Is it really just CICO

harley79 Posts: 79 Member
Hi I'm an old member but keep coming back because I keep trying fast diets and never getting anywhere. I need to lose 120lbs is it really just CICO is it really that simple even though it's so hard LMAO TY


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
  • garyreed636
    garyreed636 Posts: 2 Member
    It really does work like that. Some diet plans may be more efficient, or attempt to force your body to use more of your stored fat reserves, or may be "Easier" to stick to, but in the end, if you consume fewer calories than you burn, your weight will go down. You need to find what works for YOU. I lost 60 lbs last year using my "Making Better Choices" diet. Unfortunately, life happened and I stopped making those choices for a while and I've had to loose 30 of those lbs over again. But the CICO works just fine for me.

    Using a calorie/activity tracker app is a good step to motivate yourself, but remember to be Absolutely Honest with yourself. I find when I hit a plateau or put a little weight back on, its because I am cheating and not counting the little nibbles and snacks and they add up quick.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    harley79 wrote: » it really just CICO is it really that simple...


    There are a lot of ways to establish/maintain a calorie deficit, but the calorie deficit is what matters for weight loss.
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    It really is.
    Finding a way to make those calories work and feel satisfying to keep it going isn't always so easy, but the basic idea remains the same. Eat less than you burn and you will lose weight over time.

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Yep, it's that simple!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited October 2018
    Weight management is easy to understand, but particular to design. It really is just CICO. The amount of trial and error it takes to discover ways to keep your calories in lower than your calories out without living in a bubble or replacing your brain with machinery is a whole other story. It needs to be sustainable, and sustainable is different for every person, that's why cookie cutter diets rarely work.

    ETA: I hope that didn't make it sound impossible, it's absolutely possible, it just means the process is a little bit different where you make your own rules instead of following pre-set rules and food lists like you would with fad diets.
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    It really is yes. Although of course it sounds simple but sometimes it isn't. If it was simple and easy then there would be no people overweight.

    I have days where I eat quite a lot of junk food and pre-packaged food and I do still lose weight. However I generally struggle a bit more because the food isn't as filling (even if it is tasty!) and a little bit of chocolate ends up with me craving more! It's calories in / calories out that gives you the weight loss.....but eating nutrient dense foods and bulking out meals with lower calorie salad and veggies will help you stay fuller for longer and make it easier to stay in a deficit. Having said that....I generally have some chocolate every day :)

    Good luck! x
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    Yes and no.

    Yes calorie deficit is the only way except amputation or dehydration to lose weight.

    Permanent calorie management will result in permanent weight management. To have permanent reduction instead of regain usually this requires modification of habits we were raised on. Improved habits that are supporting my permanent reduction are regular exercise, mindful eating, and healthy food planning.

    For regular exercise I walk every day. Just a little at first. Then raising bit by bit until it was over an hour. I could only fit an hour each day, so to increase further I began using a treadmill and slowly raising the incline. I have never liked exercise, but it supports calorie deficit by giving more calories to eat and I do like to eat. Bonus is, use this walking calorie burn calculator and the heavier you are, the higher the calorie burn and the more you get to eat.
    I usually only eat back half my exercise calories.

    Mindful eating can be studied free on the web. It was a major attitude adjuster for me. Mama always said clean your because kids are starving in Africa then you can have dessert. That ingrained behavior of over-consumption and food reward set me on the morbid obesity life path. It is hard to change, but recognizing the unhealthy eating habits is the first step to improving them. It puts a bigger behavioral and psychological framework around CICO and gives you more understanding of what you need to change to achieve a calorie deficit long enough to drop 100+ lb and then maintain it.

    Last but not least, when I fail to plan I fail at CICO. If you aren't having a balanced diet and drinking plenty of water you will be too hungry to be live happily with a calorie deficit. I know what I'm going to order and how many calories are in it before I go into a restaurant. I can only eat so much fake food (nutrisystems, slimfast, etc) and so much of the same thing (grilled chicken strips) before I get diet fatigue. It takes a lot of work to plan variety for CICO, even more if you are eating with a family. For us, we began using to give us excellent meal plans perfectly customized to our wants and needs.

    So yes, we lose weight by accurately measuring CICO and eating a calorie deficit. But to be happy and healthy and eat a deficit long enough to reach a big goal and keep the lost weight off permanently takes more than CICO. I've lost over 100 lb this year and feeling great. Sharing what I've learned with others seeking answers reinforces my commitment and is payback of what others here have taught me. You can lose 120 and it will be a long term rebuilding of your daily life that begins with a blank CICO log each day.
  • workinonit1956
    workinonit1956 Posts: 1,043 Member
    It is indeed that simple, but not always easy on a day to day basis. For me, the key is to be consistent, have patience and trust the process.
    You can absolutely reach your goals!