Less Alcohol - December 2018 - One Day at a Time



  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,588 Member
    Dec 25 - 1/2 bottle of champagne. Yup, I easily could have drank the whole thing, but didn't.
    Dec 26 - 2/3 of the rest of the 1/2 bottle of champagne (left like a glass) + 2 drinks. Another holiday party to attend tonight where I am bringing the wine. I think that I am not really trying too hard this week, but I do like to be accountable. I don't think that I would have left champagne in the bottle in the past.

    I still think you are probably doing better than you were compared to Christmas weeks past. Bravo to you!
    Champagne and prosecco used to be my so easy to down drinks. Right now there is a prosecco bottle in the frig. Husband bought it for me right before Thanksgiving...( he is still in denial that I have cut back so drastically and calls it "a phase") Anywho, the bottle made it in the frig 4 weeks without being opened. On Christmas he pops the cork. I am flying around the kitchen geting dinner ready for a buffet and look over to see a glass of prosecco at my place setting. So we gather our food and sit and toast and I dont drink it. After dinner I funneled it back into the bottle. Later he said it was good to see me loosen up after that glass of prosecco. WHAT??? I suppose he was not even paying attention the entire dinner because the level never lowered in my glass.

    Wonder how many times you can re-pour sparkling wine back into a bottle before it goes bad? Lol

    December accountability~ 28 days so far
    Me:(no alcohol) 26 days
    Alcohol: 2 days

    If you are reading this last page of this thread it is continued into January 2019 on a new monthly thread. Come join us over there as well. For support, inspiration, venting etc.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,710 Member
    Dec 01 - Cocktails
    Dec 02 - AF
    Dec 03 - AF
    Dec 04 - AF
    Dec 05 - 2 drinks. Can't lie, it was lovely. No regrets. Still within my calorie range today.
    Dec 06 - AF
    Dec 07 - 3 drinks, so AF 4 days out of 7. I was shooting for 4 or 5, but was counting Sunday to Saturday. I am up a whole pound this morning, so it is obvious that drinks should be avoided often.
    Dec 08 - 1 glass of wine, 2 mixed drinks.
    Dec 09 - 1 glass of champagne, 2 mixed drinks. I don't normally have drinks on Sundays, so if I want to go 4 or 5 AF this week the workdays will have to be AF. Way under calories for today even with the drinks.
    Dec 10 - AF
    Dec 11 - AF
    Dec 12 - Cocktails. I obviously didn't make it through the week AF. Six AF days in 12 days. Not what I was shooting for. I will just have to try harder.
    Dec 13 - AF
    Dec 14 - 2 Bailey's, 2 cocktails
    Dec 15 - 2 drinks Saturday night. My scale doesn't budge no matter what if I have had drinks. Really need to string together some AF days. At least marking it in here is making me mindful.
    Dec 16 - AF. Sunday, the beginning of my week.
    Dec 17 - AF
    Dec 18 - AF - that counts 10 AF days out of the month so far.
    Dec 19 - AF
    Dec 20 - AF - the scale is reflecting AF in a good way. There were a couple of days this week when I really felt like having a glass of wine or a couple of drinks. I guess that I wanted to see the scale budge more than I wanted alcohol. Mulled wine will be made over the holidays.
    Dec 21 - AF - 4AF the first week, 3AF the second week, 6AF the third week. Always shooting for 4 or 5 AF each week, made up for the 3AF week this week I guess. Boozy 10 days coming up, I will for sure be having mulled wine, and then Champagne on NYE. So happy for this forum to keep me accountable. It has helped my waistline too : - )
    Dec 22 - Baileys mixed with Brandy, then later on 3 additional cocktails. It didn't show on the scale this morning, but might catch up to me. 13 AF out of 22 so far with 9 days left in the month. For sure better than the 0 AF days for 6 months prior to joining MFP, but really shooting for 16-20 AF days per month (4-5 AF days each week).
    Dec 23 - AF - 14 out of 23. I must admit that I slept better last night after having a few drinks, but I definitely am not at my peak the next day.
    Dec 24 - Hot chocolate laced with Peppermint schnapps + 3 drinks afterward.
    Dec 25 - 1/2 bottle of champagne. Yup, I easily could have drank the whole thing, but didn't.
    Dec 26 - 2/3 of the rest of the 1/2 bottle of champagne (left like a glass) + 2 drinks. Another holiday party to attend tonight where I am bringing the wine. I think that I am not really trying too hard this week, but I do like to be accountable. I don't think that I would have left champagne in the bottle in the past.
    Dec 27 - 1 glass of mulled wine and 2 glasses of red wine.
    Dec 28 - 3 drinks - 5 days in a row not AF, almost back to old habits. Still glad that I am tracking and feeling accountable, but I could definitely do better.
    Dec 29 -
    Dec 30 -
    Dec 31-
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,710 Member
    MissMay wrote: »
    Dec 25 - 1/2 bottle of champagne. Yup, I easily could have drank the whole thing, but didn't.
    Dec 26 - 2/3 of the rest of the 1/2 bottle of champagne (left like a glass) + 2 drinks. Another holiday party to attend tonight where I am bringing the wine. I think that I am not really trying too hard this week, but I do like to be accountable. I don't think that I would have left champagne in the bottle in the past.

    I still think you are probably doing better than you were compared to Christmas weeks past. Bravo to you!
    Champagne and prosecco used to be my so easy to down drinks. Right now there is a prosecco bottle in the frig. Husband bought it for me right before Thanksgiving...( he is still in denial that I have cut back so drastically and calls it "a phase") Anywho, the bottle made it in the frig 4 weeks without being opened. On Christmas he pops the cork. I am flying around the kitchen geting dinner ready for a buffet and look over to see a glass of prosecco at my place setting. So we gather our food and sit and toast and I dont drink it. After dinner I funneled it back into the bottle. Later he said it was good to see me loosen up after that glass of prosecco. WHAT??? I suppose he was not even paying attention the entire dinner because the level never lowered in my glass.

    Wonder how many times you can re-pour sparkling wine back into a bottle before it goes bad? Lol

    December accountability~ 28 days so far
    Me:(no alcohol) 26 days
    Alcohol: 2 days

    If you are reading this last page of this thread it is continued into January 2019 on a new monthly thread. Come join us over there as well. For support, inspiration, venting etc.

    Wow Miss May. I don't think that I would have been able to sit in front of it and not have it. Good going! And you probably did loosen up, but more from being proud of yourself and over-coming instead of the giddyness a bit of champagne/prosecco gives.

    I am sure that the champagne in the bottle that I didn't drink has lost its fizz : - ) Small victory that I didn't finish it. I do have another in the fridge for NYE, and I do plan to have it, but it is a 1/2 sized one.

    Alcohol consumption for me is directly related to weight loss/gain. That is the motivation that I am going to go forward into January with. I was 13 days AF in December so far. I can do better. This thread will really help.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,588 Member
    @dawnbgethealthy if you have the time to track on here for another challange, try the "say no to late night snacking". It is also a month to month thread and the combo of this thread and that one has been a giant improvement to blast my cravings. Plus for weight loss it is recommended to be in a fat burning zone while you SLEEP you should have an empty stomach when you go to bed. And that is a 3 hour window of nothing to eat before saying nitie-nite. The body, while sleeping, will automatically search for calories to live off of. The first place it goes to is the stomach. If the stomach is empty it goes to our fat storage to get the calories. It is a workout at night without the the crunches. LOL.
  • Runningchick11
    Runningchick11 Posts: 53 Member
    @dawnbgethealthy wow after reading your posts about your weight being affected by drinks, it made me more conscious on my end and I definitely noticed a huge difference. It's so tough though especially with new year's coming up. I didn't drink yesterday and the scale noticed.
  • Runningchick11
    Runningchick11 Posts: 53 Member
    Obviously drinking doesn't help weight loss but I was good at denying it.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,710 Member
    MissMay wrote: »
    @dawnbgethealthy if you have the time to track on here for another challange, try the "say no to late night snacking". It is also a month to month thread and the combo of this thread and that one has been a giant improvement to blast my cravings. Plus for weight loss it is recommended to be in a fat burning zone while you SLEEP you should have an empty stomach when you go to bed. And that is a 3 hour window of nothing to eat before saying nitie-nite. The body, while sleeping, will automatically search for calories to live off of. The first place it goes to is the stomach. If the stomach is empty it goes to our fat storage to get the calories. It is a workout at night without the the crunches. LOL.

    That is a good one! I have definitely tried that before, but it makes sleep tough for me. I actually did that last night because I knew that I didn't have to get up to go to work today, and it wouldn't really matter if I didn't sleep well. Timing can be tough for sure. Sometimes before I finally get home and get dinner made it is almost bed time. I am going to try that more.
    I am in the "lose 5 pounds" monthly thread. I track faithfully no matter what. Cutting down alcohol is definitely the key to weight loss for me personally.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,710 Member
    Dec 01 - Cocktails
    Dec 02 - AF
    Dec 03 - AF
    Dec 04 - AF
    Dec 05 - 2 drinks. Can't lie, it was lovely. No regrets. Still within my calorie range today.
    Dec 06 - AF
    Dec 07 - 3 drinks, so AF 4 days out of 7. I was shooting for 4 or 5, but was counting Sunday to Saturday. I am up a whole pound this morning, so it is obvious that drinks should be avoided often.
    Dec 08 - 1 glass of wine, 2 mixed drinks.
    Dec 09 - 1 glass of champagne, 2 mixed drinks. I don't normally have drinks on Sundays, so if I want to go 4 or 5 AF this week the workdays will have to be AF. Way under calories for today even with the drinks.
    Dec 10 - AF
    Dec 11 - AF
    Dec 12 - Cocktails. I obviously didn't make it through the week AF. Six AF days in 12 days. Not what I was shooting for. I will just have to try harder.
    Dec 13 - AF
    Dec 14 - 2 Bailey's, 2 cocktails
    Dec 15 - 2 drinks Saturday night. My scale doesn't budge no matter what if I have had drinks. Really need to string together some AF days. At least marking it in here is making me mindful.
    Dec 16 - AF. Sunday, the beginning of my week.
    Dec 17 - AF
    Dec 18 - AF - that counts 10 AF days out of the month so far.
    Dec 19 - AF
    Dec 20 - AF - the scale is reflecting AF in a good way. There were a couple of days this week when I really felt like having a glass of wine or a couple of drinks. I guess that I wanted to see the scale budge more than I wanted alcohol. Mulled wine will be made over the holidays.
    Dec 21 - AF - 4AF the first week, 3AF the second week, 6AF the third week. Always shooting for 4 or 5 AF each week, made up for the 3AF week this week I guess. Boozy 10 days coming up, I will for sure be having mulled wine, and then Champagne on NYE. So happy for this forum to keep me accountable. It has helped my waistline too : - )
    Dec 22 - Baileys mixed with Brandy, then later on 3 additional cocktails. It didn't show on the scale this morning, but might catch up to me. 13 AF out of 22 so far with 9 days left in the month. For sure better than the 0 AF days for 6 months prior to joining MFP, but really shooting for 16-20 AF days per month (4-5 AF days each week).
    Dec 23 - AF - 14 out of 23. I must admit that I slept better last night after having a few drinks, but I definitely am not at my peak the next day.
    Dec 24 - Hot chocolate laced with Peppermint schnapps + 3 drinks afterward.
    Dec 25 - 1/2 bottle of champagne. Yup, I easily could have drank the whole thing, but didn't.
    Dec 26 - 2/3 of the rest of the 1/2 bottle of champagne (left like a glass) + 2 drinks. Another holiday party to attend tonight where I am bringing the wine. I think that I am not really trying too hard this week, but I do like to be accountable. I don't think that I would have left champagne in the bottle in the past.
    Dec 27 - 1 glass of mulled wine and 2 glasses of red wine.
    Dec 28 - 3 drinks - 5 days in a row not AF, almost back to old habits. Still glad that I am tracking and feeling accountable, but I could definitely do better.
    Dec 29 - AF - 15 out of 29 days. That is almost like having drinks every second day even though it isn't. When I said that my goal was 4-5 AF days per week it would only equal 28 days. This past week with 5 days of no AF has thrown me off, but no regrets. Again, happy that there is this accountability thread.
    Dec 30 -
    Dec 31-

  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,858 Member
    I remember when losing weight my pattern did not include so much alcohol. In the past 2 years we have gotten into the bad habit of a bottle or 2 of wine each night.
    Plans to change that in 2019. Back to my quest for 4 nights per week AF; usually targeting M-Th. 16 AF nights per month. 3rd week (MWTh) each month will be the real challenge with 2 book clubs and another alumnae meeting that all include wine.

    December accountability~ 30 days so far
    Me:(no alcohol) 3 days
    Alcohol: 27 days

    Dec 1-23 - shared bottle of wine or 2 with hubby each night; bourbon & coke one night
    Dec 24 - 2 Orange cosmos + 2 glasses white wine
    Dec 25 - 2 glasses red wine
    Dec 26 - 2 glasses red wine
    Dec 27 - 3 glasses red wine; social but drank more than the rest of the group
    Dec 28 - AF
    Dec 29 - AF
    Dec 30 - AF
    Dec 31- Plans to be AF
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,588 Member
    edited December 2018
    @dawnbgethealthy woot woot on another AF day for you.

    Welcome @Lilylady3k nice to have you on the thread. Here is the link for our 2019 January thread in case you don't see it in the community. https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10714172/less-alcohol-january-2019-one-day-at-a-time/p1?new=1

    Yesterday was another afternoon attending a charity affair at a restaurant with a lounge. I ordered my snazzy NA drink in a martini glass and mingled amoung the other attendees. It was a success in so many ways.

    Not going to lie, tonight is NYE. Going to be dancing and partying to mid-night. With the reserve of a 2 drink limit. After mid night it is on to DRY JANUARY.
    Hope to see many familiar faces from the past year over on the 2019 thread. As well as many new faces wanting to get a grip on their alcohol consumption.

    Chow 2018......HELLO 2019.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,710 Member
    Dec 01 - Cocktails
    Dec 02 - AF
    Dec 03 - AF
    Dec 04 - AF
    Dec 05 - 2 drinks. Can't lie, it was lovely. No regrets. Still within my calorie range today.
    Dec 06 - AF
    Dec 07 - 3 drinks, so AF 4 days out of 7. I was shooting for 4 or 5, but was counting Sunday to Saturday. I am up a whole pound this morning, so it is obvious that drinks should be avoided often.
    Dec 08 - 1 glass of wine, 2 mixed drinks.
    Dec 09 - 1 glass of champagne, 2 mixed drinks. I don't normally have drinks on Sundays, so if I want to go 4 or 5 AF this week the workdays will have to be AF. Way under calories for today even with the drinks.
    Dec 10 - AF
    Dec 11 - AF
    Dec 12 - Cocktails. I obviously didn't make it through the week AF. Six AF days in 12 days. Not what I was shooting for. I will just have to try harder.
    Dec 13 - AF
    Dec 14 - 2 Bailey's, 2 cocktails
    Dec 15 - 2 drinks Saturday night. My scale doesn't budge no matter what if I have had drinks. Really need to string together some AF days. At least marking it in here is making me mindful.
    Dec 16 - AF. Sunday, the beginning of my week.
    Dec 17 - AF
    Dec 18 - AF - that counts 10 AF days out of the month so far.
    Dec 19 - AF
    Dec 20 - AF - the scale is reflecting AF in a good way. There were a couple of days this week when I really felt like having a glass of wine or a couple of drinks. I guess that I wanted to see the scale budge more than I wanted alcohol. Mulled wine will be made over the holidays.
    Dec 21 - AF - 4AF the first week, 3AF the second week, 6AF the third week. Always shooting for 4 or 5 AF each week, made up for the 3AF week this week I guess. Boozy 10 days coming up, I will for sure be having mulled wine, and then Champagne on NYE. So happy for this forum to keep me accountable. It has helped my waistline too : - )
    Dec 22 - Baileys mixed with Brandy, then later on 3 additional cocktails. It didn't show on the scale this morning, but might catch up to me. 13 AF out of 22 so far with 9 days left in the month. For sure better than the 0 AF days for 6 months prior to joining MFP, but really shooting for 16-20 AF days per month (4-5 AF days each week).
    Dec 23 - AF - 14 out of 23. I must admit that I slept better last night after having a few drinks, but I definitely am not at my peak the next day.
    Dec 24 - Hot chocolate laced with Peppermint schnapps + 3 drinks afterward.
    Dec 25 - 1/2 bottle of champagne. Yup, I easily could have drank the whole thing, but didn't.
    Dec 26 - 2/3 of the rest of the 1/2 bottle of champagne (left like a glass) + 2 drinks. Another holiday party to attend tonight where I am bringing the wine. I think that I am not really trying too hard this week, but I do like to be accountable. I don't think that I would have left champagne in the bottle in the past.
    Dec 27 - 1 glass of mulled wine and 2 glasses of red wine.
    Dec 28 - 3 drinks - 5 days in a row not AF, almost back to old habits. Still glad that I am tracking and feeling accountable, but I could definitely do better.
    Dec 29 - AF - 15 out of 29 days. That is almost like having drinks every second day even though it isn't. When I said that my goal was 4-5 AF days per week it would only equal 28 days. This past week with 5 days of no AF has thrown me off, but no regrets. Again, happy that there is this accountability thread.
    Dec 30 - AF - 16 out of 30 days. I will put Dec 31st on to the January thread.
    Dec 31-
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    edited January 2019
    MissMay wrote: »
    @dawnbgethealthy if you have the time to track on here for another challange, try the "say no to late night snacking". It is also a month to month thread and the combo of this thread and that one has been a giant improvement to blast my cravings. Plus for weight loss it is recommended to be in a fat burning zone while you SLEEP you should have an empty stomach when you go to bed. And that is a 3 hour window of nothing to eat before saying nitie-nite. The body, while sleeping, will automatically search for calories to live off of. The first place it goes to is the stomach. If the stomach is empty it goes to our fat storage to get the calories. It is a workout at night without the the crunches. LOL.


    Not really. You get more of a workout from your body digesting food you've eaten than you do having nothing in your stomach.

    I lost all my 80 lbs and have kept it off 2 years 8 months and I've been eating 70% of my calories about in the 2 hours right before sleeping.

    Your body gets energy from food absorption in the digestive tract mainly, which can be in there 72 hours.

    Ultimately, what matters most is the total number of calories you eat for the week.

    The time you eat doesn't matter, so long as it fits in with a way you can stick to your calorie limit. xo

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    My December and 2019 accountability...

    December hasn’t been my best month. 10 days AF and 21 day with some alcohol, and some days more than mindful moderation. Looking on the bright side that’s 10 more days than I had in Dec 2017.

    For the whole year, looking at my tally sheet, I had about 165 days AF, so not quite half the days in the year, but SO many more than I ever would have imagined at the start of 2018. I just wanted to say thanks for all the support, resources and ideas shared in this group which have helped so many people throughout the year. Looking forward to more positive strides in 2019!
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,588 Member
    Orphia wrote: »


    Not really. You get more of a workout from your body digesting food you've eaten than you do having nothing in your stomach.

    I lost all my 80 lbs and have kept it off 2 years 8 months and I've been eating 70% of my calories about in the 2 hours right before sleeping.

    Your body gets energy from food absorption in the digestive tract mainly, which can be in there 72 hours.

    Ultimately, what matters most is the total number of calories you eat for the week.

    The time you eat doesn't matter, so long as it fits in with a way you can stick to your calorie limit. xo

    😁😁😁😁😁 We may each have our own information and beliefs and that is fine. Happy New Year.

  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,588 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    My December and 2019 accountability...

    December hasn’t been my best month. 10 days AF and 21 day with some alcohol, and some days more than mindful moderation. Looking on the bright side that’s 10 more days than I had in Dec 2017.

    For the whole year, looking at my tally sheet, I had about 165 days AF, so not quite half the days in the year, but SO many more than I ever would have imagined at the start of 2018. I just wanted to say thanks for all the support, resources and ideas shared in this group which have helped so many people throughout the year. Looking forward to more positive strides in 2019!

    Wonderful news! Thank you for keeping us in touch with your progress. You are a rock star!