No Food, Just Ice & Water for 3 days!!



  • snowflowr82
    snowflowr82 Posts: 141 Member
    Cleanse your colon? Ugh, get your facts right. You have the most effective detoxification system in your body already. It's called your liver. Detox methods do not work; they were schemed up by the weight loss industry. If it's for religious reasons, fine. Do what you want.

    But, you're going to kill yourself.

    Actually you live longer when you fast... maybe you should do some research? You are correct about having the most effective detoxification system in your body already BUT when you are constantly eating it doesnt have time to cleanse itself out hmm makes sense to me so when you give your body a break from food for a time its able to cleanse itself in the way most people never let happen because they stuff themselves nonstop and i dont know how fasting can be a detox method schemed by weight loss industry when its free............................. Its very good for spirituality too helps you focus on something other than stuffing your face. my two cents
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Your body is self-cleansing. Fasting is an interesting religious and spiritual experience but it's not healthy.

    Thank you! The fact that people believe that juice will clean then out better then there own body already does is freaking mind boggling to me. If you have toxins in your body that your body can't clean out itself, you won't have to worry about it because you'll be DEAD.
  • snowflowr82
    snowflowr82 Posts: 141 Member
    Your body is self-cleansing. Fasting is an interesting religious and spiritual experience but it's not healthy.

    most people dont give it time to self-clean because its constantly rammed full of food. it can be healthy for a short time to give your body a break to self-cleanse. Just like anything you cant over work it and expect it to work effectivly over long periods of time just like giving yourself a rest from strenuous exercise or a cheat day.. not that much different. At any given day your body has several days worth of food in it so fasting for 3 days helps it self cleanse itself. It really works and gives alot of people a fresh start to being healthy but its not that effective in short bursts in weight loss since you are losing water weight and will gain it back unless your fasting for a month but then your also breaking down and your body is eating lean muscle mass which is not healthy but a couple days fast is healthy.
  • snowflowr82
    snowflowr82 Posts: 141 Member
    Ive only fasted a couple times in my life i dont make a habit of it because i eat pretty healthy and dont feel like i have issues with my digestive system but alot of people do and your body is self healing and you wont die from fasting like 3 days thats ridiculous. people have fasted for months and cured themselves from disease but fasting for too long can be very very dangerous as death can happen obviously. we arn't talking about that length of time on this post though soooo.......... 3 days wont kill anyone..
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    " awesome reason for fasting....I know that God fasted for 30 days and for religious purposes, its awesome...but not for just weight loss "

    I thought it was 40 days? But I'm not a religious person merely a recovering catholic so I could be mistaken:tongue:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Your body is self-cleansing. Fasting is an interesting religious and spiritual experience but it's not healthy.

    Thank you! The fact that people believe that juice will clean then out better then there own body already does is freaking mind boggling to me. If you have toxins in your body that your body can't clean out itself, you won't have to worry about it because you'll be DEAD.
    Very very good point, Dead indeed! .... because our livers job is to do WHAT?? Keep our body free of toxins:wink:
  • missboriken
    missboriken Posts: 52 Member
    Chewing ice is not good for your teeth.

    Really? I do that all the time. Never heard of that before.

    You could be causing microfractures in your teeth by chewing ice. These are thin cracks that travel from the crown of your molar down to the root. This means that bacteria, and possibly infection, can now pass through your tough enamel and get all the way to the root and nerve of your tooth.

    The result is you are susceptible to decay without it being obvious like a cavity. If you were to shine a light from behind your teeth, you would very likely be able to see some of these cracks.

    As strong as enamel is, as the hardest bone in your body, your jaws are very powerful, and your teeth aren't for crushing ice, or opening bottles or really anything except eating regular food.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I do fasting for food allergy reasons. But never to just water. I also spend weeks eliminating food groups gradualy and end up with raw fruits & veg and their juices. I finish by carefully adding foods back in and food combining. It does wonders for my digestion and food allergies.
    That said, there are side effects. You should not do much more then light pilates or yoga during this time. It is a great time to get massage and get the toxins out of your lymph nodes. You must drink lots. You may feel weak, dizzy, foggy and headaches & rashes are common.
    Then when you return to your regular diet it will take some time for you metabolish to recover. So in the end it may slow your overall weight loss.
    Weigh the pro's and con's and be happy with your decision.
  • boomboom011
    I have heard of the Daniel Fast which is supposed to be based on biblical foods. Basically nothing processed. However tons of fresh veggies. A co-worker did it for a month as a challenge from her church and she said she felt awesome and her skin was glowing. No starving though. I think its insane unless your trying to prove a point or make a political statement. Although if you feel the holy spirit is telling you to, then knock yourself out. In the meantime, Im gonna be eating some of this great food God has put on this earth for us ALL to enjoy.

    Good luck.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Chewing ice is not good for your teeth.

    Really? I do that all the time. Never heard of that before.

    True. Especialy if you have fillings in the teeth. It may cause fractures. The fillings in your teeth, both white and silver contract and expand at different rates then your enamal. (microscopic level) So chewing on something hard and at a temperature extreem makes it more likely for your teeth to fracture.
    But it doesn't even make the top 10 of bad tooth related habits. Smoking, cola's, sugar, not flossing......
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I know lots of people who fast for spiritual purposes so I laughed when you wrote that you would let us know how you felt tomorrow.
    So what ever became of this person??? Did she make it to Day 2?:glasses:
  • tessb84
    tessb84 Posts: 98 Member
    I got this from webmd and have also heard it from several different including a nutritionist, just want you to beware. Does Fasting Help You Lose Weight?

    When you fast, your body is forced to dip into energy stores to get the fuel it needs to keep going, so you will lose weight. The big question is how long you will keep that weight off. Because food was often scarce for our ancestors, our bodies have been genetically programmed to combat the effects of fasting. When you eat less food, your metabolism slows down to conserve energy. Then, when you go back to your usual diet, your lowered metabolism may cause you to store more energy, meaning that you will probably gain back the weight you lost and possibly even put on more weight when eating the same calories you did before the fast.

    As you fast, your body will adjust by reducing your appetite, so you will initially feel less hungry. But once you have stopped fasting, your appetite hormones will kick back into gear and you may actually feel hungrier and be more likely to binge.

    Research has shown that fasting on alternate days can help people lose weight, but not for long. In one study, people who followed an alternate-day fasting diet shed weight, even when they ate all they wanted on the non-fasting days. However, they could not maintain the weight loss over time.

    Can Fasting Detoxify the Body?

    Some fasting diets claim that they can cleanse the body of impurities. However, there is no evidence that fasting detoxifies your body, or that your body even needs to be detoxified. It is naturally designed to remove toxins through the skin (by sweating), liver, colon, and kidneys.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    lol............I see Im not the only one who thinks what I think of Miss nice ladies, Im keeping my opinion to myself, but I gotta tell you, I just saw her "weight loss " pills at our local Walgreens, on sale

    I know she has gone off on her families that she tries to change and make lose weight

    She has no problem going off on the heavy family, telling em that there is NO MIRACLE CURE , that they need to eat healthy and exercise properly, and then to see her pushing a weight loss pill was a smidge surprising........

    again, I know youre gonna bash me, lol, but man, that womans harsh at times........

    Thanks for not attacking me ladies...............Your Friend, Lloyd
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Cleanse your colon? Ugh, get your facts right. You have the most effective detoxification system in your body already. It's called your liver. Detox methods do not work; they were schemed up by the weight loss industry. If it's for religious reasons, fine. Do what you want.

    But, you're going to kill yourself.

    Actually you live longer when you fast... maybe you should do some research? You are correct about having the most effective detoxification system in your body already BUT when you are constantly eating it doesnt have time to cleanse itself out hmm makes sense to me so when you give your body a break from food for a time its able to cleanse itself in the way most people never let happen because they stuff themselves nonstop and i dont know how fasting can be a detox method schemed by weight loss industry when its free............................. Its very good for spirituality too helps you focus on something other than stuffing your face. my two cents

    Your actually telling someone they should do their research then not quoting a single study? Let me guess, you read a study that said that people who fasted lived longer then those who didn't. I'll also guess that the people the fasters were compared to were a sampling of people with all sorts of diets, fom good to bad. Since fasters are usually more diet conscious ANYWAY, of course they live longer then the random fatty waiting in line at mcdonalds. This is a CORRELATION only, and in no way proves a CAUSAL relationship where fasting actually leads to living longer.

    Of course, I have to assume all of this, since you never told us what study you found in your research.
  • tessb84
    tessb84 Posts: 98 Member
    Cleanse your colon? Ugh, get your facts right. You have the most effective detoxification system in your body already. It's called your liver. Detox methods do not work; they were schemed up by the weight loss industry. If it's for religious reasons, fine. Do what you want.

    But, you're going to kill yourself.

    Actually you live longer when you fast... maybe you should do some research? You are correct about having the most effective detoxification system in your body already BUT when you are constantly eating it doesnt have time to cleanse itself out hmm makes sense to me so when you give your body a break from food for a time its able to cleanse itself in the way most people never let happen because they stuff themselves nonstop and i dont know how fasting can be a detox method schemed by weight loss industry when its free............................. Its very good for spirituality too helps you focus on something other than stuffing your face. my two cents

    Researchers do not yet know whether the effects of fasting translate into an actual increase in lifespan, because they have not followed people for long enough periods of time. Quote from web md
  • tessb84
    tessb84 Posts: 98 Member
    Ive only fasted a couple times in my life i dont make a habit of it because i eat pretty healthy and dont feel like i have issues with my digestive system but alot of people do and your body is self healing and you wont die from fasting like 3 days thats ridiculous. people have fasted for months and cured themselves from disease but fasting for too long can be very very dangerous as death can happen obviously. we arn't talking about that length of time on this post though soooo.......... 3 days wont kill anyone..
    unless they are diabetic
  • tessb84
    tessb84 Posts: 98 Member
    lol............I see Im not the only one who thinks what I think of Miss nice ladies, Im keeping my opinion to myself, but I gotta tell you, I just saw her "weight loss " pills at our local Walgreens, on sale

    I know she has gone off on her families that she tries to change and make lose weight

    She has no problem going off on the heavy family, telling em that there is NO MIRACLE CURE , that they need to eat healthy and exercise properly, and then to see her pushing a weight loss pill was a smidge surprising........

    again, I know youre gonna bash me, lol, but man, that womans harsh at times........

    Thanks for not attacking me ladies...............Your Friend, Lloyd
    I was thinking the same thing
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    tess, lol.........I see I have one friend. Im not belitteling her, really, shes there to help, just some of her techniques are rough. She can bring a grown man to his knees and cry

    I guess sometimes you see people in the media with an agenda, theirs, and then you realize what it involves,

    People , say for instance, Dr. Phil...........hmm.............well, you get my drift, nothing but media hogs

    Again, to get back to the point, Jillian has helped people in thier journey, and the few shows I watched, I really liked the families and the kids, and lets face it. , the entire family really really needed help ,and they got it, so the family benefitted , and thats the most important thing

    thanks for your back...........Your Friend ,Lloyd
  • snowflowr82
    snowflowr82 Posts: 141 Member
    Why should i add a link? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of people doing their own research and coming to a conclusion i just dont think its right to make a statement without doing any! Like talking to people that have had great results and reading about cultures and groups of people that do regularly fast or eat very little (alot less than americans) and have longer lifespans with less disease. I think Jillian is harsh too and i dont like her approach with selling pills when she preaches eating healthy and exercise. I dont think that fasting is for everyone and is not a good option for weight loss. I also want to add that most peoples livers are taxed due to the types of foods most people eat, smoking and especially drinking. I'm the type of person that doesnt take pills and prefer to do things natural though i'm not overboard and learning and reading and researching nutrition is a passion of mine.

    I have to add btw that not everything you read on the internet is fact :) but i do research alot including talking to people that have history of fasting and get information from all different angles and articles before saying anything.. but it is only my two cents :) and everyone is free to say what they will..
  • snowflowr82
    snowflowr82 Posts: 141 Member
    Ive only fasted a couple times in my life i dont make a habit of it because i eat pretty healthy and dont feel like i have issues with my digestive system but alot of people do and your body is self healing and you wont die from fasting like 3 days thats ridiculous. people have fasted for months and cured themselves from disease but fasting for too long can be very very dangerous as death can happen obviously. we arn't talking about that length of time on this post though soooo.......... 3 days wont kill anyone..
    unless they are diabetic

    True True dont fast period if your diabetic... good call :)