
Carbs or no carbs, to fast or not to fast, just count calories.... I am a yo yo dieter and I’m tired of it.... I need to lose 40 pounds but I always do something and then quit. Any advice for me


  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited October 2018
    All you need to lose weight is to eat the right amount of calories. All of the other stuff is just strategies to get to that calorie goal more easily, and different things work for different people.

    If carbs don't fill you up, low carb might help you. But for some people, carbs are satiating and avoiding them would be counter-productive. If you aren't hungry in the AM, try skipping breakfast and doing 16:8 IF for a while and see if it makes it easier or tougher for you.

    While counting calories isn't necessary, it's the surest way of determining whether you are eating the right amount or not. Even if you don't do it long term, a few weeks of accurate and consistent logging can give you a lot of insights into what works and doesn't work for you. Learning as you go and being patient are key.

    Good luck!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    crawford41 wrote: »
    Carbs or no carbs, to fast or not to fast, just count calories.... I am a yo yo dieter and I’m tired of it.... I need to lose 40 pounds but I always do something and then quit. Any advice for me

    You said it yourself, just count calories.