Things people say when you're dieting.



  • sugom2
    sugom2 Posts: 93 Member
    Wow, I can't believe some of the things people have been saying to all of you. So cruel. At any point, you just have to do what is right for you. And yes, I agree, these aren't diets we are on, these are life changes. We are choosing to exercise and eat better for a healthier you. We all know "diets" don't work, but life changes do :)
  • babysaffy
    babysaffy Posts: 232 Member
    mojo4717 wrote: »
    “You can’t eat that you’re on a diet!”
    I’m not on a “diet “, I’ve changed the food in my diet and made lifestyle changes, anyway I’m an adult who the fk are you to try to tell me what to do? 😂

    The amount of times I've had to say that line to my husband this year!! Aaargh 🤦‍♀️
  • Things people say (besides woo). Is the people who were giving you unwanted advice when you were bigger give you the opposite advice once you are smaller. One person was like, "you need to exercise every day." "I already exercise every day." "No, really, I mean you need to exercise every day." "I do exercise every day." "Well, you need to exercise some more."

    Now, the same person is like "you should stop going to the gym every day." And, "you were late to XYZ because you were at THE GYM!!!" "You exercise too much." "Uh, weren't you the one who said I needed to exercise every day?" "But it's different now!" "You can see..."

    Another one - the clothes I wore was like, "please make sure when you arrive, you don't wear anything too tight, because it makes you look really fat," now it's like, "your clothes, I just think you need to, I mean, the men are staring at you as you walk past you need to, I mean, these new clothes you're wearing..."

  • maureenkhilde
    maureenkhilde Posts: 850 Member
    This time around, I have really kept quiet and said very little to anyone who asks what and how. I just have said I am eating much less than I was before and walking lots more. That is the total of what I tell anyone who asks me outside of MFP. Because it is interesting to me how many are quick to say, well whatever you are doing, you cannot keep up the pace of losing like you have been. Or you will get bored and just gain it all back, so why are you even trying? That was said about two months ago. I admit I have been a yoyo person for many years. But this go around has been so different, coming to MFP, logging daily, commenting, learning, seeing tons of great posts, fantastic ideas which in turn have helped me do better.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Yeah, it's funny. I lost over 100 pounds and have maintained for about a year and people are still trying to tell me how I should change to "their" program. I just shake my head and let them talk. No point in arguing. If I learned anything in this journey it's that you have to do what works for you.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    This whole thread is so validating. Thank you.
  • SisterSueGetsFit
    SisterSueGetsFit Posts: 1,211 Member
    BABetter1 wrote: »
    Somebody really flagged MY personal life experience as Woo? Wow. Just Wow.

    You all reminded me of another one. I should start getting this one when I get about halfway to goal. You look fantastic, but you need to stop losing now or it's going to be too much.

    I don't know if people think they are flattering me when they say that or what. But yeah, I do still need to lose the other 50 lbs I am dragging around.

    I don't think people understand the "woo" so don't take it personally. They were probably cheering for you. :)

  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    I often wonder if its me that woo's by accident as my finger scrolls down the screen......really got to watch that :(
  • TrishSeren
    TrishSeren Posts: 587 Member
    What irks me is when people ask me for advice, and I politely tell them and then they tell me why I'm wrong. Yet it's working, it's worked before, it's literally science and YOU ASKED ME FOR ADVICE.
  • dangerousdashie
    dangerousdashie Posts: 119 Member
    “You don’t need to count calories, you’re already thin.”

    Yea, because I count calories!

    Another one was “But, you have no fat to lose.” Then when I lost weight the same people say, “You look great, like you lost 20lbs” Well if I had no fat to lose then what does it look like I lost? My leg?

    I think these people maybe think they are complementing me? But really it comes off more judgemental, like they think I am delusional or vain. At the very least it’s simply unsupportive. I find it annoying and rude but I try not to let it bother me.
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    edited September 2018
    I've lost a substantial amount of weight (I weigh less than half of where I started), and I'll get asked how I did it.

    When I explain the whole - eat less, move more thing I tend to get a lot of criticism that losing weight doesn't work that way, generally followed by woo diet product recommendations. Generally this comes from those with no long term (or any, really) weight loss success.

    That being said; is eyerolling considered cardio?
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    VUA21 wrote: »
    I've lost a substantial amount of weight (I weigh less than half of where I started), and I'll get asked how I did it.

    When I explain the whole - eat less, move more thing I tend to get a lot of criticism that losing weight doesn't work that way, generally followed by woo diet product recommendations. Generally this comes from those with no long term (or any, really) weight loss success.

    That being said; is eyerolling considered cardio?
    I've gotten a lot of this too. The conversation usually goes something like:
    Them: "Wow - you've lost weight. May I ask your secret?"
    Me: "Thank you. It's not much of a secret, though - just plain old diet and exercise."
    Them: "(their own idiosyncratic, frequently stupid and/or insulting, way of saying "Well, that's not what I wanted to hear!)"

  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,621 Member
    VUA21 wrote: »

    That being said; is eyerolling considered cardio?

    Quickly checks the MFP exercise database...

  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    I will say for the longest time I thought the "woo" button was for Whoohoo! you're awesome. I clicked the darned thing so many times. sorry folks..didn't know.