No Food, Just Ice & Water for 3 days!!



  • mooz
    mooz Posts: 101
    Chewing ice is not good for your teeth.

    Really? I do that all the time. Never heard of that before.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Hello "No Food...", I have been reading "Making the Cut" by Jillian Michaels (she is so awesome and knows what she is talking about!). And in her book there is a section on Fasting and Cleansing, it is very interesting, she says that she is against any fasting and cleansing because it is disastrous for your metabolism and for your long term health. She goes on to say that "fasting depletes the body of important nutrients, essential minerals and energy and it is totally ineffective and counterproductive for weight loss". She says in her book that the few pounds that are lost in the beginning of the fast are only from water...which once you stop your "fast" the water will come back. Jillian says that she fasted for 7 days (I know that you say you are only doing it for 3...) and she lost 8lbs...2 weeks after her fast was over she gained 15lbs BACK! AND that it took her metabolism 6 MONTHS to get back on track.

    As I read on the section explained some of the side effects of "fasting" and they include: weakness, nausea, headaches, and can even induse depression. In some extreme cases, extended fasts lead to disturbances of heart rhythm and death!

    She goes on to say that "for those of you that think that you are going to detoxify your system, that theory is a load of BULL. There has been no EVIDENCE to suggest that toxins are removed from fat cells when fasting. Infact, you burn very little fat when you are fasting, and what you do burn is mostly MUSCLE. The best way to detox your system is to start eating right, drinking lots of water, and letting exercise burn all your stored fat." She goes on to say that unless you are fasting for RELIGIOUS purposes or are under doctors orders to treat a specific illness, AVOID fasting or toxin flushing at all costs.

    I just wanted to pass this information along, I had no idea about this and found this very very interesting. I hope that this helps you. Good luck on your weight loss journey!

    Making the Cut by Jillian Michaels- Awesome book to have as information!
    Wait, doesn't Jillian have a detox/cleansing product?

    Haha! I love that you noticed this. It just goes to show that even supposed "experts" can get drawn into marketing and self promotion. Even though Jillian blatantly states that these products are not effective, her company/agents/promoters/etc still talk her into putting her name on all sorts of products that may or may not work to help their bottom line. This happens a lot.
    If I ever meet her I'm calling her out on this.
    I also read her saying that the idea of eating 5 or 6 times a day is BS. I think eating anywhere from 3 to 6 times a day or whatever is up to the individual and what works for them, I don't see how 5 or 6 times is BS when it works for so many people.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I have fasted for different lengths of time whether, nothing, water, juice or fasting from certain food items. The times I have done it was soley for spiritual reasons. If you are consecrating for that reason and that is what God put on your heart to do then He will take you through it.

    I have also found that those that fast on a regular basis for spiritual reasons tend to be slim in general. There is a reason why God tells us to fast and pray. A juice fast is great for detoxing, but when you do nothing and water only, unless it is spiritual it isn't wise to do it for weight loss.

    love this answer!!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    God told me to put cows in my belly
  • dporter1183
    dporter1183 Posts: 154 Member
    as far as cleansing your colon. you can still do this and consume things other than just water. I used to work for a Colon & Rectal surgeon, and when we scheduled people for colonoscopies, we instructed them to do a liquid diet the day before and 1 bottle of Fleet Phospha Soda (can be found next to enemas in your pharmacy for under $2). Basically anyting you can see through (chicken broth, jello, clear drinks, etc.) and you would mix the fleet phospha soda in your drink during the day. This clears out your colon allowing the Dr to see clearly through his scope. To cleanse your colon, this serves the same purpose. Consuming the broth, jello, etc. may keep you from that shakey feeling.

    Good luck!
  • Precious_Nissa
    awesome reason for fasting....I know that God fasted for 30 days and for religious purposes, its awesome...but not for just weight loss
  • mooz
    mooz Posts: 101
    God told me to put cows in my belly

    Wow! You've lost over 200lbs with putting cows in your belly??? LOL! I love favorite animal..hence my name..MOOZ :)
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    Yup, I used to love god so much that I wanted to make him happy. Therefore I ate a lot of cows, but then I turned into now I just love god a little bit :smile:
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Yup, I used to love god so much that I wanted to make him happy. Therefore I ate a lot of cows, but then I turned into now I just love god a little bit :smile:

    Mmm yes, cows and lambs. I'm making God happy on a regular basis with my diet.
  • wilted6orchid
    wilted6orchid Posts: 423 Member
    I know lots of people who fast for spiritual purposes so I laughed when you wrote that you would let us know how you felt tomorrow. The first 3 days are the worst, lol. I have never fasted for more than 24 hours, but I have heard that after a few days you start to feel a lot better. Some people even say that their breath starts to smell sweeter. I don't have the will power for all of that. Keep in mind that the weight lost during that time is not a permanent, sustainable weightloss. It will come back.
  • vencellia
    vencellia Posts: 89 Member
    My Lil sister did this just ice and water fast for 2 months no food at ALL!!! My opinion that is dangerous our bodies needs food a few days I think is OK but 2 mos. NAW!! She lost 30 pounds didn't gain back any but her stomach gets weak when she eats solid foods like meats so she eat kinda light now tho!
  • MakeLifeBright
    Thank's for the positive comments =0) I will keep every one updated .
    Today has been a wonderful day. No headache so far. Feeling great from my head to my toes,
    From my Mind to my soul :flowerforyou:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Your body is self-cleansing. Fasting is an interesting religious and spiritual experience but it's not healthy.
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Hello "No Food...", I have been reading "Making the Cut" by Jillian Michaels (she is so awesome and knows what she is talking about!). And in her book there is a section on Fasting and Cleansing, it is very interesting, she says that she is against any fasting and cleansing because it is disastrous for your metabolism and for your long term health. She goes on to say that "fasting depletes the body of important nutrients, essential minerals and energy and it is totally ineffective and counterproductive for weight loss". She says in her book that the few pounds that are lost in the beginning of the fast are only from water...which once you stop your "fast" the water will come back. Jillian says that she fasted for 7 days (I know that you say you are only doing it for 3...) and she lost 8lbs...2 weeks after her fast was over she gained 15lbs BACK! AND that it took her metabolism 6 MONTHS to get back on track.

    As I read on the section explained some of the side effects of "fasting" and they include: weakness, nausea, headaches, and can even induse depression. In some extreme cases, extended fasts lead to disturbances of heart rhythm and death!

    She goes on to say that "for those of you that think that you are going to detoxify your system, that theory is a load of BULL. There has been no EVIDENCE to suggest that toxins are removed from fat cells when fasting. Infact, you burn very little fat when you are fasting, and what you do burn is mostly MUSCLE. The best way to detox your system is to start eating right, drinking lots of water, and letting exercise burn all your stored fat." She goes on to say that unless you are fasting for RELIGIOUS purposes or are under doctors orders to treat a specific illness, AVOID fasting or toxin flushing at all costs.

    I just wanted to pass this information along, I had no idea about this and found this very very interesting. I hope that this helps you. Good luck on your weight loss journey!

    Making the Cut by Jillian Michaels- Awesome book to have as information!
    Wait, doesn't Jillian have a detox/cleansing product?

    HAHAHAHA LOL she does in GNC i was just thinking that.
  • pamela35
    pamela35 Posts: 14
    I am doing, fresh fruit and liquids for three ddays, also! Only juices and water, no soda, so far so good, I haven't passed out!
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    God told me to put cows in my belly

    Love it!!!
  • MakeLifeBright
    I am doing, fresh fruit and liquids for three ddays, also! Only juices and water, no soda, so far so good, I haven't passed out!

    Best of Luck to you :smile:
    Day one is almost over, and I feel fine.
    Tomorrow may be a different story lol.. but I know I will be alright.
    Can't wait to see how I feel by day 3 .
    Then on Monday I will be eating soup & easy to digest food .
    Thank's for all the support everyone!! :love:

  • Ten10
    Ten10 Posts: 223 Member
    So I need some feedback please.

    Today I am on Day number One of Water Fasting. I have been up 6 hours with out eating.
    Feeling fine so far. Still have energy. No headache.
    Has anyone else done this before? I have juice fasted before . Some people
    are very "For" it, while others do not like the idea of Water fasting.

    I have choosen to do this to rid my body of toxins. Cleanse my colon (sorry if that is TMI)
    as well as spiritual purposes.

    I plan to drink only water, or chew ice. No longer than 3 days though.

    A lot of people on raw diets do this one day per week. And since I no longer
    am eating meat. ((Meat Free Since December 2009))
    I thought it would give me a good chance to get rid of all that stuff in my body,
    from eating bad over the years.


    I did an experiment once, ate nothing but fruit all week, along with water. Granted, I lost 14lb in one week, belly went flat as a pancake, but it was only an experiment. At the beginning of it, I told my husband what I was going to do and said that it was for one week and one week only. I knew it was all come back on afterwards, I just wanted to see what would happen.

    Regarding the water only, I did work with a woman, who, for one month would drink nothing but cooled boiled water and grapes. Asking her why she did this, her answer was to cleanse her toxins out. However, the headaches she suffered were not to be envied and she never looked healthy afterwards. In fact, she couldn't wait to finish it and swore that if she never saw another grape, it wouldn't be a moment too soon :laugh:

    I have never known anybody to be on a water only diet though, only the fruit thingy.

    I am rambling now, time to depart, best of luck with your water only fast :flowerforyou:

    After your water and fruit fast did you gain any of the 14 lbs. back?
  • navstar
    navstar Posts: 113 Member