Plan to Eat -OR Fail. Planners please chime in!



  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Unless its a crazy day I always try to plan aheah. Keeps me on track.
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    I just stock up on plenty of basics that I can mess around with to make meals. On the weekend I'll make a couple of things for the week ahead...a veggie stew, roast a chicken. But with my spices and sauces around, some fruits and veggies, dairy and eggs in the fridge, plus frozen goods, I'm usually ready to pull together a meal pretty fast. Recently bought a Vitamix, the kind that cooks fresh soups etc., which makes a lot of things possible quickly. For me, it's more fun to think about the combinations of things I can put together from what's in the house. But I have to admit, I had to make my own spice rack and take up an entire shelf in the cabinet for it. I use a lot of spices and herbs from different ethnicities as well as sauces, salsas...but that allows me to mix it up even when I have relatively little in the way of basic ingredients.
  • thistimewillbedifferent
    This is one of the best threads I've ever seen on MFP! Any fellow planners are welcome to add me!

    Every Friday night I sit down with my calendar and map out what the week ahead looks like -- when am I eating out, when am I seeing my trainer or taking an exercise class, when do I have an official function right after work and therefore won't have time to cook, etc.

    I then "fill in the gaps" by planning out what I'll eat throughout the week. If I have a late-night exercise class, I eat a heavier-than-usual protein-fulled afternoon snack and pick up sushi on the way home from the class. If I have an early morning meeting, I make overnight oats the night before. If I'm going to a restaurant, I go ahead and look at the menu online and decide what I'm going to order. If it's a Friday night, I know I'll be too tired to cook anything complicated, so I plan something simple like tortilla pizza.

    I then go through my fridge and figure out what ingredients I already have and need to incorporate into my menu plan and what I need to buy for the week ahead.

    Saturdays I do the grocery shopping, and on Sundays I spend about an hour doing advance food prep. I might grill a bunch of chicken breasts and freeze them in individual portions, or cook a bunch of black beans, or make a pot of quinoa or brown rice, or make some hard-cooked eggs, or roast some green beans, etc. I also pre-portion things like hummus, natural peanut butter, almonds, pistachios, berries, etc. into individual serving sizes. If I have something that needs serious cutting like a pineapple or a canteloupe, I do that, too. By the end of the hour, my fridge looks very similar to the one in the above photos.

    Each night before I go to bed I pre-log what I'm planning to eat the next day. Sometimes it follows my original menu plan to a T, sometimes I have to adjust because other things have come up. Throughout the day I make adjustments as needed -- if a girlfriend is having a crisis and I want to have a glass of wine with her, I do...and then I find a way to remove that 120 calories (or whatever) from somewhere else later in my day.

    I obviously slip up and fall off the wagon occasionally, but for the most part this method has been a MAJOR part of why I have been able to lose 51 lbs since January despite having a job that involves a lot of eating out and travel (at which point I introduce my handy insulated cooler bag into the equation).

    You've gotten some great advice throughout this thread, as have I! Best wishes finding a system that works for you!
  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member
    Ooooh--I was away---but glad to read the rest of this amazing thread.
    I will report back on your ideas--that I will use
  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member
    This is one of the best threads I've ever seen on MFP! Any fellow planners are welcome to add me!

    Every Friday night I sit down with my calendar and map out what the week ahead looks like -- when am I eating out, when am I seeing my trainer or taking an exercise class, when do I have an official function right after work and therefore won't have time to cook, etc.

    I then "fill in the gaps" by planning out what I'll eat throughout the week. If I have a late-night exercise class, I eat a heavier-than-usual protein-fulled afternoon snack and pick up sushi on the way home from the class. If I have an early morning meeting, I make overnight oats the night before. If I'm going to a restaurant, I go ahead and look at the menu online and decide what I'm going to order. If it's a Friday night, I know I'll be too tired to cook anything complicated, so I plan something simple like tortilla pizza.

    I then go through my fridge and figure out what ingredients I already have and need to incorporate into my menu plan and what I need to buy for the week ahead.

    Saturdays I do the grocery shopping, and on Sundays I spend about an hour doing advance food prep. I might grill a bunch of chicken breasts and freeze them in individual portions, or cook a bunch of black beans, or make a pot of quinoa or brown rice, or make some hard-cooked eggs, or roast some green beans, etc. I also pre-portion things like hummus, natural peanut butter, almonds, pistachios, berries, etc. into individual serving sizes. If I have something that needs serious cutting like a pineapple or a canteloupe, I do that, too. By the end of the hour, my fridge looks very similar to the one in the above photos.

    Each night before I go to bed I pre-log what I'm planning to eat the next day. Sometimes it follows my original menu plan to a T, sometimes I have to adjust because other things have come up. Throughout the day I make adjustments as needed -- if a girlfriend is having a crisis and I want to have a glass of wine with her, I do...and then I find a way to remove that 120 calories (or whatever) from somewhere else later in my day.

    I obviously slip up and fall off the wagon occasionally, but for the most part this method has been a MAJOR part of why I have been able to lose 51 lbs since January despite having a job that involves a lot of eating out and travel (at which point I introduce my handy insulated cooler bag into the equation).

    You've gotten some great advice throughout this thread, as have I! Best wishes finding a system that works for you!

    Very cool---and congrats on the 51 pounds:smile:
    who would have thought something as simple as planning and pre-portioning as well as having healthy snacks at the ready for the munchy-times could be a major player in losing weight

    when my fridge looks like the photos --I will post it:bigsmile: