Asian/Japanese/sushi all-you-can-eat buffet, "cheat-day"?



  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    edited October 2018
    DvoycY wrote: »
    What would you say are the best things to eat to minimize the fat gain? I was thinking lean protein, followed up by healthy carbohydrates - to begin with salad, eat some meat and finish with grains.

    It is one meal. I suppose whatever keeps you in maintenance for the week. If you have lean protein and carbs and are in a surplus, then it is still a surplus. And in the end fat gain happens with consistent surplus over time.

    However I would recommend if you are that concerned over one day of eating, being as lean as you are, you might want to stop and re-evaluate why you are so fearful of one meal causing fat gain.
  • DvoycY
    DvoycY Posts: 38 Member
    Very good points everyone, very helpful and means a lot. Considering I am near my goal weight I am fine with somewhat a lower deficit. Finally, I had this today: Calories are just an estimation but should be decent. Wanted to hit about 4-4.5K today as the next cheat-day is this Sunday but oh well. In the worst case I will maintain and be more rational next time. Open to critique on calorie count. Cheers
  • Kimmotion5783
    Kimmotion5783 Posts: 417 Member
    edited October 2018
    Dvoyc I completely understand what you're going through- going out to eat Italian food with a friend friday night and been surveying the options on the menu. It's just one meal, don't beat yourself up over it. It'll be okay. Even if you ate the healthiest thing on the menu, there's still a chance of a little water weight happening. But water weight will fall right back off in a couple days.

    Just my two cents on the subject: if there is something really special on the menu that you can't make at home, can't get anywhere else and you're not going to have it again for a long time, go for that. Make it a treat, have yourself a nice night out and go for something really special.

    For example I'm going for Italian food, so I'll probably opt for a veal dish with a small side salad to start. It's something I wouldn't normally have everyday, I don't yet know how to cook it, so I probably won't be having it anytime soon. It will be something special and yet I'm not denying myself anything or beating myself up over it afterwards. The key is balance.
  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    Lol restore lepton and ghrelin after one meal and ten months of cutting.....yeah I wouldn’t focus on those hormones cause they wont be restored like you would with a prolonged refeed or reverse diet. I would rather look at it as holy shyt I’ve Been cutting for ten months I’m gonna enjoy this ayce sushi. What’s a cheat if you’re worried about fat gain...??
  • Kimmotion5783
    Kimmotion5783 Posts: 417 Member
    I found a really helpful article on that gives you an idea of healthier restaurant options and sharing in case this helps anyone:
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I found a really helpful article on that gives you an idea of healthier restaurant options and sharing in case this helps anyone:

    I think this type of advice could be helpful for people who eat out often, but I'd rather eat out less often and order things that I truly enjoy. Life is too short to never enjoy a delicious coconut milk curry.