Does counting carbs really matter?

I read somewhere that staying under 50g of carbs per day is basically the Keto diet. Staying somewhere between 50-100g is where easy weight loss happens but over that it will be difficult to lose weight?

Is that true?

Does counting carbs really matter that much? Especially when MFP sets my daily goal intake to ~230g. Thats really high for weight loss, isn't it??


  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    For me it makes a huge difference. I aim for 50 net carbs (total carbs minus fiber) a day and at least 100 grams of protein. I am hypothyroid so expect weight loss to be slow. Since May 7, I'm down 27 pounds. I'm never hungry. My doctor gave me these numbers.

    Carbs cause water retention. For every gram of carbs, 4 grams of water are stored. Simple carbs are terrible for us. I do not eat grains, starchy vegetables, breads, sweets. My carbs are from fruits, vegetables and dairy.

    Processed foods are not our friend. If you want a good book read "Salt, Sugar, and Fat - How the Food Manufacturers Hooked Us" by Michael Moss. He's the one that got the Pulitzer Prize for exposing the addition of pink slim to ground meat. "Pandora's Lunchbox" is another good one. It made me swear off processed foods.

    50-100 is very doable. Just remember to increase your protein and fat is not your enemy. You'll see quick weight loss and I know I'll eat this way the rest of my life because I have so much more energy and feel satisfied all the time.

    Be aware of the Carb Flu - when you first cut back you may feel headachy, nausea, tired because of carb withdrawal. Take some aspirin. Drinking a cup of full sodium salt will also help.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Eating carbs does not stop your weight loss.

    Eating too much food stops your weight loss.

    Make sure you get adequate protein & fat, rest can go to carbs if you want.

    The person above me has given you a lot of ridiculous stuff to read in their post.
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    I said it before I'll say it again, for me it's all about net calorie intake.

    If my net calories consumed (irrespective of macros) are negative, I lose weight.

    If my net calories consumed are postive, I gain weight.

    My carbohydrate intake is pretty high with respect to most users on this site and most likely increased when I lost most of my weight compared to when I was bigger and unhealthier.
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
  • asalembier
    asalembier Posts: 124 Member
    I keep mine under 100 most days. I don't eat bread or grains for the most part, but I am human and allow myself to enjoy them once in a while maybe several times a week, say whole wheat tortillas, or some hot dog buns.
    I get my carbs from fruit mostly, or my protein shake in the morning.
  • katymambros
    katymambros Posts: 22 Member
    I think it depends on where your getting these carbs from. If you eat the right foods, they are healthy carbs. Between 50-100 carbs sounds about right, though. Good luck!
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    I think it depends on where your getting these carbs from. If you eat the right foods, they are healthy carbs. Between 50-100 carbs sounds about right, though. Good luck!

    It doesn't matter where she is getting carbs from, if she is in a caloric deficit it won't affect her fat loss.

    She can eat more than 100g too..
  • rebelq
    rebelq Posts: 64 Member
    Lots of good, balanced advice! That's why I like being on My Fitness Pal!! When I was on the Atkins- I felt bad, it was unnatural so I binged after weeks of deprivation. I am with those who said my weight loss came when I moved my body more. Again why My Fitness Pal is so good, makes you think about it! I lost well without judging one food above another. I lost well, unfortunately got the idea I had "arrived". This has to be a lifelong thing for me, I realize. Wandered away awhile, ready to get back to work now.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Give me some advice as to why my weight loss has stalled then. I am stumped. Gained .2 lbs in 2 months,
    Eating carbs does not stop your weight loss.

    Eating too much food stops your weight loss.

    Make sure you get adequate protein & fat, rest can go to carbs if you want.

    The person above me has given you a lot of ridiculous stuff to read in their post.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Give me some advice as to why my weight loss has stalled then. I am stumped. Gained .2 lbs in 2 months,
    Eating carbs does not stop your weight loss.

    Eating too much food stops your weight loss.

    Make sure you get adequate protein & fat, rest can go to carbs if you want.

    The person above me has given you a lot of ridiculous stuff to read in their post.

    Because you're eating too much.

    Edit: or eating way too little, miscounting calories.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    So tell me after viewing my diary (open) where I should cut back.

    Give me some advice as to why my weight loss has stalled then. I am stumped. Gained .2 lbs in 2 months,
    Eating carbs does not stop your weight loss.

    Eating too much food stops your weight loss.

    Make sure you get adequate protein & fat, rest can go to carbs if you want.

    The person above me has given you a lot of ridiculous stuff to read in their post.

    Because you're eating too much.
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    Give me some advice as to why my weight loss has stalled then. I am stumped. Gained .2 lbs in 2 months,

    Are you lifting weights?
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    There is a lot of inconsistency in your diet, one day 1100 calories, one day 1500, one day 1900 - consistency is key, how can you make adjustments otherwise?
  • LovinDaNewLiz14
    LovinDaNewLiz14 Posts: 217 Member
    NOPE under or over I still loose weight but I have to pay attention to my sodium that can make a HUGE DIFFERENCE IN MY WEIGHT:mad:
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    NOPE under or over I still loose weight but I have to pay attention to my sodium that can make a HUGE DIFFERENCE IN MY WEIGHT:mad:

    Yes. Your weight, not your fat loss.
  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    I've lost 11 pounds in a month and a half by eating between 150 and 200 carbs per day.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member

    heaven forbid the same thing be talked about more than once. The repost police will come out in full force.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    No. Not lifting weights. I am cycling and doing strength training but no weights.
    Give me some advice as to why my weight loss has stalled then. I am stumped. Gained .2 lbs in 2 months,

    Are you lifting weights?
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    No. Not lifting weights. I am cycling and doing strength training but no weights.
    Give me some advice as to why my weight loss has stalled then. I am stumped. Gained .2 lbs in 2 months,

    Are you lifting weights?

    What exactly is strength training that doesn't involve weights? Just body weight exercises?
  • jodi41086
    jodi41086 Posts: 240
    Carbs are super important! When I am prepping for a show my carbs go as low as 30 a day but that's crazy low. While maintaining my weight my carbs are somewhere between 100-150. However I was never a big carb eater so without thinking about carbs I average 75-100. Lowering the carbs will help bring abs out of hibernation!! :O)