I’m down 90lbs and I’ve never been more miserable



  • 1BlueAurora
    1BlueAurora Posts: 439 Member
    Hi. You mentioned you take Restoril for your insomnia. My understanding is that it is a medication prescribed for the short term, usually no longer than 14 days. I know that for my insomnia, meds would work and then eventually lose their effectiveness. I tried Ambien but did that sleep-eating thing and had to switch to Lunesta. Lunesta worked for about a year, year and a half. My doctor recently switched me out to an antidepressant that has sleepiness as a side effect. This is working well in addressing my insomnia. It's an old school medication called Trazadone. It wouldn't hurt to ask your prescribing physician whether trying yet another medication in place of the Restoril would be worth doing. I dunno. I'm no doctor...
  • beaglady
    beaglady Posts: 1,362 Member
    I’m sorry you don’t have an in-person shoulder to cry on or an ear when you need to vent. You’re definitely not evil for getting frustrated-just tired I’m sure.

    Did you hire your aides through a specific agency? I’m asking cause we have had home aides for my elderly dad both through a private agency, and through one arranged through the county. There is a vast difference not only between individual caregivers, but generally from one agency to the other. You may have much better success with aides from a different source.

    Hugs to you for sure. It sounds like you’ve had a ton of responsibility from a young age. You’re certainly allowed to be frustrated. Be kind to yourself. You deserve it.
  • shnell25
    shnell25 Posts: 49 Member
    I’m going to be praying God’s strength and peace over you.

    I agree that you need to see your your Gynecologist or general practitioner/family doctor to address your concerns regarding your cycle. They should be able to come up with a plan to address your issues.

    I know you said you don’t have a support group, but if you could have someone relieve you for a weekend (maybe Friday and Saturday) so that you can have some “me” time, that might help relieve a little of your stress.

    Remember you need to take of yourself in order to be there for your mom. 💕🤗🙏🏾
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    I'd believe that she wasn't consuming enough calories, if she wasn't getting her TOM at all or even less than average but she's getting it more than normal!

    Might I suggest that you schedule an appointment, with a gynecologist? Sometimes birth control's necessary, to regulate excessive TOM duration and/or it's amount!

    I second all the diet break and lessening exercise/increasing sleep advice. I’m also having hormonal issues and going to see a NaPro doctor (an OB-Gyn that is certified in NaPro technology) has helped. He tested my estrogen/progesterone/testosterone at multiple points in my cycle (before and at ovulation, then a few times after ovulation), and tested various thyroid markers as well.

    Then he could give me a targeted dose of the hormone I was low in at the point in my cycle I needed it, instead of blanketing me with hormones I didn’t need (for ex, I have high progesterone and low estrogen, but my estrogen needs supplementation only right after ovulation until my period. I don’t need any progesterone at all and have no need of pre-ovulation estrogen, so I’m not taking anything I don’t need).

    I encourage you to get a full hormone testing, instead of just one blood draw. If you tested me in the first week of my cycle, I’d look normal, but by week 2-2.5 the problems and their cyclical progression become obvious to someone who knows what to look for. A lot of OBs just prescribe BC to mask your symptoms and not actually pinpoint the problem.

  • bootyrubsandtacos
    bootyrubsandtacos Posts: 775 Member
    I'd believe that she wasn't consuming enough calories, if she wasn't getting her TOM at all or even less than average but she's getting it more than normal!

    Might I suggest that you schedule an appointment, with a gynecologist? Sometimes birth control's necessary, to regulate excessive TOM duration and/or it's amount!

    I second all the diet break and lessening exercise/increasing sleep advice. I’m also having hormonal issues and going to see a NaPro doctor (an OB-Gyn that is certified in NaPro technology) has helped. He tested my estrogen/progesterone/testosterone at multiple points in my cycle (before and at ovulation, then a few times after ovulation), and tested various thyroid markers as well.

    Then he could give me a targeted dose of the hormone I was low in at the point in my cycle I needed it, instead of blanketing me with hormones I didn’t need (for ex, I have high progesterone and low estrogen, but my estrogen needs supplementation only right after ovulation until my period. I don’t need any progesterone at all and have no need of pre-ovulation estrogen, so I’m not taking anything I don’t need).

    I encourage you to get a full hormone testing, instead of just one blood draw. If you tested me in the first week of my cycle, I’d look normal, but by week 2-2.5 the problems and their cyclical progression become obvious to someone who knows what to look for. A lot of OBs just prescribe BC to mask your symptoms and not actually pinpoint the problem.

    Oh man!!! I would kill to find a dr like this! 😩😩😩 My last gyno was awful. I have medicaid. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to find someone who specializes in that. I’m going to see my PCP on Friday to talk to her about my blood tests and my anemia and then take it from there. I already printed out a list of OB’s and endocrinologists from my insurance list.

    Thanks 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 @beaglady and @shnell25
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    I will continue to pray for you. I know that God has an answer- Maybe if you can not leave your mom to attend a church. maybe you could call a church or some other support system. Surely a pastor would be able to lead you to some resources in your area to help. I will pray.