MAINTAINERS Introduce Yourselves!



  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    Age: 49
    SW: 182
    Original GW: 143
    CW: 131
    Joined mfp mid Jan 13
    Reached OGW in May 13

    Strategy to remove weight: Cut out sugar in my tea. Stopped eating chocolate, cake, biscuits. Set original cals at 1200 for the first couple months, then upped to 1400. Messed about with the figures for a bit but found 1400 was fine for me. Weighed everything. Didn't entertain ANY cheat days. Drank loads of water. Started the Couch25k programme in Jan and was running 3 x pw. Added 30 min walks for a short while and occasionally added stationary bike sessions (started at 5 mins and gradually increased to 30 mins over a few weeks). Ate 3 meals per day, smaller portions. Weighed myself religiously once pw.

    Strategy to maintain: Haven't figured this out yet. I've kept loosing since I hit my target weight in May, even though I've upped my cals to 1600. I still try to run 3 x pw. Add the occasional stationary bike session. Still weigh foods. I'm considering not logging my foods to see how I go.

    I now weigh less than I did in my late teens. I weigh the same as my 26 year old daughter but, as she has to point out to me, she's all muscle.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    54 year old female
    SW: 188
    CW: 151

    I reached my goal 'range' back in March, but have lost a few pounds since then.
    I'm still logging everything every day and I weigh every morning.
    My big change mentally was buying a fitbit and exercising very conscientiously.
    I haven't upped my calories yet, but am comfortable with what I'm eating and have loosened up a little bit on things I think of as treats - like bread or dip or pizza on days where I've really burned a lot of calories exercsing. However, because I'm exercising more, it actually hasn't changed my calorie intake!
  • walkwallfall
    walkwallfall Posts: 18 Member
    Before & after weight: SW - 168 CW -125
    Start & goal reached date: Start - Jan 2013 End - August 2013
    Best strategy for removing weight: trust the process and Jillian Michaels
    Current strategy for maintaining the weight: not sure yet. Kinda nervous.
  • AnneMousey
    AnneMousey Posts: 10 Member
    Age: 56
    Height: 5'6"
    Before: 143
    After: 127
    Goal: 125
    Start: March 2011
    Reached Current Weight: April 2013
    Projected Date to Reach Goal Weight: September 2013

    Maintaining is clearly harder than losing, that's the entire problem. I highly recommend
    the book "Refuse to Regain: Twelve Tough Rules to Maintain the Body You've Earned" by Barbara Berkeley, M.D.
    You have to understand that maintaining means you cannot go back to your old life. Logging food for life is a must,
    as is cardio 5-6 days/week. I'm also doing ~3 hrs. of weight training 4-5 days/week. And, I'm STILL struggling
    with proper nutrition within my caloric bounds! Check out my blog: http://www.myfitnesspal/blog/AnneMousey
  • sarahhorrigan
    sarahhorrigan Posts: 64 Member
    Age: 38
    Before: 200 lbs (probably more, I didn't own any scales for ages!)
    After weight: 136 lbs (goal weight was 140 lbs)
    Start & goal reached date: Started January 2013 and reached goal end of July 2013

    Best strategy for removing weight

    Be consistent and be honest about what you're eating and when you're 'danger' times for snacking or over-eating are. That and aiming for little goals along the way - under x stones, a BMI of y etc. The big goal is off-putting until it's well within sight. I've also become a lot more active. I did the Couch to 5K program and now run several times a week. I also started swimming again as well as regular cycling and walking. Focusing not just on the weight loss but on you and your health really helps. I also did the 5:2 diet where you fast (500 calories) a day for two days a week and eat normally on the other five and that was good too.

    Current strategy for maintaining the weight

    Using MFP to track calories. Doing 6:1 (6 days of normal eating, 1 fast day). And keeping up the exercise. I cannot go back to my unfit, unhealthy ways. It's not an option. Am struggling with maintaining weight as it's early days and I feel a bit lost with it all - I think that's the other thing isn't it? You have to cut yourself some slack and allow your head to adjust to your new physical self.
  • melwharris91
    melwharris91 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi, 45 years old, female

    Started 6/11/13 at 150 pounds
    Goal weight 8/5/13 at 135 (yay:)

    Started MFP in June when I realized I could barely fit into my pants except for my fat clothes. Buying a wardrobe the next size up would be admitting defeat. I was also starting to get the dreaded muffin top which got me thinking I better do something before it gets out of control.

    Now I am 15 pounds lighter. My clothes fit better and I have more energy.

    My strategy to maintain is to continue to log except for 1 day a week which will be a cheat day. I will weigh myself every Monday to make sure my weight is plus or minus 2 pounds from 137.
  • StarKimmy
    StarKimmy Posts: 8 Member
    31 years old
    SW: 182
    CW: 130.2
    GW: 150
    Started my lifestyle change on December 29th, 2012. I hit my goal weight of 150 on Feb 24th. Then by May 31st, I was 129.8. I think I've done pretty darn good with maintaining my weight this summer. I admit, I don't eat the healthiest but I have learned that one bad meal won't make me fat again. I don't do much for exercise except for the normal everyday things. I try to eat really well during the week when I'm at work and then I'm more relaxed about it on the weekends...seems to be working pretty well for me!
  • ElizaKat001
    ElizaKat001 Posts: 28 Member
    Hey, gals and gals! I am brand new to MFP!

    I am 22, 5'4" and 125 pounds. I do not want to lose weight, but want to work on eating cleaner and tracking my mindless munching! I think being held accountable will be great for me :).

    Feel free to add me!
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    Age: 49 - 5'7"
    SW: 178
    CW: 126

    I lost 20 pounds about 8 years ago and maintained at 155 or so until January, 2013 when I decided it was time to get the rest off. Honestly, it was pretty easy for me to take the 30 pounds off by logging everything I ate and staying at about 1300 cal/day. I think the hard part is going to be maintainig.

    I probably need to start having 1 cheat day per week where I don't log, but I'm afraid NOT to log. I don't want to go back to my old habits.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    YAY! With so many successful MFPers this new area is definitely needed. How about posting a before & after photo along with:

    Before & after weight
    Start & goal reached date
    Best strategy for removing weight
    Current strategy for maintaining the weight

    Just a suggestion...any inputs?

    Hi all, I'm Elaine. I'm 28, (29 Friday!) when i started i was 197lbs i'm now 113lbs. I started using MFP Feb 2012, i finally reached my goal end of Feb 2013, though i've lost abit more since then! My profile pic is me in April 2012 after losing a stone and a half and more recently around a month ago.

    I still watch what i eat though i'm eating at maintenance. I'm so much more happier now than i used to be x
  • keenesmom
    keenesmom Posts: 115 Member
    YAY! With so many successful MFPers this new area is definitely needed. How about posting a before & after photo along with:

    Before & after weight
    Start & goal reached date
    Best strategy for removing weight
    Current strategy for maintaining the weight

    Just a suggestion...any inputs?

    180 down to 130
    August 2012 to May 2013
    Weigh all food...input all food in diary...exercise
    Weigh all food...input all food in diary...exercise! Yep...same answer for last 2 questions.

    I know some people are against this but I weight myself every day. It keeps me accountable. I also still weigh my food (mostly) and input to my diary. I'm 30 days shy of logging in for an entire year without missing any days.

    I don't know how to post pics but I do have a before/after side by side pic in my photos on my profile.
  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    JenRunTriHappyGirl Posts: 521 Member
    Age: 30
    BW: 175
    AW & CW: 138
    Started in April 2012
    Got to my goal weight the first time in April 2013

    My strategy for maintaining is continuing to workout 5-6 days a week and continue my healthier eating habits!

    I have some goals now that I have reached maintenance:

    tone tone tone
    finish (alive preferrably) my first Triathlon (October 12, 2013) and my first half marathon (february 15, 2014)
  • MamaMaryC
    MamaMaryC Posts: 142 Member
    Age: 30 years

    Before & after weight : Before= 214 lbs After= 120 lbs

    Start & goal reached date= Started Dec 2007 and surpassed my goal Feb 2013

    Best strategy for removing weight: For me it was- Quit making excuses, woman up, count the calories, eat the health food, and get a good workout.

    Current strategy for maintaining the weight: No plan. Just going day by day and week by week.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    Age :26
    Before & after weight : 124.5 lbs to 116lbs
    Start & goal reached date: hmm I guess I seriously started on january
    Best strategy for removing weight : MFP ofcourse.. :D at first I ate about 1200cals (I didn't have a scale and I didn't log every single thing, well I still don't log spices and my black coffee). then I added, 1350 and up. reached my goal weight wise, but I really still want to get more muscles and get fit. so on march I joined the gym :3
    Current strategy for maintaining the weight: go to gym 2 to 4 times a week, eat 1550-1900 cals a day, I TRY to manage my macros *struggling here a bit*. I sometimes plan my meals for the next day.
  • TKRV
    TKRV Posts: 165 Member

    I've never really been overweight and I originally joined MFP because I wanted to maintain a healthy lifestyle in my adult life. I was heaviest in high school - which is where I first started to notice things like weight, and always struggled to stay below 130. In college, I walked to all my classes and joined the fencing club. I lost about a pant size a semester until I got down to a size 2 (i'm more proud of that than I am anything the scale tells me). I had some ups and downs involving my body image, self esteem and weight. It has only been recently that I would use words like 'good looking' or 'pretty' to describe myself. During one college summer, I got down to 101 pounds because I weighed myself everyday and let that number dictate what I ate for the day (if I was a pound up, I hardly eat. A pound down, I'd eat the same as the day before). Needless to say this was very unhealthy. If the only thing that ever made me happy was a weight loss, I was going to fade away.

    After that realization, I went back up and would balance between 110 and 115 pounds. After graduation, I got a good desk job at a business that always has food and snacks around. I quickly got close to 120 and started using MFP as a way to watch what I eat and maintain. I find that if I am just eating well but not working out, my body is happy at 110 pounds. Working out, I feel better at 115, although my body fat percentage is usually the same, so I think that is more muscle weight than anything else.

    I still have not mastered maintenance and have been at around 118 pounds for a few weeks now. I'm still trying to balance healthy food and fitness into my life. Recently, I started the Insanity videos in the hopes that they will provide me with a challenge that I can repeat over and over.

    Sorry, that was super long.... but hi everyone.
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    Age- 33

    Before & after weight- SW 152 MW 132 (fluctuating, of course)

    Start & goal reached date- Start date 2004; Goal reached date 2006 *I got down to 103 at one point. ED reared it's ugly head when I was trying to eat healthy and exercise. I took it too far. I decided that I'm not going to fight my body anymore. I still workout and eat mostly healthy. But, I'm not trying to force myself into size 2 jeans.

    Best strategy for removing weight- EXERCISE and EAT WHOLESOME FOODS; portion control & awareness

    Current strategy for maintaining the weight- ^see above^

    I don't have any pics to post right now. They are in my attic somewhere. I'll try to find them at some point and post them on my profile. :)
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,345 Member
    edited November 2014
    Age 45 5 ft 2
    SW 154 lbs started May 12
    CW 134lbs May 14
    Been maintaining around the 136 lb mark for over a year.
    Starting stats chest 38/waist 31/ hips 40
    Current stats " 34/ " 26 / " 35.5

    To lose ate at 1400 and ate back half exercise cals.
    Workout 5 days/ week strength training and jogging.
    Maintaining on 2000 cals
    By calorie counting and increased fitness with Fitbit keeping me motivated to average 15k steps/day

    Before: mfp journey/then 2009 to now 2014/d847ed44-6de4-44e6-a9f3-a0a9c70e216e_zps8b75e9f3.jpg

    After: mfp journey/then 2009 to now 2014/may2014_zpscdda5a0e.jpg
  • Vertisol
    Vertisol Posts: 10 Member
    Age 50
    Height 175cm (5'9")
    SW 96 kg (212 lb) January 2014
    CW 75kg (165 lb) June 2014
    Strategy for losing weight - not the best. I Turned 50 in June and decided I needed to get to a decent weight by then - time constrictions meant losing 1kg a week. I set 75kg as that was the upper end of the healthy range BMI according to the calculators. I made it but the last few kg were pretty hard. Used MFP to restrict calories and a Fitbit to keep a bit active.
    - Strategy for maintaining - not really sure? At least I'm sure it's not really good. I Happily eat the same breakfasts and lunches as when I was losing, then tend to gobble a bit of rubbish (mostly crackers/snacks - often up to 4000kj/1000 cal worth) after I get home from work, which brings the calories to maintenance, then have a standard dinner again. I probably need to sort out a healthier lunch with about 1500kj (350 cal) more to reduce the snacking. On the plus side, I've increased my Fitbit steps from 10 000/day to a rolling 100 000/week. I need to work on a bit of strength training but it's hard to find the time. My goal is to get into a sustainable fitness program which is good for me, not a great fitness program which isn't sustainable or compatible with everything else I do. Currently getting home renovations done - kitchen got ripped out this morning and we won't be able to use it for about another 3 weeks, so that will be a bit of a challenge!
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Age 38
    Height 168cm/5'6"
    SW 161lbs/73kg
    CW ~140lbs/63kg

    My strategy was "eat as much as I can and still lose." Even so, I was able to shed the weight in about 5 months. My Fitbit keeps me accountable in my walking/jogging, and I do calisthenics 4-5 days a week. Now that I'm "at" maintenance (I think...if 5 more pounds fall off or pile back on, I'm okay with that, too), I'm going to swap out the pushups and such for some heavy things (other than myself, lol).

    I resisted the gym for a long time (I'm terribly shy and such), and was fortunate that the calisthenics and random YouTube fitness video served me well enough. However, I really do know and see from others that a proper weight lifting program is what I need in order to achieve and maintain the fitness level I want for myself.

    So, from this point on, I plan on maintaining my Fitbit steps (min. 50,000 steps/week), and doing Stronglifts 5x5 or similar 3 days a week. Oh, and eating all the things with moderation and without guilt.
  • 50sFit
    50sFit Posts: 712 Member
    I lost my original 90+ pounds 3 years ago and have maintained ever since.
    Here is what I do...consider:
    I address 2 areas that make up my health and fitness program.

    1. Food Intake - I eat clean as defined by lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies, nuts, whole grains, beans and raw dairy.
    If man makes it, I try not to eat it.
    2. Exercise - both cardio and strength...and I try to engage routines that employ training I enjoy like biking, swimming, calisthenics, hiking and MMA

    I train about 3 hours daily with an occasional day off. I eat around 4000 calories per day.
    That's it.