What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Elliptical HIIT setting, 150 minutes for 9.94 miles all zone 3 & 4.
  • katemcd495
    katemcd495 Posts: 36 Member
    Strength day. Doing the beginner bodyweight workout from Nerd Fitness.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,589 Member
    The usual nonsense.

    Short machine row (which almost nearly close to hardly hurt at all - encouraging!), 2k at 2:23.9 pace and 21 spm overall. All but a few strokes of the last 500m below 2:20, OK power for a li'l ol' lady at well less than max effort (less than 1/3 of the 2k time in Z4, HR peaked at 156, about 87% HRmax, barely over 80% reserve, but 3 bpm over 220-age :D ). Used to be able to do 500m sub-2:00, probably can't anymore. 2' CD real easy at the end of the 2k.

    Soon after, stationary bike 60' (98W) + 3' CD (85W), just trying to go along pretty easy. Almost all Z3.

    PT exercises upcoming before sleep.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Elliptical HIIT setting, 150 minutes for 10.04 miles, zone 2 & 3.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,742 Member
    Just to prove I'm not addicted to cardio, the most work I did today has been going from my upstairs bedroom to the main floor kitchen for food and back. Several repetitions, in fact.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,889 Member
    Another hike.

    This one was only about 5.55 miles. Some of the same trails I hiked last week, but I started from a different place. Good call - the lower elevations were CROWDED since it was a nice sunny day. I started near the top, did a popular loop, hiked down to what used to the the end of a trail than now continues all the way up, then back to the top and added a steep loop... just because.

    There was hills and snow and mud... and SUN!!!

    I met a nice couple on the trail, twice, and we had a couple nice chats.


  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Three of us did an easy paced trail run today through the 2" of fresh snow. Temps were in the high 30s with no wind, so it was very nice in the woods. We ran most of the route, walking up the steep or rocky stretches, covering just over four miles in 58 minutes.

    Winter is coming back to Ct this week, so I'll get in some lap pool work, zwift rides and two sessions with my trainer. Satisfied with my slow return to running, since I'm only slightly winded during the runs and not sore afterwards.
  • wywynot
    wywynot Posts: 2 Member
    Out on the bike, 90 min 18 miles, sunny day, winds were starting to pick up, about 40F in Chicago
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,742 Member
    Treadmill - incline hills, 1 hour. Rather than go all the way to 30 degrees incline with a slow speed, this time I varied between 10-20 degrees repeated while keeping the speed up. Jacked up the calorie burn while never taxing my breathing as much as the max incline did.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Been working hard, just not always posting. Did a steady state hour yesterday and today did a 30 minute row, restricted to 20 SPM, for distance. Averaged around 2:15, slight improvement from last week.
  • 5 1/4 mile walk and stretch
  • 20min walk
    Leg day - leg press, leg extensions, leg curls, hip adduction and abduction
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,889 Member
    Two aquarium dives, each over an hour long. First one was 44 degrees. Brr. I wasn't moving much either; just running a siphon. Second one was 48 degrees, and I was much more active wiping the acrylic in the open sea exhibit. That's the one with sharks. Kids kept waving to me, but I was busy working so tried to ignore them. Interacting is also part of our work, but I really needed to focus so I'd have enough air to finish the work. Sixty nine minutes later, I got out with 650 psi left. We are required to have 500 when we exit, and they like us to have just a little more if we're coming out of the Open Sea. Just in case we run into any issues on the way out and need to wait a while for the big fish to get out of the way.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,589 Member
    Physical therapy appointment, and kind of a work-y one, various resistance exercises. (I love physical therapy. I'm feeling muscle soreness - the right kind - in all kinds of weird little muscles around my shoulders, seems like, and the discomfort/pain with certain movements seems to be decreasing, just as I'd like.)

    The the standard stationary bike ride, 60' (100W average) + 3' CD (71W), more Z3 than anything else, just 4' Z4, average HR 130bpm, peak 151bpm. I try to pace the CD so I get down below 125bpm but barely did this time, even though not that high in the workout (151 = 84% max, maybe 77% reserve).

    Not planning a lot of home PT tonight because of how much I did during the appointment - a little, though.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,742 Member
    Today I spent an hour on the elliptical, hills. Heart rate never got above 150, so not sure if I just wasn't working hard enough or if my body's adjusting.

    This morning was first day doing rehab exercises for my elbow. Very pleased that I experienced zero pain during and after. Granted, it was only using a 3lb dumbbell, which is nothing to write home about (for reference before my injury break from lifting I was curling 50, pressing 90, shrugging 120). But I would have been worried if I did have pain day one, so I'll call it a win. I'll monitor over the next 48 hours for delayed-onset soreness, and of course the weights used will increase as the month progresses. But I'm happy to be doing ANYTHING weight-related once again, especially when I know a couple months ago this would've been very uncomfortable, if not painful, so progress has definitely been made.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,589 Member
    @nossmf, glad you're feeling ready to get back into your lifting a bit, and that the first toe-dip in that didn't cause pain. Good sign! I'm wishing you continued positive progress.

    My day: Had lunch then a short walk (just over 2 miles) with a friend, then we played (literally) on the park's outdoor strength training machines for a few minutes. (It was a pleasant - like 40s F - sunny day, blessed break between the ice storms just past and the snowfall/freezing rain in the forecast.)

    At home, after a Zoom meeting, I hopped on the stationary bike, intentionally keeping my usual steady state extra-easy (because sangria is not ideal exercise fuel, I figure), so 60' (89W) + 3' (86W), all but Z2 after the first few rpm, peak HR a mere 126bpm (70% max, around 57% reserve :D ).

    Will be doing some PT exercises before bed.