I’m so done with this.

zach_duden Posts: 30 Member
edited August 2018 in Introduce Yourself
I can’t do this up and down anymore.

One day I’m feeling great! I go to the gym, eat healthy (for the most part), log all of my food in MyFitnessPal, stay under my calorie goal - I feel on top of the world!

That usually lasts a day. Maybe two.

Then I’m right back to eating all junk food again. Ice cream. So much goddamn ice cream. I stop logging my food because I feel like at this point, it doesn’t even matter. I stop going to the gym. I stop walking. I stop trying. Then depression kicks in and I’m right back to where I started.


I feel like I’m lost. I feel like at this point I’ve tried everything. I’ve done the “just start slow” and cutting everything out all at once. It’s just not working. I’ve tried the weight loss “fad diets.” None of them stick.

I’m addicted to fast food and I don’t know how to break the habit. I bring my lunch to work, the suddenly I get one little tiny thought in my mind about fast food, and the next thing I know, I’m at the drive-thru window at McDonald’s.

I just can’t do this anymore.


  • moogie_fit
    moogie_fit Posts: 279 Member
    What's your calorie goal like. Your binge eating sounds like it is diet induced. I would start by just tracking what you eat in general and go from there. Basically, anything that goes in your mouth gets logged.

    Some people do better with pen and paper. I had a journal for a food diary for years before MFP.

    After you get a baseline of how much your eating, whether or not it's successfully dieting or not, then you can start to make healthy changes.
  • SimplementeSM
    SimplementeSM Posts: 41 Member
    Been there! The thing that helped me the most is realizing that I won't be in control of what I crave, but I can be in charge. And if I decide McDonald's is happening, then that's okay. I recommend reading Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat by Michelle May. It helped me change my mindset about food and eating.
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    I know this sounds dramatic but perhaps leave all money at home a day or two? If it's impossible to spend anything you can't buy anything. Maybe a week of no fast food would help get you on the right trajectory?

    Perhaps take what you save and put in a jar for something you really want.

    Alternatively, log McD etc at the beginning of the day and just work it in. There don't have to be off limit foods.

    Rule #1 - be kind to yourself
  • zach_duden
    zach_duden Posts: 30 Member
    My calorie goal set automatically by MFP is 2,300. I’m trying to stay below that, if possible below 2,000. I’m 300 pounds. I like what I eat when I’m eating healthy (ie. fruits, ham sandwiches, lots of grilled chicken, eggs, pb2, etc.) but it’s just like I can’t stick with it. I’ve tracked my daily, normal day food before. Not good at all. Over 4,000 calories. It makes me cringe even typing that. I go to the gym, but then the next day I sleep in. I know I’m lazy. I need to kick myself in the *kitten*. But I feel like I’ve been there, done that 1,000 times.
  • nrtauthor
    nrtauthor Posts: 159 Member
    zach_duden wrote: »
    I can’t do this up and down anymore.

    One day I’m feeling great! I go to the gym, eat healthy (for the most part), log all of my food in MyFitnessPal, stay under my calorie goal - I feel on top of the world!

    That usually lasts a day. Maybe two.

    Then I’m right back to eating all junk food again. Ice cream. So much goddamn ice cream. I stop logging my food because I feel like at this point, it doesn’t even matter. I stop going to the gym. I stop walking. I stop trying. Then depression kicks in and I’m right back to where I started.


    I feel like I’m lost. I feel like at this point I’ve tried everything. I’ve done the “just start slow” and cutting everything out all at once. It’s just not working. I’ve tried the weight loss “fad diets.” None of them stick.

    I’m addicted to fast food and I don’t know how to break the habit. I bring my lunch to work, the suddenly I get one little tiny thought in my mind about fast food, and the next thing I know, I’m at the drive-thru window at McDonald’s.

    I just can’t do this anymore.

    On top of all the great advice everyone has given I would suggest you also find a motivational partner. Someone to be accountable to that is other than yourself. That might help? Has to be someone offline not online.

    Also, you CAN do this. You are stronger than your weakness.

  • WhitneyRena
    WhitneyRena Posts: 4 Member
    This is so me. You are not alone!
  • kylecdenton
    kylecdenton Posts: 4 Member
    Take a little time, do a little research, and figure out what the healthier options are. Once you get in the groove it’s usually a bit easier to no have those cravings, but for now if you go to what you know because it’s easy, make healthy options easy fast food options. What else is around you? You can still have fast food but know the healthy options. I’m lucky to be in a downtown setting and had those same cravings today to go get some fast food but I pulled out my phone and ordered a jimmy johns no-bread sandwich.
  • iowalinda
    iowalinda Posts: 354 Member
    edited August 2018
    Start by making small changes that will move you toward your goal. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Don't bring home food you don't want to eat. So, if ice cream triggers a binge, don't bring it in the house. Don't try to eat certain food just because you think it will be healthier for you - instead make your choices from foods you really like :) Celebrate your successes. Don't give up and you will get there. Wishing you all the best. I know you can do it :)
  • goingwithgrace
    goingwithgrace Posts: 109 Member
    You have to cut back gradually or it feels like a punishment - deprivation. Start with replacing high calorie things with lower. For example, instead of Ranch dressing at 100 calories per serving, go Bolthouse Farms Ranch made from Greek Yogurt at 35 calories per serving. My trick for McDonalds --- if the craving hits, get the Happy Meal. It's the tiny french fry, get a hamburger no cheese, get the apple slices and an unsweetened tea or Diet Coke. And it's not easy. I was overweight a very long time, lost 70 pounds, have gained back almost 15 in less than a year, I feel like I'm losing grip on the eating and workouts have gone spotty. It's a lifetime gig, but each day is new! Yesterday I destroyed my calories, today just starting over. And remember the calorie deficit is by the week. So one bad day can be managed by a new day of better choices and a little exercise. My biggest advice, look at why you eat. Emotional? Bored? Addiction to sugar? Etc. That fast food run desire at work may be you're stressed out, you know the fat/salt will feel good but really you might need to go for a walk for 15 minutes. Clear your head, meditate. Go drive and listen to some music. Eat in a park. Really examining the why helps with the decision making.
  • goingwithgrace
    goingwithgrace Posts: 109 Member
    Oh and if ice cream is your vice - check out Enlightened Ice Cream (or Halo Top). Both hit the spot and help! Low on the calorie scale. :)
  • JustaJoe00
    JustaJoe00 Posts: 777 Member
    Lots of great thoughts from everyone here. You can do this!
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    If your MFP weight loss calories is 2300 then do not go under that! It's not a race. It also means your maintenance calories are 2700. What helps me is this:

    If I'm having a good day and I feel motivated I eat at my MFP calories.
    If I'm having a bad day and I don't feel motivated I eat at maintenance.
    If I'm having a planned wild weekend I'll eat without logging but I'll make sure the rest of the week I'm on target.

    Put some small rules in place for yourself. The only successful journey is an achievable one.
  • mjrc2
    mjrc2 Posts: 121 Member
    solieco1 wrote: »
    I know this sounds dramatic but perhaps leave all money at home a day or two? If it's impossible to spend anything you can't buy anything. Maybe a week of no fast food would help get you on the right trajectory?

    Perhaps take what you save and put in a jar for something you really want.

    Alternatively, log McD etc at the beginning of the day and just work it in. There don't have to be off limit foods.

    Rule #1 - be kind to yourself

    I do exactly that-I do not bring any money with me to work-that way I usually stay away from junk. Sometimes I will plan a calorie splurge. Glad to know others so this too.
    @zach_duden you are not alone, and everyone is giving you great advice. Be kind to yourself, and figure out what works for you. Remember that everyone is different. I cannot stand to feel restricted, so I am focusing on lifestyle changes. I am trying to find habits and things I like that WILL STICK. If I eat poorly, I do not beat myself up, I just move on! I also have a passion for food science. Learning about how food is made, knowing where the meat( loosely used term here) comes from helps me make better choices. I have found that educating myself has really helped me say no to a lot of junk food. This approach is working for me. Feel free to add me. My diary is open to friends.