Measuring Chicken



  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    1 cup = 8 oz, not 4 or 5. But the best option (before you get a scale) would be to look up the calories in thigh meat (I'm sure there are options for the meat, no bone), figure that out for 10 thighs, add in however much BBQ sauce and onions you used, then divide that by however much you are eating (ie - 1/4 the entire recipe or whatever)

    fluid ounces, a cup, are not the same as other ounces like solids, meats, etc. it's not the same

    Sigh. This has already been pointed out and responded to. I wasn't even saying for her to use the cups for anything related to this! Jesus people.
    1 cup = 8 oz, not 4 or 5. But the best option (before you get a scale) would be to look up the calories in thigh meat (I'm sure there are options for the meat, no bone), figure that out for 10 thighs, add in however much BBQ sauce and onions you used, then divide that by however much you are eating (ie - 1/4 the entire recipe or whatever)

    But that's 8 fluid ounces. Solids are different.

    ? I know, but she doesn't have a scale and I am correcting what she said before.
  • Vivian06703188
    Vivian06703188 Posts: 310 Member
    A half a cup is about 4 ounces of meat (it is slightly under on most meats). Before I got my scale that is how I measured things with measuring cups.
  • Vivian06703188
    Vivian06703188 Posts: 310 Member
    Also if you enter all your ingredients in the my recipes section and then (10 thighs) show the whole thing as being 10 servings. It will give you the calories.

    The 146 calories for 3 thighs is a bad entry and you should not use that. Sometimes people enter things wrong and that is definitely a mistake.