Gym or home????

Which do y'all think works better working out at home or at the gym?


  • angelcrush93
    angelcrush93 Posts: 17 Member
    Anyone know of a good workout routine for the gym to lose weight and get strong?
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    This link should help

    Weight loss will come down to being in a calorie deficit, exercise can help add to that but it has many other benefits as well.
  • Lesley2603
    Lesley2603 Posts: 119 Member
    Gym without doubt. There is always something else to do at home plus I have a dog who thinks if I get on the floor it’s playtime.
  • Liana_Ish
    Liana_Ish Posts: 671 Member
    Both. I’ve lost a lot of weight with NO gym membership and just working out at home( home dvds, workout apps, dancing, etc.)
    Currently, I do have a gym membership so I don’t workout at home.
  • MekaP97
    MekaP97 Posts: 16 Member
    I think it depends on your preference.
    I prefer to work out at home because I don't really like to use the gym equipment, I prefer group classes and most gyms near me don't have classes to fit my schedule. And secondly because I prefer to work out before work and most gyms don't have morning classes that begin before 9am. I have hand weights at home, a work out bench, exercise balls and lots of dvd's and then there's always youtube...
    I was going to this fitness studio near me and paying $50 a month because they had 5:30am classes but on three different occasions I got there only to sit in the parking lot on one occasion for 15 minutes because the instructor was late and the other two occasions the class was canceled.... this NEVER happened to the evening classes but my evenings are so up in the air I need to get my workouts done in the morning...
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I've done both. I never thought I would stick to it at home but I've had my home gym for 6+months now and really do love it over a reg gym!!! The key for me is having a dedicated room and buying secondhand equipment in good shape so I don't feel like I'm losing money. I use and have a treadmill for cardio.

    If I wanted to lift heavy, I would prefer a regular gym since I just don't have the room for that, nor the will to get that kind of set up. Also I can't swim at home either, of course, but I rarely had the time for that at my old gym so I don't really feel like I gave up much.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    MekaP97 wrote: »
    I think it depends on your preference.
    I prefer to work out at home because I don't really like to use the gym equipment, I prefer group classes and most gyms near me don't have classes to fit my schedule. And secondly because I prefer to work out before work and most gyms don't have morning classes that begin before 9am. I have hand weights at home, a work out bench, exercise balls and lots of dvd's and then there's always youtube...
    I was going to this fitness studio near me and paying $50 a month because they had 5:30am classes but on three different occasions I got there only to sit in the parking lot on one occasion for 15 minutes because the instructor was late and the other two occasions the class was canceled.... this NEVER happened to the evening classes but my evenings are so up in the air I need to get my workouts done in the morning...

    Ugh, that's the worst and ruins mornings!! I was trying hard to stick to a good swim schedule last year, barely had time before work if I got there right when they opened, but about half the time the lifeguard never showed up on time and it wasted my whole morning enough times that I finally gave up. So frustrating.
  • VioletRojo
    VioletRojo Posts: 596 Member
    It's personal preference. Some people like the sense of community they get in a gym, or the variety of machines, weights, etc. I detest gyms so I built a home gym and couldn't be happier.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    edited September 2018
    personal preference. I much prefer to workout in the privacy and convenience of my own home. The drawbacks to that of course are limited equipment, and sometimes it was nice having the gym because I didn't have my kids pestering me lol
  • swack0621
    swack0621 Posts: 2 Member
    I prefer both. I have a bike that was given to me and an elliptical that I bought at a yard sale. My gym membership I have had for so long and it is only $20 a month so I keep that as well. I do enjoy going to the gym on the weekends and I try to get there 1 or 2 nights a week. However, I like to do my weights and kettle bells at home. My gym has a lot of men and weight lifting/body building guys so I am just more comfortable doing weights at home.
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    I needed training on the best equipment and techniques to use and I don't have a dedicated space or much equipment at home. Also, I am bad about procrastinating and cutting it short at home. I will go regularly and allocate the right amount of time for the gym and once I am there I get the time without interruptions or distractions. I leave my phone in the locker, there is no computer upstairs to do a quick email check on, etc.
  • yukfoo
    yukfoo Posts: 871 Member
    edited September 2018
    I reclaimed 1/2 my double garage 6 years ago. It's been my home gym and it's great if you have the room and discipline to do it. I prefer to do things on my own time and in my own way so it's been ideal for me. I also work from my home office just down the hall so there's no excuses for me not to workout. Interestingly there's a brand new big name franchise gym opening just up the street for $10 a month. I will definitely join for the variety of equipment and we'll see which one I stick with in the long run.
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    edited September 2018
    Which do y'all think works better working out at home or at the gym?

    Depends on where I am in my programme, when I'm alternating between the gym, the clubhouse and at home. Presently, I'm preferring to workout outdoors, for the good majority of my routines, even my meditation.

    Workout where you'll be motivated to be consistent with what you're comfortable with and is sustainable. Keep it flexible. Have fun with it!
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited September 2018
    Most of the time I like working out at home. I have an Assault Bike and a rower -- both are killer full body workouts. When I want more, I do a lot of pushups, dumbbell work. The only thing I miss (and I don't have room for) are the barbell, though I do have heavy KBs at home. Even though I hardly go anymore, I keep the gym membership because it's nice to get out of the house every now and again. I just wish they had better equipment there -- Jacob's Ladder or heavier KBs (they only have up to 35 lbs ones, I have to use two to get an effective workout). I do like one stepper machine they have at my gym, though. We're moving next year across country. Once settled in, I'd like to get a folding power rack in the garage and then I'll be really hard pressed to ever go to the gym.
  • flowerhorsey
    flowerhorsey Posts: 154 Member
    Wherever you will do the work! I never thought I would feel comfortable in a gym, but it's ok...
  • climberbry
    climberbry Posts: 22 Member
    H.A.W. lol
  • climberbry
    climberbry Posts: 22 Member
    Ideally both, IMO. For me, having SOME equipment at home (e.g. adjustable bench and some DBs) for when life gets too hectic to get in a workout/full workout at the gym. Having something at home will help with weak point training as well, by getting in a couple sets here and there (e.g. while dinner is cooking, etc).
  • tigerstr
    tigerstr Posts: 1 Member
    edited September 2018
    Home gym if you can afford the equipment and/or find creative ways to fill the gaps with functional training ( sacks, body weight, yard, etc, street/hill running etc). Other pre requisites a) have the self-discipline so you stick to it b) the knowledge to do things the right way and not hurt yourself c) enjoy working out alone.

    If not, stick to a regular gym membership. My 2c :)

    I am the home gym type. I don't like socializing when I work out and enjoy the fact that I don't have to commute to a gym or wait to use equipment.

    Main drawback (for me) the absence of a spotter when lifting heavy and no squat rack (yet) So I have to be extra careful with my training limits.