I find that there is a need to overeat the other two meals. I am curious how long you tried it? I was having some doubts as my running has really sucked since I started. No energy, no endurance and my legs felt they were blubber without muscle. My run yesterday felt better so I hope that means I am fat adapted and can start getting energy from fat. I am still early in this lifestyle change and clearly still learning it but so far I am happy with it.

    I'm assuming you meant IF, not Keto. My problem with Keto probably stemmed around the fact that I was in maintenance (I have been in maintenance more or less for about 2+ years give or take). Since I exercise a lot and did not want to lose a lot of weight, I needed to eat enough calories to maintain and fuel my exercise. At the time I tried IF I was working out 5 days a week for about two hours on those days. I'd get up early do circuit training/crossfit for 45 minutes, then go for a run for about 30 minutes, then come back and finish with more circuit training or weight lifting. Overall it was boosting my need for calories up to 600-700 more per day unless I wanted to burn muscle and lose weight. However, I had hoped that IF would help me burn off some fat (since that's sorta the purpose) during recomp.

    I am aware that losing fat means losing weight but I was looking for more of a trade off between muscle and fat. I knew it would take a long time anyway (recomp is a slow slow process) but gave IF a try for about three months. I experienced no weight gain or loss (didn't really expect any) but the other thing that I experienced was no fat loss and my acid reflux (which had been gone for almost two years) returned, indigestion returned, and so did irregularity. I didn't change my macros, the only thing I changed was using the 16:8 schedule for IF. I'd fast from 8pm to noon the next day skipping breakfast and eating my first large meal at noon. I'd eat all I could stomach for lunch (around 1200-1400 calories) then at night for dinner around 7 I'd try to eat my remaining calories which were also 1400-1800. Those numbers fluctuated a bit depending on how much I burned that day but you get the idea. There just was no benefit to it for me. It may work better for others, I'm not saying it has no benefit at all, just didn't work for me. Within 30 days of going off IF and back to my normal 3-5 meals a day schedule and staying at maintenance the side effects are gone (no more acid reflux, indigestion, irregularity).

    Keto, honestly I've not given a serious try. My doctor is against it, too high of fat she says would not be good for me at my age. She says my labs are good for now, and best they've been since I started my journey but she suggests I not try it. She says if I want to lose more fat, I'll simply need to cut a bit more weight. She's right, and when I want it bad enough I'll go back on a cut again. Meanwhile I'm at a slight deficit still in recomp. My only experience with Keto has been observing my sister and my brother-in-law who use it to lose weight. Same thing always seems to happen for them, they lose the first 5-10 lbs fast then it tapers off. They manage to hit their goals with it eventually but as soon as they stop, the weight comes back. I think they are in their 3rd (might be 2nd not sure) round of it. Keto works better for my brother-in-law because he is T2 diabetic. Less carbs are a requirement for him anyway.