What one thing



  • vinisc
    vinisc Posts: 6 Member
    I want to know I am doing everything I can to have the best life possible.
  • lililomo
    lililomo Posts: 167 Member
    getting cancer
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    I sacrificed my body for 4 pregnancies resulting in 3 children from 2014-2018.

    I want my pre pregnancy body back!
  • mrsallenmoore
    mrsallenmoore Posts: 42 Member
    The way I looked and how people treated me
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    clothes way too tight. moving slow. labored breathing...fear of death or aging badly.
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    Realizing I would be near useless for our upcoming house move. I had no upper body strength and would have had to be relegated to sidelines while other friends/family moved all our stuff.
  • Jadesfire93
    Jadesfire93 Posts: 92 Member
    My weight has yo-yo'ed my entire life and I've pretty much been "dieting" since I was 8. I've felt the need for a real change (finally) for the past six months or so as I've gotten bigger and bigger for a variety of reasons.
    Addiction runs in my family, and food is mine. Two months ago I had to go to my uncle's funeral after he committed suicide caused by his alcoholism. My black dress was too tight and I had to wear a full set of spanx underneath it. It was a wake-up call, and I can't hit the snooze button any more.
  • roarkesdrift
    roarkesdrift Posts: 37 Member
    At the beginning of the summer, I had to buy size 46 dress pants, which was the biggest I'd ever needed, and I couldn't fit into my suit anymore. Also, I just didnt want to do things/go out with friends for a while, so I decided I needed to change.
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    My weight got up to close to 180lbs (6'1" male) in the winter of 2015 and I was unhappy with how I looked. I also knew I was only marginally less unhappy with how I looked at 170 or 160. This realization shifted my mindset from losing weight to improving my body composition and I started taking resistance training more seriously (to that point I'd half-kittened P90X and P90X3 because they were supposed to make me hot, right?). Now, at 29 I'm stronger, better looking, and happier in my own skin than at any point in my life.
  • Cassandraw3
    Cassandraw3 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I had gotten down to 120 lbs in 2014 and was finally happy and comfortable with my body. Add diet changes and a baby and I had crept back up. Then almost a year ago I went from a job where I was on my feet moving all day to a desk job and gained another 10 lbs in 5 months. Finally had enough and I decided to lose the weight again to be comfortable and happy in my body once more.