September 11th, 2001 – where were you?



  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    I was 21, in college, in class, when my teacher ran out of the room. Then she ran back in, said "a plane crashed into the WTC!" and ran back out again. We were all sitting in there like, what just happened? What did she say? What's going on?
    Then she came back in and said "Another one hit the WTC!"
    Class was dismissed, I went down to another building where there was a TV, and everyone was crowded around it seeing footage of the 2 planes hitting the WTC. They closed the college, and dismissed everyone. About half the students left and traffic was crazy. The other half of us sat in our cars listening to the radio and crying. People speculating about who was next, others trying to contact family members.... I had no cell phone at the time, so I didn't try to call anyone.
    I just sat in my car and cried.
  • klkarlen
    klkarlen Posts: 4,366 Member
    I was at work in a tall office building in Hartford, CT, my husband who worked from home called to tell me that a plane had hit the first tower. We all thought perhaps a small plane, and we all started trying to get to the news on the internet and it was not happening. So I stayed on the phone with my husband and shared the news with my team, and as the news got more ominous and the first town fell, I decided to go home for the day. When my husband asked why I told him that I would rather be home than a sitting target in a high rise office building.

    We sat at home numbly watching the TV, waiting for our 6 year old daughter to come home, and try to explain it to her. They didn't sent the kids home early that day, so I don't know what their experience was like in the schools.

    Some time later my dad told me that his former office in the Pentagon was 5 doors away from the section that was hit. He had retired two years earlier.

  • renovagirl
    renovagirl Posts: 85 Member
    @JDMac82 - it might be cliche but - thank you for your service and sacrifice.
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    @renovagirl thank you for your support

  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    Sophomore in high school. Chemistry class. A teacher ran into our room and practically screamed at our teacher to turn on the television. We spent the better half of the morning watching everything slowly fall apart as events unfolded, all work forgotten for the day.

    Classes did not really commence for the rest of that day. None of the teachers had the heart to do much of anything, but we were all required to be there all the same.
  • leex2782
    leex2782 Posts: 37 Member
    I was at a job interview at a Disney warehouse when it happened
  • SoleTrainer60
    SoleTrainer60 Posts: 180 Member
    I was in a Sears store. They had televisions on display. The special news bulletin came up suddenly on the screens. It stopped me in my tracks. I started praying for our country and was praying for my family.
  • dmcnur
    dmcnur Posts: 157 Member
    I live in Australia and work as I registered nurse. I woke up to get ready for a morning shift and could not believe what I was seeing and hearing on the news.
  • maureenkhilde
    maureenkhilde Posts: 850 Member
    I had just arrived for work, when one of my employees stopped me and said a really odd report on the radio. A plane had hit one of the WTC buildings and we were like what, how? Then less than 20 minutes later the next one hits. And we realize this is no accident. Then I am on the phone trying to reach employees who were there for a big meeting, that was held in home office, instead of NJ where we normally held meetings. Then one of my supervisors is in tears and needing to go home as her dad works in the WTC. Luck was on his side that day. He spilled coffee on his uniform, and went home to change, missed his subway train so went in later. And therefore was not in the WTC when the plane hit. Meanwhile we were getting updates all morning, and TV's in conference rooms and Cafeteria were all running about that day. Every year this is such a sad day.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,679 Member
    I was around 7 at the time and had done a round of schoolwork and scooted over to be with my family, play and watch some TV. As usual, we had it tuned in to the news and I saw what appeared to be two skyscrapers, equal in dignity. Out of the cloudless blue sky came a plane and a bunch of smoke/fire resulting from collision with the first tower. Before I could wrap my young brain around that, in came a similar plane from the opposite direction, which created yet more smoke and fire. Before I could blink, the towers' remains lay in a pile of rubble and plumes of smoke while news of the many injuries/casualties began pouring in. It was a sad day but that memory leaves me feeling eternally grateful for the love of (our choices of Higher Power) and the service of our first responders, paramedics, firefighters, soldiers and police officers that put their lives on the line for ours.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Driving to work. Heard it on the radio. They thought it was an accident at first.
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    I was in school.

    Was at a really bad point in life and 'out if it', I didn't realize what had happened.

    I remember walking into a common area and everyone fixed on the TV.

    I just went about my day, I was in my own world trying to get by, kinda oblivious.