Just found out I’m predibetic



  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited November 2018
    johnwelk wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    johnwelk wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I recommend the book Dr Bernstein's Diabetes Solution. He is a doctor who has T1D, and invented home BG testing. His plan is low carb and designed to limited BG rises and insulin spikes. Great book. Dr Richard Bernstein has some good youtube videos too.
    Wrong, he was an early advocate of home glucose monitoring. Being an advocate is a far cry from being an inventor.

    Bernstein managed to get his hands on a glucose monitor that the hospitals were using to test for DKA as opposed to drunkenness back in 1969.
    He " managed to get his hands on a glucose monitor" - a little dramatic, don't ya think? You make it sound as though he scored one on the black market. His wife was an MD so she wrote him a prescription for one. But I guess your version fits the fixed narrative better than the truth.
    There were no home BG tests back then. He invented self testing before there were any home tests.
    He didn't invent anything, no matter how many times you repeat it still isn't true. The word "invention' has a very specific meaning, do you understand what constitutes an invention? All he did was get a piece of equipment that was being used in a hospital and start doing a test in his home. That is not, by any stretch of the imagination, an invention. He may be an innovator, but he definitely didn't invent anything.
    He discovered that his BG control was WAY better when he really limited carbs and tried to publish, but he was "only" an engineer so medical journals would not publish him. He then went to medical school and has been a leader in the field ever since.
    I work for a medical device company and we have many "only" engineer's who manage to get published in major medical journals. I know his version of the story helps support the fixed narrative but I'm gouing to go out on a limb here and say that most likely it didn't pass peer review because his "research" wouldn't have amounted to nothing more than an anecdote.

    johnwelk wrote: »
    Fung's Obesity Code or Diabetes Code is another low carb plan with the goal to lower BG and insulin, but he also uses fasting. It's been shown to work for many with T2D
    Would love to see some evidence for this. And, no, not a one-side cherry picked book or a 3 person case series. Something like a peer reviewed journal article.

    You know what else has been shown to work for many with T2D? Weight loss. Regardless of how they lost weight.

    Well yes. Weight loss does usually work too. I didn't say it that it did not.
    Let's be honest, you've stated and implied many times on these forums that keto and/or IF can reverse IR, prediabetes, and Type 2 Diabetes without weight loss, that there is something specific to keto and/or IF that works better than just weight loss alone. You've been asked for evidence of that in the past and have never been able to produce it.

    You don't want his books and clinical experiences, or his externally peer-reviewed published case studies. Okay.
    Yeah, because his books are cherry-picked and one-sided, and books aren't evidence. We can't go by his clinical experiences as evidence as they not random and not controlled. There is no way to know if its Fung's regimen itself or the weight loss. We also don't know how many patients have failed on his regimen. What conclusions do you think can be drawn from a 3 person case series?

    This did come up on a quick pubmed search:

    "Results reveal superior decreases in body weight by CR vs IF/ADF regimens, yet comparable reductions in visceral fat mass, fasting insulin, and insulin resistance."

    But neither fasting nor calorie restriction had great long term results in this article.

    Hallberg et al. have recently published their T2D reversal study (1-2 years) results using a LCHF diet. No fasting though so not completely in line with Fung's thought on how IF improves IR. It does show that dietary changes can reverse T2D.

    Both these cites involve weight loss. So no conclusion can be drawn as to whether it was LCHF or IF itself or weight loss.

    I realize you didn't say anything about weight loss in this thread, but the point is that the with the research to date there is nothing to suggest that IF or Keto conveys any benefit with respect to management of IR, pre-diabetes, or T2D without weightloss.

    I don't know why I respond. Your posts have a tendency to belittle me and reword anything I do write as fiction with a twist of a phrase. TBH it appears your posts are often to pick posts, and posters apart, and not to offer help or advice... or counter evidence.

    I readily admit that you out talk/debate me quite well. I don't enjoy your sort of debate though, so I won't respond to your posts any more.
  • Euroboss
    Euroboss Posts: 56 Member
    You're in the right place! You're fat and unhealthy and need to not be, its not just a suggestion anymore because you've left it so long that if you continue in this way you'll need to prop yourself up with drugs every single day because your body is so broken.

    That's how I'd start. Understand the gravity of your situation. Understand your inability to deal with it. Look at your past failures in this space and get ANGRY about it! Come on! You're going to rot away because you can't get it together enough to do some basic things? Rubbish! Lets get moving!

    You need to lose weight (that's what this site is for) and you need to exercise. You know this. You don't need suggestions, you need action, that's what has been missing from you life.

    Are you capable of taking action? Really? Challenge yourself, do you really think you can do this? Then do it!