Who wants to start insanity tomorrow?



  • samwood33
    I do Couch to 5k training 3 days a week! I start Week 3 of 9 tomorrow! It's roughly a 20 minute run/walk workout now but should be able to run 3 miles by the end of week 9! Plus, I just finished Day 2 of Insanity! :)

    Thats great! I've never been a good runner. I ran using the same app as urs today right after Insanity :) But being too tired from Insanity only got through the first half of first day. you are way ahead of me. I will be running on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for the next two months to (hopefully) see some results!
    Thanks for reply and will keep you update. You can add me if you like to motivate each other :) how was your INSANE workout today ?
  • sueclare38
    sueclare38 Posts: 125
    I guess doing a squat challenge on the same day as doing this was a bad idea...lol. Well its been 2 months since having baby, so it will be interesting to see how this changes over the next few weeks, hopefully my energy levels and stamina will improve :).

    switch kicks: 120
    power jacks: 32
    power knees: 65
    power jumps: 20
    globe jumps: 4
    suicide jumps: 6
    push-up jacks: 10
    low plank oblique: 30

    Wow, starting after only 2 months of having a baby, go girl, braver than me, I was a crawling zombie at that stage.
  • MrsGraves1987
    MrsGraves1987 Posts: 162 Member
  • fitmom07
    fitmom07 Posts: 215 Member
    Finished 3rd day of Insanity and I feel like I was going to die! I can't quite figure out how to properly do the moving pushups. I did my couch to 5k this morning also. I am on Week 3 so I do a 5 minute brisk walk as a warmup, then I jog 90 seconds, walk 90 seconds, jog 3 minutes, walk 3 minutes, and repeat once! Plus I did 130 squats. I am looking at tomorrow for Insanity and it looks so much easier! lol
  • sueclare38
    sueclare38 Posts: 125
    Day 3 complete, my fingers are too tired to type. I can't quite do the moving pushups either
  • Alanac511
    Alanac511 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey guys is it too late to join you...I start on Monday can't wait to get into it
  • MsGuMama
    MsGuMama Posts: 17 Member
    Insanity 8/12/13

    SUICIDE JUMPS: Lost count
    PUSH-UP JACKS: 0 <-- cannot even do 1 pushup, I held plank

    Ok I lost count on a couple because the kids were yelling and counting numbers so I cant compare next time.

    Insanity 8/14/13
    Finished day 3
    Calfs are SUPER sore since day 2
    Its kicking my butt but I feel pretty good
  • thisisiamj
    thisisiamj Posts: 145 Member
    I just finished day 2 today! I have major soreness in my lower back, abs, and calves!
  • jhiqui
    jhiqui Posts: 53 Member
    How are you logging insanity? I log it as circuit training, general, would that be about right?
  • sueclare38
    sueclare38 Posts: 125
    You can create your own exercise, that's how I do it.
  • mrsjohn99
    mrsjohn99 Posts: 11 Member
    I have a body media link and I just create my own exercise and put in the calories burned per my link.
  • fitmom07
    fitmom07 Posts: 215 Member
    Finished Cardio Recovery today. I am not sure how to log it since I didn't sweat like I normally do! lol
  • jhiqui
    jhiqui Posts: 53 Member
    I just finished it too, and I did still sweat buckets! Also not sure how to log it, I'm thinking about 180 calories (my weight is around 133)? I need to get a a heart rate monitor or body media link, any recommendations?
  • fitmom07
    fitmom07 Posts: 215 Member
    I just logged mine in at 30 minutes of yoga. I have no idea how many calories I really burned, but even with that low number, I still had a good day and was under my calorie intake because I did some other exercises.
  • jhiqui
    jhiqui Posts: 53 Member
    I found another thread about the burn on Insanity. Most people say they burn over 400, and some a lot more on most of the days! I know it depends on body mass and exercise intensity, but I think the general circuit training may underestimate it a bit.
  • fitmom07
    fitmom07 Posts: 215 Member
    Finished "Pure Cardio" today and I get so frustrated with myself. I pushed through it and finished, but I had to take a lot of short breaks. Today really hurt and I literally almost threw up a couple times. I'm so glad it's over with, but I need to stay motivated so I can do it tomorrow.
  • jhiqui
    jhiqui Posts: 53 Member
    I took a lot of short breaks during pure cardio as well! Missed yesterday though, got a bit of a cold and cough but I'm planning to get it done today! I'm going to get my 11-yo son to have a go at some of it, he'll probably find it easy!
  • samwood33
    my 11 years old would not want to even try it. guess these programs are boring for kids. just about to go for the day 11. feeling bit tired but i will stay strong.
  • samwood33
    I know. I was feeling very sick too. I can not even finish the running after insanity. only can run for 10 mins max 2 times a week. i hope it gets easier as we get fitter. We should Stay Strong :)
  • fitmom07
    fitmom07 Posts: 215 Member
    Insanity is still kicking my butt. I cannot go near as fast as the people on the video. I am basically just trying to do what I can! I ran this morning and then did Insanity, so I really worked hard today!