Does counting carbs really matter?



  • jodi41086
    jodi41086 Posts: 240
    Why no weights?
  • mrsjones2point0
    mrsjones2point0 Posts: 332 Member
    Every body is different. . .what works for one may not work for another. Some bodys require more protein, some require more carbs. My body hates carbs and works best with high amounts of protein.

    The key is basically to find what works for you.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    There was one day I was 1900 I think it was my birthday, but I am trying to eat back calories based on exercise, but don't want to eat back too many calories because I am not convinced MFP reports calories correctly.

    Net calories:
    In the past 3 months I had 2 days where net calories were over 1500 (and by < 100 calories) and the rest of the time my net calories are right around 1200 calories.

    Total calories:
    In the past 3 months I had 2 days over 1600 calories, one was that day on my birthday, I had 3 days in the past 3 months where I was over 1500 calories total.

    So again, I am eating too much? Where do I cut back?

    There is a lot of inconsistency in your diet, one day 1100 calories, one day 1500, one day 1900 - consistency is key, how can you make adjustments otherwise?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't pay much attention to carbs except for fiber. I aim for high fiber and that sometimes means purposely eating more whole grains. But to meet my protein goal, fiber goal and stay within calories I am often < 100 carbs per day and rarely > 100 net carbs.

    I don't have insulin resistant or any known medical problems that require me to limit carbs so I just try for moderate macros - moderate fat, moderate carbs, moderate protein. That's kept me healthy all these years and I didn't have trouble losing weight.
  • BluejayNY
    BluejayNY Posts: 301 Member
    Eating carbs does not stop your weight loss.

    Eating too much food stops your weight loss.

    Make sure you get adequate protein & fat, rest can go to carbs if you want.

    The person above me has given you a lot of ridiculous stuff to read in their post.

    I agree with this. I love my carbs and I do not feel well if I exclude them.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    fleetz; could you give me your weight, height, age - please & roughly how much do you exercise a week & doing what?

    Eating back exercise calories isn't a great idea,, because its so inaccurate. It's better to get a set of macros which are already set up for exercise.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Body weight exercises.
    No. Not lifting weights. I am cycling and doing strength training but no weights.
    Give me some advice as to why my weight loss has stalled then. I am stumped. Gained .2 lbs in 2 months,

    Are you lifting weights?

    What exactly is strength training that doesn't involve weights? Just body weight exercises?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Give me some advice as to why my weight loss has stalled then. I am stumped. Gained .2 lbs in 2 months,

    I wouldn't call that a gain...most people have natural body weight fluctuations of 3-5 Lbs day to day due to water retention/release, food in/out, etc. You are maintaining...which means you are eating a maintenance level of calories. This could be due to what would appear to be pretty radical inconsistency in your intake, overestimation of calorie burn, underestimating intake (i.e. not weighing/measuring...just guestimating...also if you eat out a lot or eat a lot of processed foods, calorie counts can be substantially off).

    It has nothing to due with carbs...I ate plenty of carbs during my losing due to they provide awesome jet fuel for my training...without the carbs, my training would be for ****...I lost 40 Lbs easily eating carbs. When I was sedentary, I ate a higher protein and higher fat diet and benefited from that...but once I started really training and racing, carbs because pretty important.
  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    Be aware of the Carb Flu - when you first cut back you may feel headachy, nausea, tired because of carb withdrawal. Take some aspirin. Drinking a cup of full sodium salt will also help.

    Not sure if you mean a cup of salt or a cup of saltwater. In any event, worst advice ever.
  • LindaLou1397
    LindaLou1397 Posts: 69 Member
    Counting carbs only matter if you are diabetic.
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    bump - interested in response!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    It matters to me if I'm under 40% of total calories. But 40% is quite a lot.

    MFP errs by including all carbs in the same category. So a low-glycemic whole oat and a sugar packet count the same on MFP. But not in your body.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    It matters to me if I'm under 40% of total calories. But 40% is quite a lot.

    MFP errs by including all carbs in the same category. So a low-glycemic whole oat and a sugar packet count the same on MFP. But not in your body.

    All sugars get broken down the same, in your body.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Counting carbs only matter if you are diabetic.

    I'm going to keep repeating this caveat: I am talking about keeping carbs under 40% of your calories, not elimiating them.

    It also matters if you are glucose resistant or pre-diabetic. This includes most people who are obese or overweight.

    And, as I say, going to low glycemic foods matters to anybody in that it seriously lowers the likelihood you will develop those conditions.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    I am 45 year old female, 5' 4", This am weight 133.6.
    exercise 4-5 days a week cycling from 30-60 minutes (I am currently banned from running due to knee problems, and the doc won't let me walk for exercise either--appointment Monday and he said I can run once a couple days before I see him). I am doing strength training 3 days per week, mainly working on my weak leg muscles which lead to the knee problem. I am sedentary otherwise, unless you want to count house work and gardening. I am more recently not using the car for short trips unless it involves transport of kids or items I need, and have been riding to dr. appt, physical therapy appts (most within 6 miles of the house).

    I was losing great doing low carb but as I introduced more carbs into my diet , the loss has stalled completely.
    fleetz; could you give me your weight, height, age - please & roughly how much do you exercise a week & doing what?

    Eating back exercise calories isn't a great idea,, because its so inaccurate. It's better to get a set of macros which are already set up for exercise.
  • JustSammi
    There was one day I was 1900 I think it was my birthday, but I am trying to eat back calories based on exercise, but don't want to eat back too many calories because I am not convinced MFP reports calories correctly.

    Net calories:
    In the past 3 months I had 2 days where net calories were over 1500 (and by < 100 calories) and the rest of the time my net calories are right around 1200 calories.

    Total calories:
    In the past 3 months I had 2 days over 1600 calories, one was that day on my birthday, I had 3 days in the past 3 months where I was over 1500 calories total.

    So again, I am eating too much? Where do I cut back?

    How long have you been dieting? My progress has slowed down massively after losing 30 lbs since January. I've been advised to take a diet break hoping that things will sort itself out, have a read of this, it may apply to you:

    Back to the post, I haven't restricted carbs and I've been doing just fine. :laugh: A lack of carbs makes me miserable, you need them for energy, they're not the enemy! Eat up! Calories in vs calories out is the most important factor in weight loss.
  • rebelq
    rebelq Posts: 64 Member
    Give me some advice as to why my weight loss has stalled then. I am stumped. Gained .2 lbs in 2 months,
    Eating carbs does not stop your weight loss.

    Eating too much food stops your weight loss.

    Make sure you get adequate protein & fat, rest can go to carbs if you want.

    The person above me has given you a lot of ridiculous stuff to read in their post.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It matters to me if I'm under 40% of total calories. But 40% is quite a lot.

    MFP errs by including all carbs in the same category. So a low-glycemic whole oat and a sugar packet count the same on MFP. But not in your body.

    All sugars get broken down the same, in your body.

    Fiber is a carb and is processed differently than other carbs.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    fleetz; the diet break link Sammi posted above is from a credible website and worth reading, good advice from her.


    From your stats, if you exercise as much as you say you do etc etc..

    for a 15% deficit

    1448 caloriess
    109g protein (0.82g per bodyweight lbs)
    53g fat (0.4g per bodyweight lbs)
    131g carbs

    for a 20% deficit
    1363 calories
    109g protein (0.82g per bodyweight lbs)
    53g fat (0.4g per bodyweight lbs)
    110g carbs

    consistency is key.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    It matters to me if I'm under 40% of total calories. But 40% is quite a lot.

    MFP errs by including all carbs in the same category. So a low-glycemic whole oat and a sugar packet count the same on MFP. But not in your body.

    All sugars get broken down the same, in your body.

    Fiber is a carb and is processed differently than other carbs.

    Fiber is seperate, to carbs (in my view, but sure yes you are right)

    I'm talking sugar as in, whether its from a fruit or a can of soda.