What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    Kettlebell Iron Cardio
    20 cleans, 20 presses and 20 squats in 20 minutes...
    24kg bell
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 392 Member
    @nossmf, thank you. Congrats on your son's high school graduation!

    My teen is non-verbal with low cognitive function, but we're focused on giving him the best life we can.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 998 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    drmwc wrote: »
    Finger curls 3 sets of 10, 60 kgs. (I really like finger curls, I think they are good antagonist training for crimping in climbing.)

    I'm picturing this as you kneeling next to a bench with your forearms lying across it, a weighted bar in your hands, wrists facing up. You then allow the weight to bend your wrists back, rolling along your fingers until just about to drop to the floor, before you reverse the motion and curl your fingers back around the bar. That's one rep.

    If I'm imagining this right, that's some serious weight to be using, but then I bet you have a disproportionately strong grip than someone your size based on how much climbing you do.

    That is more or less how I do it. I'm rude, so I do it in a squat rack. (I lift in my shed, so it doesn't actually inconvenience anyone.)

    Climbing, 3.5 hours (!). Not a bad session; not outstanding but pretty solid. I didn't get any v5s but got a few v4s.

    I was still pumped when I woke up this morning.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    Had a KB swing and TGU training session planned yesterday. 2nd set in I felt a sharp pain in my left knee. Deep sixed the session. Feels better today so I'll try again tonight...
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,747 Member
    edited May 2023
    Upper body hypertrophy day in the weight room.

    Due to so many weights being used at the same time (busy morning), my incline bench working sets were done with a 45# on one side, a series of 10#'s on the other. Mathematically the two sides balanced, but it still felt psychologically different, especially with a mirror across the way looking rather ridiculous.

    Looking around while resting between sets, I saw one young lady with a wooden dowel in your hands before her, swinging her hands up and back while rotating her shoulders until the dowel was resting on the backs of her thighs, before reversing the swing back to the front. My shoulders were in pain just watching this, lol. My range of motion is sharply limited to vertical, not an inch further behind my head.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Another PT session today, continuing work on mobilizing the shoulder. I can feel the progress.

    This afternoon, I put on my full winter riding kit: jacket, long pants, shoe covers, balaclava and gloves. I needed all of it during the hour ride. Temps were around 50, but wind and several cold rain showers made it feel like early march. I enjoyed the ride. Didn't push hard, averaging 15.6mph for the ride.

    Tomorrow will be my first day as a substitute English teacher at the local high school. Looking forward to it. Will head to the pool right after that.
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 392 Member
    30 min of mostly hard swimming today. I rested for about 15 sec. between 50 m. sets. Lost count of my laps along the way. Oh well.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,838 Member
    Didn't report Tuesday or yesterday, so catching up:

    No workout Tuesday. Got notice that my state is reviewing part of my income tax filing, spent many unexpected hours pulling together a bunch of requested documentation of stuff, didn't get in a workout . . . even though I could've used the stress relief, TBH.

    Wednesday, did the machine row + stationary bike I'd planned for Tuesday.

    5355m total row, in the recent standard 3 x 1500 (plus row out/in and CD) format. Averaged 2:26.2 pace at 20spm on the timed pieces. A bit over half the duration Z3, only about 4' Z4, remainder below.

    Soon after, stationary bike 60' at 100W for 16.15 imaginary miles, 3' CD at 81W, same kind of HR range distribution as the row, oddly (just a longer session so more minutes, slightly less Z4 proportionately).

    Today, Thursday, casual walk with a friend. It probably wouldn't count as a workout, but I rarely walk, so I figure it counts for something. ;) Couple of miles, in a local nature center gawking at stuff, maybe 2.5 mph when moving. So much evil Garlic Mustard along the trails!

    Then stationary bike in the evening, 60' at 100W average so similar 16.2 miles attributed, 3' CD at 91W, this time mostly (about 2/3) Z2, a quarter Z3, remainder below. Heart rate response differences from day to day are weird. 🤷‍♀️

  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    30 min indoor rowing this morning and it's leg day when I go to the gym at lunch.
  • Meltini21
    Meltini21 Posts: 3 Member
    Just got the Oxefit which offers classes so today:
    3 miles in the am
    45 minute workout:
    Warm up - worlds greatest stretch with rotation, step out lateral squats, single leg bridges, 1 minute plank hood, then jumped into a circuit of 3x12, leg lifts(wt 12,15,18), 3x12, donkey kicks (weight 12, 18, 18) 3x20 sit ups on bench, once complete did box squats without resting fully on the seat coupled with 20 second hood at the bottom of the squat with pulses 3 sets, 10-12 reps, 50-60 lbs.

    Did my cool down stretches for about 5 minutes and we recently just invested in a sauna so I’m sweating it out here for 20 minutes. Feeling good! Gained a bit of happy weight so trying to knock it off before July. I’ve got 7 lbs to lose.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,747 Member
    Box squats are murder, squat holds are murder, and you add pulses on top of that? Not sure if you're crazy or just plain tougher than I am, but either way I'm scared of you now! lol
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,747 Member
    Lower hypertrophy day in the weight room, lots of sets of 12 reps, except squats which were sets of 15. Hot tub therapy after is why I'm still walking normal after, lol.
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 392 Member
    Rest day in my tri training plan, so got several walks in, including one with my dog and another with my daughter in the park. It took us awhile to find a duck to feed, so got in more movement than I expected to. Also a quick bike ride around our neighborhood before sunset. Maybe 50 minutes in all--not really a workout, just movement.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,838 Member
    Actual bike ride out in the real world today. It was around 70F, sunny . . . after some pretty chilly recent days and even some snow last week (Ah, Michigan!). The trail is still flooded at a low-lying underpass over a creek, water level almost low enough for me to attempt a ride-through, but borderline, so I didn't go for it. There's a user-created rough path higher up under the underpass (one has to duck, even short people like me, but a bike will fit), but my enthusiasm for muscling the heavy hybrid bike up the rocky slow was low, it being late in the day for a long ride anyway.

    So, I did a double loop on the South end of the trail, totaling just a tad over 20 miles. My average moving speed is still in the 10-11mph range, but subjectively I'm a little faster at the same ease/HR when pedaling on the flat without pushing it (13-15mph now, used to be more like 10-12) . . . but the trail is twisty, the brush is leafing out, so I take some of that cautiously because baby carriages and stuff, and of course I shilly-shally looking at Spring flowers and people's cute dogs and stuff. Easy pace throughout, Z1-2 mostly, trivial Z3.

    So nice to be outdoors!

  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 392 Member
    Brick workout today: 68 min. bike ride out to City Lake and back, then a 30 min run. Beautiful weather.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Missed my noon swim yesterday, as my half day subbing job turned into a full day.
    This morning's 80 minute trail run was a real treat in perfect spring weather. I'm finally encouraged by my improving fitness. Did the run as 14:1 run/walk through the woods, covering 6 miles at a Z2 effort (120-125bpm). I've got another month to build run fitness, but I'm feeling confident that I'll be able to push the bike split and not blow up on the run, lol. Fingers crossed.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Weekly long ride today. Sunny and windy conditions for an out and back ride. The out portion is a slow grind with a lot of gradual elevation gain, 2550 ft total ascent. The return trip was much more fun and faster due to the net downhill. We covered 55 miles in 3:14:00, for a 17mph average. Power meter data yielded a 1,793 calorie expenditure for the effort. I promptly ate back most of those calories during a post ride brunch. :)
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,747 Member
    Upper Power day in the weight room. Weights are still increasing, in fact I'm back to pre-injury levels on most of my lifts.

    Dessert last night was a cinnamon coffee cake, chosen in equal measure for enjoyment as an evening treat, but possibly even more so for the availability as a delicious breakfast the next morning! 😋
  • DiscusTank5
    DiscusTank5 Posts: 392 Member
    55 min swim today.

    A couple sorta started making out in the pool. This happens in pools all over, I realize, but I swim at a university pool with lap swim only during lunch and after 20 YEARS of coming there, that's the first time I've seen it happen. So weird.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 998 Member
    edited May 2023
    Scuba diving.
    We did the Caratan (30 metres.) It's a pretty broken up wreck, so we were at 30m for the whole bottom time. My drysuit flooded a lot, so it was a bit nippy; I was grateful for my heated vest.

    35 minute dive (I was on quite a duff mix of 25% nitrox, as I could only get an air top at my previous fill; I had 5 mins of deco even with short a dive.)

    Then we did the Kyarra, a South Coast classic. This is around 26m; we did 45 mins (no deco, as I was on 32% nitrox.) Lovely dive

    We didn't have any diving; so we did a spot of outdoor bouldering. We went to the Agglestone, which is a single sandstone boulder with nothing else similar near it. Great fun, would recommend. I got a few v2s, and made a bit of progress on a v4.


    We were blown out from diving, so I did a hike.