Zero calories for steps?



  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Right. It doesn't work. Don't hook them up that way.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So you could attempt to mimic a correct sync by creating a workout called Adjustment, probably near end of day, or the next day purely for record keeping - of what Apple says the Moving calories are.

    But during the day as you decide how much you can eat - just need to mentally subtract 250,500 or whatever from what Apple says is the daily burn figure?
    Or do they even give you a true daily burn figure with addition already done?

    I thought they did, but just didn't sync it out to MFP.
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    heybales wrote: »
    So you could attempt to mimic a correct sync by creating a workout called Adjustment, probably near end of day, or the next day purely for record keeping - of what Apple says the Moving calories are.

    But during the day as you decide how much you can eat - just need to mentally subtract 250,500 or whatever from what Apple says is the daily burn figure?
    Or do they even give you a true daily burn figure with addition already done?

    I thought they did, but just didn't sync it out to MFP.

    I did create that Adjustment sort of thing when I cared enough to fuss with it. Now I just shake my head, and mutter about the system flaws. And try to explain to people how no, it's not that I'm stupid, it's that the system doesn't work. ;)

    Apple Watch does create a mostly true burn figure -- it underestimates for me by 13 percent or so, but I know that's a me quirk. It's that true figure that doesn't get synced out to MFP.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Well we both think we have it figured out. I'm maintaining using my numbers as I am describing, but not with MFP for all the reasons we don't need to go into again.