Cannot eat big meals



  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    If you can eat an entire pizza and an entire bag of chips you can eat big meals. i dont understand the issue?
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    What did you eat when you were gaining weight?

    Crap food. I’ve always been a big junk food eater, mostly salty stuff. I admit, I used to eat an entire giant bag of chips to myself with a jar of ranch dip in two days. Oh, and a medium pizza at least once a week to myself.

    Always just, junk.

    If you can eat an entire medium pizza yourself, I don't think your issue is with not being able to eat large meals or finishing a small piece of fish. This seems like more of a mental thing with your current food choices than a stomach capacity issue.

    Haha that’s kind of cute, I don’t eat it all in one go 😂😂😂 And I’d always get thin crust pizza. It would be throughout the day, not one sitting, hahaha.

    So if your previous eating pattern was to eat a large portion of specific foods over the course of an entire day, why not use that strategy now?

    You know you can get sufficient calories that way (since before you had excess calories using this method). And if you're tracking, you should be able to see what you're missing out on nutritionally (if anything) and then make adjustments to your meals based on what you'd like to get more of in your diet.

    I just don’t know what to eat. Which is why I made this post. I disagree with others that I can eat pizza & other stuff all the time. It’s not a good idea. I want a healthy lifestyle, not this unhealthy weight-gain terrible lifestyle.

    What do you like to eat? What resources are available to you? Do you like to cook from scratch or would you prefer semi-homemade or even take-out options?

    I literally linked you to a thread with 7 pages of recipes in it. If you just want food ideas, then my suggestion would be to check out the recipes forum here, pinterest, the food network, or any of a dozen different recipe sites.

  • NeymarMessiFCB
    NeymarMessiFCB Posts: 27 Member
    One option might be to make or pack calorie-dense meals and then eat them in courses throughout the day. Things like nuts, hard-boiled eggs, apples & peanut butter, protein bars, cheese, avocado, pizza, ice cream, etc. So you'd be getting the same calories and nutrition as you'd get from the meal, just spread out over time.

    I'd also agree that a doctor's visit might be good if this is affecting your life.

    Yeah, I’ll bring it up with my doctor tomorrow & schedule an appointment with a nutritionist.

    That sounds like a good plan. I would suggest a registered dietitian rather than a nutritionist, though. idk where you're located but around here anyone who takes a weekend class can use the title nutritionist while a dietitian has to go through actual training.

    We can just start throwing food ideas and recipes at you (it's basically what I'm doing on the calorie dense foods thread I linked above, anyway) but I think you'd get advice better tailored to your situation if we had more details about what you like and what you're looking for.

    Without more specific details, here are some food ideas:

    I think she might be a dietician, I’ll have to look at her again to double check. I thought they were the same thing.

    Those are good ideas, yeah. It’d take me days to list everything I like.

    Cooked tomatoes
    Peppers (sweet & hot)
    Bacon (I like turkey bacon, too)

    Anyway, I don’t know what healthy food is. All I’ve been taught is to eat low calorie foods.
  • NeymarMessiFCB
    NeymarMessiFCB Posts: 27 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    If you can eat an entire pizza and an entire bag of chips you can eat big meals. i dont understand the issue?
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    What did you eat when you were gaining weight?

    Crap food. I’ve always been a big junk food eater, mostly salty stuff. I admit, I used to eat an entire giant bag of chips to myself with a jar of ranch dip in two days. Oh, and a medium pizza at least once a week to myself.

    Always just, junk.

    If you can eat an entire medium pizza yourself, I don't think your issue is with not being able to eat large meals or finishing a small piece of fish. This seems like more of a mental thing with your current food choices than a stomach capacity issue.

    Haha that’s kind of cute, I don’t eat it all in one go 😂😂😂 And I’d always get thin crust pizza. It would be throughout the day, not one sitting, hahaha.

    So if your previous eating pattern was to eat a large portion of specific foods over the course of an entire day, why not use that strategy now?

    You know you can get sufficient calories that way (since before you had excess calories using this method). And if you're tracking, you should be able to see what you're missing out on nutritionally (if anything) and then make adjustments to your meals based on what you'd like to get more of in your diet.

    I just don’t know what to eat. Which is why I made this post. I disagree with others that I can eat pizza & other stuff all the time. It’s not a good idea. I want a healthy lifestyle, not this unhealthy weight-gain terrible lifestyle.

    What do you like to eat? What resources are available to you? Do you like to cook from scratch or would you prefer semi-homemade or even take-out options?

    I literally linked you to a thread with 7 pages of recipes in it. If you just want food ideas, then my suggestion would be to check out the recipes forum here, pinterest, the food network, or any of a dozen different recipe sites.

    I’m on a phone, I can’t respond to every comment quickly. Just ones I see first. I replied to your other comment, btw.
  • NeymarMessiFCB
    NeymarMessiFCB Posts: 27 Member
    Yesterday for lunch you had two rice cakes and some light mayo. Replace the rice cakes with something more calorie dense like bread or naan or crackers and maybe replace the light mayo with regular mayo or peanut butter or hummus and maybe toss in some protein like a slice of cheese. It would double the number of calories you had in a meal without increasing the amount of food that hit your stomach.

    I thought bread was bad for you, which is why I went with the rice cakes. The rice cakes was with the light mayo, cheese, and chicken deli slices. Made a sandwich out of it. Hummus sounds like a good idea, though.

    Bread isn't bad for you. It's just a grain-based food, like rice cakes are.
    Yesterday for lunch you had two rice cakes and some light mayo. Replace the rice cakes with something more calorie dense like bread or naan or crackers and maybe replace the light mayo with regular mayo or peanut butter or hummus and maybe toss in some protein like a slice of cheese. It would double the number of calories you had in a meal without increasing the amount of food that hit your stomach.

    I thought bread was bad for you, which is why I went with the rice cakes. The rice cakes was with the light mayo, cheese, and chicken deli slices. Made a sandwich out of it. Hummus sounds like a good idea, though.

    Bread isn't bad for you. It's just a grain-based food, like rice cakes are.

    I thought it was because of the carbs.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Simple. Make the meals you want to eat within your calories and nibble on them every time you pass by the fridge. It's not really that different from eating junk food throughout the day. If you took a few bites of that fillet, put it in the fridge and came back for it later you would be able to eat a whole fillet of fish.
  • NeymarMessiFCB
    NeymarMessiFCB Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks for the help, folks.
  • elsie6hickman
    elsie6hickman Posts: 3,864 Member
    Stock your refrigerator with cut up vegetables and some hummus or salsa - something you like. If you crave pizza or chips, don't keep it in the house, but go out and buy one slice or a lunch size bag of chips. I wasn't raised to eat healthy either, but you can unlearn those habits and make new ones. It will take a while to get used to, but you will likely find that those junk foods no longer appeal to you. You have to want to make the change, and then stick with it while your body adjusts.
  • NeymarMessiFCB
    NeymarMessiFCB Posts: 27 Member
    Yesterday for lunch you had two rice cakes and some light mayo. Replace the rice cakes with something more calorie dense like bread or naan or crackers and maybe replace the light mayo with regular mayo or peanut butter or hummus and maybe toss in some protein like a slice of cheese. It would double the number of calories you had in a meal without increasing the amount of food that hit your stomach.

    I thought bread was bad for you, which is why I went with the rice cakes. The rice cakes was with the light mayo, cheese, and chicken deli slices. Made a sandwich out of it. Hummus sounds like a good idea, though.

    Bread isn't bad for you. It's just a grain-based food, like rice cakes are.
    Yesterday for lunch you had two rice cakes and some light mayo. Replace the rice cakes with something more calorie dense like bread or naan or crackers and maybe replace the light mayo with regular mayo or peanut butter or hummus and maybe toss in some protein like a slice of cheese. It would double the number of calories you had in a meal without increasing the amount of food that hit your stomach.

    I thought bread was bad for you, which is why I went with the rice cakes. The rice cakes was with the light mayo, cheese, and chicken deli slices. Made a sandwich out of it. Hummus sounds like a good idea, though.

    Bread isn't bad for you. It's just a grain-based food, like rice cakes are.

    I thought it was because of the carbs.

    Carbs aren't bad

    Yeah, someone explained that earlier in the thread.