Self confidence running



  • funjen1972
    funjen1972 Posts: 949 Member
    Madsocks wrote: »
    Today, I decided I needed to snap out of it and go for a run, especially after weighing myself this morning. I was so nervous about it all day, more so when I was getting ready. It might sound pretty sad to some people, but it's just the way i am and the way I struggle with things. :( I was wavering, but I stuck with it, got some nice words of encouragement from the girl on reception and went out and just did it; I had Tiesto in my ears, sunglasses on and just tried to block everything out......

    ......and I managed to do it. The full 5K. Without stopping. :) And in a decent time as well. I thought I would be a lot slower what with it being the first one I've done in about 3 months but it was 31:21. And I feel so much better for it. So I'm going to try and do it again tomorrow. And then the next day, and the next day after that.

    Just a shame there are no showers in work.

    I'm proud of you! Nice job :smile:

    These are the things that make me smile. The personal victories, the break thrus, the 'I really can do this' moments keep me motivated. Thanks for sharing your story!
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    This is for you to be more healthy. Please don’t any rude lookie-loos (actual or perceived) take that away from you.

    You’ve got to start somewhere or you’ll never get beyond where you are now. :heart:
  • Madsocks
    Madsocks Posts: 54 Member
    Just wanted to give people an update on how I've been doing so far. I've started by speaking to someone about my mental health issues, furthermore I've been going the gym a lot more regularly, doing the couch to 5k and also a 10K trainer. I've been back to parkrun and in the last couple of weeks I've lost nearly 7lbs so I'm getting there slowly but surely. :-) I've still not plucked up the courage to do proper road running as yet, but just getting up and getting out to the gym has been a big help to me so far.
  • brittanystebbins95
    brittanystebbins95 Posts: 567 Member
    edited May 2019
    I used to only be able to run after dark for this reason. What helped me a lot was running with my dogs. Everyone loves dogs, right? Looks at dogs when they drive past? When I run with my dogs, I can tell myself that the cars driving by are admiring how cute they are, not looking at me. I feel that it draws attention away from me. Maybe it doesn't, but I can tell myself if does.
    If you don't own a dog you can run with, perhaps you could volunteer to walk shelter dogs? Then you have a running companion and they get some much needed exercise and attention :) Its a win-win for both of you. Maybe you'll even meet your next bestfriend and end up adopting one.

    Same with the gym. I used to only be able to go in the middle of the night. If there was another car there, I'd go home.
    Honestly, the ONLY way for me to get through my social anxiety is to force myself into situations that make me uncomfortable. I eventually just started going in anyway. My heart would race, I'd be pale as a ghost, sweating, I'd even have to take bathroom breaks just to cry sometimes. But I lived through it. Each time it got a little bit easier because I could tell myself, "You survived last time. You didn't think you could do it but you did. You can do it again."
    Now, a year later, and I can walk in the gym during busy hours like I own the place.
    Sometimes the only way to grow is to force yourself into new situations. Transformation does not happen within your comfort zone. Start with small steps.
  • KevHex
    KevHex Posts: 256 Member
    edited May 2019
    I listened to an interview of a 101 year old lady recently and she said you have to live your life. Her advice was to do what makes you happy, and do lots of it. Forget about the rest, because when you look back on life you don't want to wish you had done something and dwell on the missed opportunity. Other people, strangers or people you pass on the street don't matter, go and run, smile and think of how happy the future you will be.

    Edit: I just read you went running, that is awesome.