Do you drink coffee? Why or why not?



  • crystalgulliver
    crystalgulliver Posts: 45 Member
    Why wouldn't you drink it! Best invention of life
  • petethegamermfp
    petethegamermfp Posts: 14 Member
    Only two cups a day. One early morning before work and one mid afternoon just to keep the alertness going 😀
  • workinonit1956
    workinonit1956 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I was always a tea drinker, but recently I’ve begun to drink coffee. I love the smell and enjoy a latte occasionally, but I find myself now drinking a cup of coffee with half & half every morning and sometimes another in the afternoon.
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    I didn't start drinking coffee until I was in my 30's. I drank Mountain Dew instead. I decided I still wanted caffeine without all the other stuff and tried coffee. Now, I drink it every day but not much, one or two cups a day is my max.
  • lilithsrose
    lilithsrose Posts: 752 Member
    I don't drink it every day, but I do enjoy coffee a lot. I just don't get up early enough to make myself a cup without being late. I have a hard time dragging myself out of bed at 5:30am, even though I've been working this shift for 7 years.

    If my office had a coffee pot, I would drink coffee all day long. I'll drink it black, but I do prefer it with a splash of milk and splenda, or a small amount of creamer.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,370 Member
    No no and no. Don't like coffee at all. The times I have accidentally picked up someone else's coffee cup and have had a mouthful of coffee or eaten a coffee lolly / chocolate, I may have never moved so quickly as to find a sink, rubbish bin or sink.

    Weird thing is I don't actually mind the smell of freshly ground coffee beans....but just don't ask me to drink it.
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    The world is a better place because I get my 24-30 ounces of iced coffee every day.

    I drink it black. 6 calories for the 30, and 5 for the 24. It's a little steeper if I'm at home with one of the fancyass cold brew bottled mixes -- 13 calories for 8 ounces -- but is still worth the calories.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    I drink coffee because I like it.

    Also, it's a myth that it dehydrates you. There is a mild diuretic effect associated with the caffeine but not enough to counter the amount of water you're drinking with a cup of coffee.
  • ShopGirl9999
    ShopGirl9999 Posts: 775 Member
    Can't live without morning coffee.
  • Christilynn78
    Christilynn78 Posts: 3 Member
    Have one cup every morning with sugar free vanilla creamer.
  • monicapiazza
    monicapiazza Posts: 92 Member
    Yes. Coffee is life haha. I allocate close to 300 calories a day for it (creamer, sugar ect)
  • Idontcareyoupick
    Idontcareyoupick Posts: 2,854 Member
    Don't drink it. Think it's gross no matter how much crap you put in it
  • cforsyth617
    cforsyth617 Posts: 205 Member
    Yuck, it tastes awful and ruins the taste of many good desserts
  • stricklee11
    stricklee11 Posts: 218 Member
    edited January 2019
    Been drinking coffee since age 4 so I must drink it daily or else I get really bad caffeine headaches. Over the years, I've decreased my intake from 6+ cups of coffee to 2 cups in the morning, Monday through Saturday.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Been drinking coffee since age 4 so I must drink it daily or else I get really bad caffeine headaches. But, over the years, I've decreased my intake from 6+ cups of coffee to 2 cups Monday through Saturday.

    I'm imagining little 4 yr old you in the car seat with your styrofoam cup of joe cursing out the bad drivers on your way to school :lol:

    I grew up with Italian relatives so the only reason I didn't drink espresso as a child is because I hated the smell! But I did have a little cordial glass with wine in it at holiday dinners :drinker:

    I drink one cup in the morning every day. Sometimes a second in early afternoon if I'm really dragging. I also sometimes have a cup or two of tea and a diet soda the rest of the day, but the caffeine in coffee is really the only time I feel it.
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    yes, to not need bail.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    Ed_Zilla wrote: »
    I am a coffee snob. Kenyan AA, Columbian, Sumatra - all whole bean - all freshly ground - are my favorites.

    FWIW - if you must buy coffee that is prepackaged, Starbucks and Peet's are acceptable alternatives IMHO.

    I will give up bourbon before I give up coffee.

    Starbucks is NOT acceptable coffee. You want to avoid the big companies. Find a local coffeehouse that imports and roasts their own coffeebeans in small batches, not by the ton like Charbucks does.

    Amen. This is what I call them, too.
  • kbushe3221
    kbushe3221 Posts: 176 Member
  • GemimaFitzTed
    GemimaFitzTed Posts: 260 Member
    I drink two strong cups a day to ward off homicidal rage and to be socially acceptable. I consider it an insurance policy. I don't have enough money to bail me out. Coffee is a far cheaper option :D:D:D