1200 calories :#



  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    62 years old, 5'7 and until recently pretty sedentary. I aim for 1200 cals per day plus 50% of anything I have earned through exercise. The 50% is because I think the database overcooks the figures it gives and I don't use a tracking device. Most days it's very do-able, some days I am hungry, in which case I decide whether I have been eating too low or whether I'm just bored and adjust accordingly. I am a bit of a volume eater so I make sure my plate is loaded with veg or salad at meal times - if I don't I get the nibbles after about an hour! :D This cold snap is making me hungry though so I will up the exercise to earn a few more cals to play with. Apart from 7 weeks on a road trip holiday, where I was careful but didn't log, I have been following my plan for around 10 months straight.

    And how much weigh were you able to lose? I’m the same age and height and have been struggling. My daily calorie is 1330.

    Since last Christmas I have lost around 30 lbs even with the 7 week road trip in February/March last year. I am about 5lbs from where I think I will stop so have been happy to lose slowly over the last couple of months. I reckon I average around 1300 to 1350 with exercise calories.
  • biorythum2
    biorythum2 Posts: 1 Member
    I have found the green giant riced veggies to be a great part of a low calorie diet. The entire bag has 80-100 calories. I add a little butter, hot sauce, and season it. Also you can add a protein (egg, chicken, whatever) and toss it in stir fry sauce to make a complete low calorie meal. Hope this helps.
  • SaraMakingChanges
    SaraMakingChanges Posts: 178 Member
    I totally get you, 1200 is a tough goal to meet every day.

    My current goal is 1300 and I find that difficult. But I give myself credit for exercise and allow myself to eat some of those extra calories. That and choosing low carb / low refined sugar, high protein, lots of fibre and water like I’m walking the Sahara. 🙃 And every now and then, at least once a month I have a high day. Not a cheat day exactly (try to avoid fast food / junk food bcs that stuff is like crack) but I go over my goal and it doesn’t seem to slow down my progress. You have to live a little!

    Finding some activity that you can do every day will help since then you can eat more! In my opinion.

    Wishing you success on reaching your goals.
  • Safari_Gal
    Safari_Gal Posts: 888 Member
    How does anyone make it on 1200? Day 4 and trying very hard to stay as close as I can to that number but it’s pretty deflating when I complete my diary log and up pops “Congratulations in 5 weeks you’ll be xxx” which is only 3 lbs way from my current weight...wth??? :s:'(:s At that rate it will take me 10+ months to lose 30lbs! That doesn’t seem right. Thoughts, advice, experience?

    @feelinglucky5 - I lost 40 lbs doing 1200 -1300 calories a day. I’m on my last 10 lbs - I still eat 1200-1300 cals a day. Ive been incrementally increasing calories as I get closer to my goal.

    If I eat nutrient dense foods, say chicken and broccoli/Brussels sprouts - it is a lot more filling and less calories then say a few slices of pizza. (To me anyway - I can keep eating pizza.)

    If you aren’t satiated on 1200 calories / maybe include more fibrous vegetables? Look for foods with more caloric bang for your buck? Change up the menu to see how much food 1200 calories can be.

    Today I had :
    Smoked salmon
    Chicken tenderloin
    Cauliflower rice
    Sautéed Rainbow chard
    And I’m only at 1100ish calories - but many of the above are low cal foods.

    One of the best things about being on my current way of eating has been experimenting with new foods / maybe there is some great foods that you will find make you happy, healthy and are within your dietary preferences. :)

  • amberellen12
    amberellen12 Posts: 248 Member
    I use a digital scale and been struggling for quite a while months. At 187 goal is 140. Lost first 15 easily then stall out.

  • Safari_Gal
    Safari_Gal Posts: 888 Member
    I use a digital scale and been struggling for quite a while months. At 187 goal is 140. Lost first 15 easily then stall out.

    How many calories are you eating? Physical activity?
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    edited October 2018
    Just a thought about your calorie allowance and expectations. 1200 calories is the lowest calorie allowance MFP gives to women, regardless of your chosen weekly weight loss goal. I ran your stats through a TDEE calculator, assuming a sedentary activity level, and came up with about 1700 calories. That means 1 lb/week (a deficit of 500 calories/day) would give you 1200. So even though you are set at 1.5 lbs, that's likely not going to happen. And that's good, because with what you have to lose, you shouldn't be trying for more than 1 lb/week at this point.

    I agree with the suggestions to apply yourself to accurate logging, preferably with the aid of a kitchen scale, and to eat back some of your exercise calories. You also want to pay attention to which foods you find the most satiating and don't spend the calories on ones that are not. Don't try to skimp, because when people try to eat too few calories, it can often backfire and the person may binge and end up undoing the progress they've made. Better to lose 30 lbs in a year than 0 lbs never (got that from somebody else in the forums, but can't remember who).

    Edited: got it wrong! It's supposed to be "better 30 lbs in a year than 60 lbs never" (or something like that). ;)
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    RredSonja wrote: »
    Make sure you are getting enough protein and healthy fat, which are satiating. Take a hard look at those macros. Fill up on bulky, lower carb vegetables that you can eat without dressings.

    1200 is pretty tough. You could try eating more calories on days you exercise, and fewer on rest days, like allow yourself 1400 calories on workout days, 1000 on rest days. This is great if you weight lift and experience ravenous hunger after a lifting session.

    You could also try intermittent fasting. I have personally found IF to be incredibly helpful, and I think it was an important part of my loss of over 100 pounds. Not eating breakfast has many health benefits including increased fat burning, and allows you two have bigger meals, since you only eat two meals and maybe a snack.

    The last trick in my bag is tea. Green, black, herbal, unsweetened or sweetened with stevia. The flavors are stimulating, the warmth is filling, and it’s extra hydration. If you find yourself wandering into the kitchen, it really helps to have an array of yummy teas and comforting mugs to distract you from whatever else is in there!

    what is satiating to one is not the same for another. there is no need to eat more on exercise days and less on non workout days unless a person wants to. if you lift you are going to want to fuel those workouts and if you workout you should eat back exercise calories if you are using MFP like its designed and not the TDEE method. as for IF it doesnt increase fat burning.

    I have fasted all my life and there were times I didnt fast. I lost no more fat fasting than I did not fasting. IF can help you stick to a deficit in some people but as for bigger meals you still have to eat to your calorie allowance ,as you can gain weight fasting. Ive done it and so many others here have as well.due to eating too many calories. fat is lost in a deficit. IF may help those with insulin issues though. I am currently maintaining my weight while still doing IF. its just been something I have done most of my life(more than 3 decades to be exact). Ive lost,gained and maintained doing IF its still about the calories
  • davehouns99
    davehouns99 Posts: 2 Member
    Are you all counting calories or are you in ketosis?
    I've been doing the keto diet and have lost almost a Lb/day for the past 45 days.
    Was at 304/ Now at 264.
    If you're not doing the keto diet, definitely have a good look at it, BC I've tried all kinds of low calorie diets and found they never worked, this one is actually working awesome without having to workout like crazy or doing too much different from my regular daily routine.

    keto isnt a low calorie diet per se. if you are losing 1 lb a day aside from water weight and beginning keto where it depletes the water and glycogen, then your calorie deficit is way too high. even doing keto if you are on MFP you are supposed to eat to your calorie goal. too little calories dont do anyone any favors and its not good for health unless under the strict care of a dr who is monitoring everything, when it comes to keto its nothing special for weight loss.

    I lost all my glycogen and water weight in my first three weeks and hit a plateau.
    My personal calorie goal is 1800/day for a male weighing today at 263.2lbs.
    I have a lot of body fat to burn up and find that I'm never hungry and starving myself like a calorie restricted diet plan.
    What I was asking was what are the ppl in this thread doing for a diet, keto or Calorie counting.
    I have researched and discussed my keto journey with my doctor as well as did two weeks of investigation before starting the diet. Keto is awesome and works amazingly for my goals.
    I am a heavy machinery technician which is the reason I don't personally do any extra workouts, as I'm rather muscular as it is and just looking to burn fat from my core areas.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Are you all counting calories or are you in ketosis?
    I've been doing the keto diet and have lost almost a Lb/day for the past 45 days.
    Was at 304/ Now at 264.
    If you're not doing the keto diet, definitely have a good look at it, BC I've tried all kinds of low calorie diets and found they never worked, this one is actually working awesome without having to workout like crazy or doing too much different from my regular daily routine.

    keto isnt a low calorie diet per se. if you are losing 1 lb a day aside from water weight and beginning keto where it depletes the water and glycogen, then your calorie deficit is way too high. even doing keto if you are on MFP you are supposed to eat to your calorie goal. too little calories dont do anyone any favors and its not good for health unless under the strict care of a dr who is monitoring everything, when it comes to keto its nothing special for weight loss.

    I lost all my glycogen and water weight in my first three weeks and hit a plateau.
    My personal calorie goal is 1800/day for a male weighing today at 263.2lbs.
    I have a lot of body fat to burn up and find that I'm never hungry and starving myself like a calorie restricted diet plan.
    What I was asking was what are the ppl in this thread doing for a diet, keto or Calorie counting.
    I have researched and discussed my keto journey with my doctor as well as did two weeks of investigation before starting the diet. Keto is awesome and works amazingly for my goals.
    I am a heavy machinery technician which is the reason I don't personally do any extra workouts, as I'm rather muscular as it is and just looking to burn fat from my core areas.

    fat comes off where it wants when it wants. you cant spot reduce,no matter if you do keto or some other way of eating.. and if you are losing a 1lb a day thats a 3500 calorie deficit per day or 24,500 a week.Im sure you set MFP to lose 2 lbs a week which is 1000 calorie deficit. if you are losing a lb a day you are eating way less than 1800 calories unless your TDEE is really high(over 5000) and your deficit is still too high in that case,which is concerning. I dont know your height or age. but at `1800 you are undereating for your size if you are losing that much weight per day,which also means lean mass and muscle is being lost too.

    I dont know with your job if you are on your feet a lot or not. if so you need to set your MFP to reflect that activity(without exercise as mfp factors in your deficit based on your job activity and how much you want to lose without exercise). you should be losing no more than 1% of your body weight weekly,you are losing more than that. you are on a restricted calorie diet(with a deficit like that) and it is basically starving yourself if losing so much per day.That would mean close to/at 7 lbs a week. a person can only burn so much body fat per day.
  • StarBright147
    StarBright147 Posts: 26 Member
    MFP just recalculate me at 1200 food calories. I made it only because I went for a walk and did some housework that really got my heart rate up. The only way I can stay within my calorie goal is too exercise otherwise I go over. If I’m sick I’m way under my calorie goal and MFP will not give me a weight projection. I noticed if you workout MFP gives a higher weight loss projection then if you just stay within your calorie goal by diet.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    MFP just recalculate me at 1200 food calories. I made it only because I went for a walk and did some housework that really got my heart rate up. The only way I can stay within my calorie goal is too exercise otherwise I go over. If I’m sick I’m way under my calorie goal and MFP will not give me a weight projection. I noticed if you workout MFP gives a higher weight loss projection then if you just stay within your calorie goal by diet.

    thats because MFP uses the neat method which means your deficit is calculated BEFORE any exercise. after you exercise you get more calories which are supposed to be eaten back. some eat all back,and some eat half back. as for 1200 calories thats the minimum for someone very short,elderly or sedentary or a combo of the 3. and if you have less than 75 lbs to lose then 1200(if you set it to 2 lbs a week) is too little.

    as for the weight projection that is inaccurate. for it to be accurate in most cases you would have to eat the same things and burn the same amount of calories every day for those many weeks. it would have to be the same thing over and over and the same way. just ignore the projection. if it was accurate Id have been to goal a LONG time ago.
  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    I ate for my desired maintenance weight and let things sort themselves out naturally. It gave me an extra 300 calories a day (based on my height and weight) and it's been easier long term to stick to a regimen. It wasn't super fast, which in a way was good because I am older and I didn't want a lot of flab. I already have chicken neck and "wings"... Also, FOR ME limiting sugar and carbs to a specified amount helped me a lot in terms of helping me not have horrible cravings every day. My snack is usually a glob of peanut butter and some hot tea or a seltzer water. It's not perfect - but I am not yoyo-ing. But I did lose 2 dress sizes and have stayed in those clothes.
  • Aplant77
    Aplant77 Posts: 112 Member
    I was at 1240 for the first part of my weight loss journey (now I'm set at .5 lbs/week loss so it gave me more calories). The 1240 pushed me to work out/be active every single day so that I could eat more calories. I also found some foods to be more filling than others for the calories so I did a lot of swaps so I wasn't hungry. That and drinking a lot of water/tea.
  • nurse_1
    nurse_1 Posts: 26 Member
    I’ve been eating 1200 calories a day for the last 5 weeks. I’ve lost 10 lbs in the last 5 weeks. It took a little bit to find out what foods work for my body and keeps me full. I’ve found that protein keeps me fuller, carbs make me crave sugar and overeat and fruits/veggies are great low calorie snacks. I don’t really care for meat so I drink premier protein for breakfast and lunch which keeps me full for 2-3 hours then I have a snack. I also eat Greek yogurt and cottage cheese for my protein as well. I don’t let myself get hungry. I’ll eat fruits and vegetables when I’m hungry but getting close to my calorie max for the day. Also drink lots of water.
  • Mikedyy
    Mikedyy Posts: 5 Member
    If 1300 calories is your normal caloric intake then that’s fine. If not, please do not change your calories to a low number like this to lose weight.

    Weight loss happens slowly. Someone who weighs 170lbs vs someone who weighs 230lbs will have different caloric intakes to lose, maintain, and gain weight.

    The best solution is to track your normal caloric intake for the day. You do so for 3-5 days if you have never done so before. This gives you a an idea of how much your currently consuming. And if you can, weigh the foods and portion sizes as well that you normally eat.

    After you’ve established your normal calorie intake, slowly reduce your calories week by week very slowly. Maybe for your initial week you can drop 100-200 calories. Afterwards, drop in very small amounts. Why? Because this gives your body something to constantly feed off of. If you immediately go to 1200 calories when your normal intake is 2,000, you will lose weight for maybe the first week weeks, but then you’ll have to put your body into more stress by either increasing cardio to crazy numbers or going further than 1200 calories.

    Take your time, it’s a long process. And you’ll be surprised by how 40 calories in a week makes a huge difference. Track your progress as well. Weekly progress photos, scale, your mood, etc. the scale is just a number, and more often than not you can notice physical changes without having to drop in weight.

    Hope this helps!