People Bashing MFP, How do I react to them



  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    I have also quit talking about it, I have a couple people in my life that really could use to lose weight and have health problems. They seem to be the ones that say the most that what I am doing is wrong.

    I don't argue with anyone about it as I don't feel it's worth my time. They have to learn on their own.
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    Why bother? You do you. Other people's opinion is just that and not terribly important nor informed. Say 'Thanks for your concern - have a great day"
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I just don't talk about MFP, calorie counting or weight loss with people.
    My experience in life is that if you put something out there people feel free to give advice or comment. If you don't want advice or comments don't put it up for discussion.

    If you want to shut down a topic you could just say that's something to think about and quickly change the subject every time... this used to be called "passing the bean dip".
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    SabAteNine wrote: »
    I don't discuss what I do for weight management in real life. If I am asked directly, I will talk about it (briefly and simply), but I think that method-wise, it's to each their own. If they want to do keto / juicing / magic pills / unicorns, it's up to them. Counting calories is not for everyone - some people still have to overcome the mental barrier that prohibits them to see weight management as a `for life` thing. And for us counters with terrible eyeballing skills, counting may very well be for life too. Nothing wrong with that.

    And in answer to your question, you... don't. You take the high road and save yourself the frustration and time lost :smiley:

    Unicorns :D That made me laugh
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    I've come to realize that diet/weight issues are right up there with religion and politics as topics I just don't need to discuss with people. Just not worth the frustration.

    I mean I had someone tell me yesterday that salt will kill me when I put a little on my lunch.

    Something's got to, right? Might as well enjoy the food that's going to kill you :tongue:
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    i don't talk about my fitness stuff to anyone who is not involved - I may mention it to a person in need but only once =- includes this. body on demand. the gym. food etc. nothing. its my business and no one elses.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    pinuplove wrote: »
    I've come to realize that diet/weight issues are right up there with religion and politics as topics I just don't need to discuss with people. Just not worth the frustration.

    I mean I had someone tell me yesterday that salt will kill me when I put a little on my lunch.

    Something's got to, right? Might as well enjoy the food that's going to kill you :tongue:

    If I want food to kill me, it won't be a sprinkle of salt. It'll be something smothered in cheese LOL

    You want to be smothered in cheese, you say? Not how I'd choose to go, but ok... :tongue:
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    In real life I don't share my methods, not because I want to keep it secret but because I live in a rural community who would think any form of diet management a bit suspect. Hence I don't get flak about exercising routines or calorie counting. Any nice comments about looking slimmer or similar I just say 'thank you' and change the subject - I don't get involved in any debate about the how. Any comments about getting skinny or too thin now ' I just say 'Oh do you think so?' I am looking forward to the day when my being overweight is only remembered by me! Don't let others rain on your parade and derail your losses - similarly don't expect them to applaud th em either (other than SO - they should appreciate your efforts). Your journey is your business and chances are your methods won't suit those asking you.
  • bigbandjohn
    bigbandjohn Posts: 769 Member
    What do you guys say to people who bash you for using myfitnesspal and counting calories. I’ve had people tell me “you cant count calories forever” you should do keto or do this or that ect ect. I’m upset and I know I shouldnt but I am because this site has helped me so much and those people have no idea how supportive we are here.

    lizalmp1234, if it works for you, what they say doesn't matter. People look at me strangely, but those who have known me actually encourage me since they see the results of the work. There are many approaches to a solution, but only one that works best for you. If they have something that works best for them in another area, compare and contrast.... but don't criticize. Be informed. Keto is good if you are diabetic or have certain other medical conditions (epilepsy if memory serves). Maybe you like pasta, and Keto would deny you that. Balanced diet and calorie counting works... PERIOD. Maybe some people need less than average. Others more. Either way, you can always say "I may not do it forever, but it works for me when I need to do this. Does it really matter?"

    I am not a fan of "fad diets", yet some people swear by them and it shows results for them (which I consider Keto a fad outside of medical necessity). Likewise, if you aren't nutritionally balanced or need to take suppliments to follow a diet, then it really isn't that healthy. I would rather eat a balanced nutritional diet than need to take suppliments. It doesn't mean I won't, just that I don't want it to be a requirement.

    Don't let them upset you. Laugh them off. Be happy in yourself. You can succeed.

  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,990 Member
    Ignore them.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    pinuplove wrote: »
    What do you guys say to people who bash you for using myfitnesspal and counting calories. I’ve had people tell me “you cant count calories forever” you should do keto or do this or that ect ect. I’m upset and I know I shouldnt but I am because this site has helped me so much and those people have no idea how supportive we are here.
    I thought this too, when I was starting with MFP, but now I'm wondering, "Why the *kitten* not?"

    I count quarters when I use the machines in the laundry room, and I count dollars when I'm balancing my checking account. I count cups & tablespoons when I'm making a recipe, and I count plates and silverware when I'm setting the table to serve that recipe. I count minutes when I check the time, and I count miles when I'm driving somewhere.

    Counting's a handy skill. Why wouldn't I apply it to calories, if that's what I choose to do, for at least as long as I'm still alive and still counting all the other things I mentioned?

    My job literally includes 'counting' in the name :laugh: I chose to spend 30-40 years in a profession of counting things. Why not count calories in my spare time?
    Aha! I knew it! I always suspected you were a countess.

    Ya figured me out! 👸