Strength Training Challenge

Most of us know we should strength train, but are not very good about it. This challenge is designed to help you follow a regular strength training routine, feel supported/encouraged and learn new moves to keep your workouts fun and interesting.

There are 3 parts to this challenge:
1. Strength train 2-3 times per week (upper body, lower body and abs)
2. Set a goal that pushes you
3. Share and try out new moves

This challenge is designed to be flexible. So whether you are just starting out or have a regular routine this can work for you. The key is to work out all the major muscle groups at least 2 times per week:
Upper Body: chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps
Lower Body: glutes, quads, hamstrings
Abs/core: 6 pack, obliques and transverse (deep abdominal muscles)

The goal you set for yourself is completely up to you. Maybe you want to up your weighs (e.g. move from 8 lbs. to 10 lbs. on your chest flys) or move from pushups on your knees to straight legs or hold your plank 30 seconds longer than you do now. As long as it feels like an attainable goal and gives you something to work towards is all that matters.

To keep it interesting try at least one new move a week. Post this move on the thread so that others can try it as well. For example, a squat variation could be using a kettlebell or dumb bell held lengthwise. As you squat down swing the weight down and back between your legs, then using the thrust of your legs press up to standing swinging the weight to chest height pressing your hips forward/squeezing your glutes. You can either describe it in words or if you have a link that demonstrates it (e.g. youtube or fitnessmagazine) then post the link. If everyone posts a new move once a week, we should be able to start to build a nice selection of options to try.

So to get started:
Post your goals
Post each time you strength train – let us know how you doing
At least one time a week try something new and then post about it.

Helpful Hints:
• Give a muscle group a day to recover before you train again
• Make this work for your needs. If you only have a small amount of time you might want to break up your training such as upper body on Monday and Wednesday, lower body on Tuesday and Friday and Abs on Thursday and Saturday. Or maybe you like to get it all done at once and do a longer routine on Monday and Wednesday. Consider compound moves so you work multiple body parts in one exercise (e.g. reverse lunges with bicep curls).
• Listen to your body. If you are just starting out your own body weight may be enough. You’ll know you are using the right weight if you feel like you can’t do another rep with good form after 8-12 total reps
• For variety mix up low reps (8-12) using heavier weights and workouts using lighter weights for more reps (e.g. 25+) to build both strength and endurance
• Check out strength training DVDs out of your library or try some youtube videos. If you belong to a gym take a strength training class like body pump or have a trainer work with you…all of which can help you with form and give you ideas.
• Don’t forget that we are all here to encourage each other…so let us know if you are struggling and offer encouragement whenever you can.

So get lifting!


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Count me in. I need to think about goals. This is the first exercise challenge I've tried.:blushing:

    Katla in NW Oregon, contemplating goals.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: Today is my last day of the squat challenge so I'll begin strength training next. I have sort of figured out a plan for what I'll do and it won't be too ambitious to start......i learned a long time ago that the best exercise is the one you'll do.

    :laugh: my first goal will be do actually do what I've planned two days a week

    :flowerforyou: my second goal will be do three days a week

    :flowerforyou: then I'll add weights, reps, sets, and more complex exercises.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: baby steps will be my mantra

    "I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself." - Mikhail Baryshnikov

    and.....I will be competing with myself not with all of you

    :heart: Barbie from sunny NW Washington
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,795 Member
    i will try..
    would like to do squats too. dont really know how..
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Now, I am one of those crazy people who like weights! Our YMCA has a program called "Exercise is Medicine" so anyone, including nonmembers can set up exercise/strength classes for 90 days. Did that a little more than a year ago and still am going!! Not bad for someone with two knee replacements who has been a total couch potato for years.

    My goals for the strength training:

    1. Continue to do strength training for at least an hour 2-3 times a week, with some cardio as well

    2. Increase planks from 1 minute up to 1 1/2 minutes by end of August (now THAT'S ambitious!).

    3. Gradually increase lower body weights 10 lbs.

    That's good for right now.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    This is a big change for me, and I’m hoping to be consistent. Here are my first goals.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Strength Goal: Perform a plank 3 times per week. Initial time is 65 seconds.
    2. Work on strength machines at the athletic club at least 2 times per week.
    3. Add repetitions & weight as strength increases.
  • janie12835
    Okay, I want to do this! I need to sort out a regimen to do & will figure that out today.
    To start, I will plan on the gym 3 days a week using their equipment to do 2 abdominal machines each day I exercise, then every other day do 2 machines to exercise upper body and lower body. I've been doing this intermittently already, but need to be consistent. By the end of the week I'll find something to add in that I can do at home.

    Happy starting, everyone,

    Janie - Pacific NW
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    To correct you on your reps:

    1-5 reps are for strength
    6-12 is for hypertrophy
    13+ is endurance/cardio
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    For those just interested in getting started with strength training...

    If you have access to a gym/free weights check out Starting Strength, Stronglifts, and AllPros. They will give you great advice on techiques, progression amounts and more.

    If you don't have access to a gym or heavy weights and need to focus more on bodyweight, check out Convict Conditioning, NerdFitness, and You Are Your Own Gym. also has a great database of exercises ranging from weights to bands to none.

    Other alternatives to use for strength training that require some equipment purchase are TRX Suspension Training and Sandbags.

    ETA: Just in case someone thinks I'm saying not to participate in the challenge.....I'm not. I think you can do one of the programs listed and this challenge at the same time. Also, educating yourself on technique, form, how fast you can progress weight wise, alternative exercises to the main lifts, etc is great to know.
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member

    It’s been a few years, but I would like to start strength training again. I will be starting easy and slowly building up.

    Mondays & Thursdays…upper body & abs
    Tuesdays & Fridays…lower body & abs

    I look forward to learning and practicing some new routines. :smile:

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I've been doing the weight machines in our condo gym, but don't have a plan, goal or strategy. My first goal is to book time with a trainer to benchmark and assess where I am now, then get started on a sound plan.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Thanks Jodois for the strength challenge. I don't have access to a gym but do have free weights, ankle weight, bands and two books that Barbie recommended.
    I'll start tomorrow with goals, etc.
    Sue in TX
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome everyone :drinker: :drinker:

    Joy - I think sharing resources on "how-to" is one of the main goals of this thank you for sharing these

    Grandmallie - in terms of how to do squats - I believe you go to the Y, so I would start out by asking one of the trainers there. You can also look on-line at websites either listed here or Fitness magazine, shape magazine, prevention magazine will have video's you can watch that give you directions on how to do them. Keys: make sure that your weight is back in your heels as you drop your bum back as if sitting in a chair. You do NOT want to let your knees go in front of your toes. Only go as deep as your knees can tolerate - parallel to the ground max.

    Here are my goals:
    :smile: increase number of sessions from 2 to 3/week
    :smile: increase amount of weight for upper body and lower body
    :smile: move up to the next hardest level on ab exercises

    Jodios :wink: :love: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Went to the rehab center/fitness center with DH and worked out. I have a worksheet there and did two reps of 10 exercises on each machine. I also did 10 modified pushups. My mid back does not hurt at all, so far. The last time I was there when I hurt myself I didn’t have the seat high enough on one of the pieces of equipment and moving it up solved the problem.:bigsmile: I also did my second 65 second plank. :drinker:

    I was very pleased that DH was finally able to go with me. He has been away from his rehab exercises for over a month, but he was very pleased at how well he did at taking up where he left off.:bigsmile:

    Katla in Cloudy NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Strength Goal: Perform a plank 3 times per week. Initial time is 65 seconds.
    2. Work on strength machines at the athletic club at least 2 times per week.
    3. Add repetitions & weight as strength increases.
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Love this challenge!

    I started yesterday using NROLFW.

    Goals: Lift 3 times per week increasing weights gradually

    Plank 3 times per week increasing time as I am able

    Standing abs routine with weights 3 times per week
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,150 Member
    I'm in! I need to stop feeling guilty about not doing this and just get organized. I've been doing a lot of cleaning out at my day's house which involves carrying loaded boxes out of the basement and that has been full body strength training! Now that is slowing down and I need to get on this!!

    I am going to try some strength training workout I happened to see on a Fitness channel I have on my Roku. More info when I check them out more closely. I do want to do three sessions a week. For now the amount of weight is less important to me---establishing a new habit is my goal right now.

    Talk to you soon.
  • janie12835
    Okay, I want to do this! I need to sort out a regimen to do & will figure that out today.
    To start, I will plan on the gym 3 days a week using their equipment to do 2 abdominal machines each day I exercise, then every other day do 2 machines to exercise upper body and lower body. I've been doing this intermittently already, but need to be consistent. By the end of the week I'll find something to add in that I can do at home.

    Happy starting, everyone,

    Janie - Pacific NW

    So, now that I've read Mark Lauren's Body by You (You Are Your Own Gym), I'm changing what I said I'm doing here. For 2 days I need to 'assess' my starting points for each of his 5 types of exercises: pulling, squatting, in-line pushing, perpendicular pushing, and bending. You use your own weight (very scary concept) and I'm figuring out where and what to use (remind me to explain how useful crutches can be) for each of these exercises. There's one where you use a door to hold your weight. I'm a bit concerned if the door can take my weight or if I'll end up on my back, door on top of me with stripped out screws. BUT, today is my starting day. GOOD LUCK, ALL!

    Janie - Pacific NW
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    linder -
    I need to stop feeling guilty about not doing this and just get organized.

    The just get organized made me chuckle - and blush! I have been getting organized for over a month. I have a great area set up with a mirror, all types of weights (left over from when my son lived here) printouts of the routines, etc. I just need to START!! I finally did yesterday- and am I sore today!! I know it will help me lose the last bit and get stronger! I haven't used weight in quite a while, but used to love it. It is hard to start out though. Sounds like you are ahead of the curve with all of the work on your Dad's house. Good luck to you.

    Deb A in CNY
  • ShadeBlossom
    ShadeBlossom Posts: 99 Member
    I've gotten so into lifting, it's not even funny. I was excited to see a challenge like this, so I'm in!

    My goals for the rest of August:
    1. Get back to my 3 day a week lifting schedule. No more of this 1 or 2 days garbage!
    2. Build up to 5 standard push-ups. (I know, I know. I usually do them on my knees, though, so I'm working up to "real" ones.)
    3. Increase all my weights by at least 5 (if not 10) pounds.

    I think that'll do for a start. :) Good luck everyone!
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    I had a chance to strength train yesterday (upper and lower body - still need to do some abs today). I believe my base lifting weight is 10 lbs for lower body, back and chest and 7 lbs for the rest of my upper body so I'm going to try and move up from there.

    :smile: New move of the week: plank with step outs: :smile:
    Start in plank (if you want to make it easier then start in forearm plank). Lift your right leg up a couple of inches and step it out to the right side lightly touching your toe down (your right leg should be at about a 45 degree angle to the rest of you) and then step it back to your starting plank position. Repeat on the left...smoothly alternating right and left for as many reps as you can do. I started with 30 sets R&L. This works your core and upper body just a tad more than a static plank.

    Let me know if you try it and what you thought.

    I'm traveling this week - moving my daughter back to college. I think lugging heavy furniture and boxes up 3 flights of stairs will likely count as my strength training :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: My DH can't join us right away so my DD and I will be doing a lot of the heavy lifting ourselves.

    So glad to see so many folks participating :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • janie12835
    Okay, just for curiosity because everyone keeps talking about planks (and because I don't want to be working on my philosophy of education), I tried one. Looked at several you tube examples first, got very strange look from dog, but was actually able to get on forearms and toes in what I hope was proper form for all of about 15 seconds. Hey, it's a start, right? :huh:

    That should count as my new item to try for a week, I think.:bigsmile:

    Janie, Pacific NW