Male 30 Trying to Lose weight from 264LB to 180LB need help?

OK I need some help in losing weight current weight it 264 LB, 30 years old, 6 FT 2 in.
Should I fallow Macro for fat loss and how do I find out how much macro do I need in order to lose weight from 264 LB to 180 LB and build lean muscles.

Work out plan as of August 1, 2013 4 Times a week, Lost about 4 LB so far

1. Treadmill 5 - 6 speed 30 min (2 miles) 400 calories lost
2. Elliptical machine 30 Min on highest resistance level. 400 calories lost
3. Desk Job as a game programmer

Diet as of August 10, 2013

1. 1 cup cereal with milk - Raisin Bran flakes
2. 2 White eggs
3. 1 container dannon light & fit greek yogurt

1. 1 bowl of mixed fruits. Grapes, 1 apple sliced, 1 sliced water Watermelon, 1 sliced Melon
2. 1 plate Salad no-dressing
3. 1 Banana
4. 1 cup Flavored oatmeal

1. 1 plate Salad
2. 1 bowl of mixed fruits. Grapes, 1 apple sliced, 1 sliced water Watermelon, 1 sliced Melon


  • dough21
    dough21 Posts: 216 Member
    Your Protein is next to nil. You'll be disappointed with your body composition after losing 25+ pounds on that diet. Trust me.
  • IproDev
    IproDev Posts: 19
    What do you suggest I change my diet to, that is why I posted this post.
  • 2fit2quitsteve
    2fit2quitsteve Posts: 6 Member
    Join the club right? Me too, I'm about 245,. 5' 9" , 28 yrs. It's hard cutting out all the yummy junk food and battling with craving and motivation. What I found working for me is steamed broccoli and boiled vegetables as long as you stay don't eat over 1200 calories per day, you should be shedding 1 lb. per week since your body burn 1500 cal. at rest. I drink a lot of water, 2 16oz before each meal so I feel full and eat less. Try run or walk 3 miles morning and night everyday. Stay away from the surgery stuff.
  • dough21
    dough21 Posts: 216 Member
    Boneless skinless chicken breast and fish. Protein powder with water or Almond Milk helps a lot cause it's low cal, will preserve muscle and will keep you full for hours. Just a few tips here. You can do the diet you speak of but you better get yourself a good bcaa powder or pills.
  • eAddict
    eAddict Posts: 212 Member
    Looks like what I need to do. I am 6' and started at near 270lb. I am 199 now and have been for nearly 2 years. Can't seem to get lower but not sweating it too much. Portion size. Cut most of the snacks and crap. I started with Weight Watchers and had an awesome group and awesome leader. A year of WW got me down to 210ish. I left since I wasn't able to get to 185 quick enough to justify the $40 or so a month.

    You will get a lot of advice here. Mine is get someone there to help you get started IN PERSON.
  • 0OneTwo3
    0OneTwo3 Posts: 149 Member
    more food, more diversity, more protein, more fats.

    that diet is not sustainable in my opinion.
    let this site guide you. put in your stats in the goals section and start tracking calories and macros. i suggest a macro ratio of 40/30/30 since the default ratio is very low in protein.

    what kind of games are you working on btw? I'm sort of a aficionado.
  • DarrenM11
    DarrenM11 Posts: 13 Member
    A 6' tall 30 year old male should lose weight relatively easily.... If you'll increase your daily intake to 1500 calories per day and exercise for one hour per day five days a week you'll lose weight. Walk daily increasing your speed to about 3.5 mph. Or better, go to a local bike shop (not walmart or target) and spend about 600.00 on a bike (tell the bike shop guy you want a bike to lose weight). If you'll ride your bike for one hour a day and limit your calories to 1500 per day you'll lose weight. I'm 47 doing the exact same diet and I will lose on average of about 1.5 to 2 lbs a week.
    Remember, you won't lose much the first day so keep the faith. At three weeks the weight will really let loose. Friend me if you want and I'd be happy to share my logs with you.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    Eat whatever you want that will help you stick to your daily goals. Personally, I find that a ratio of 40%carbs/40% protein/20% fat works for me. If you get your meals to fall into those macros, you probably wont be hungry, and you will see the results you want. Also, drinking lots of water and low sodium will help to.
    To be honest, your diary looks boring and bland and exactly like types of food that are hard to stick to long term. You don't have to give up salad dressing, you just have to make it fit. Also, make sure you are eating back those exercise calories...or at least enough to keep your net over 1200.
  • dough21
    dough21 Posts: 216 Member
    New studies show BCAA's pivotal in dieting and fat loss

    Bodybuilders and athletes have used Branched-chain amino acids for many years for their clinically-proven ability to increase protein synthesis and thus increase muscle growth and decrease recovery time. BCAA's are also used for burn victims and in other medical applications for the same purpose, as they greatly improve healing and recovery from such injuries. Few supplements in the sports performance arena have the amount of clinical evidence supporting their effectiveness; and for this reason, BCAA's are a widely used and trusted staple to many fitness and performance oriented diets. Recent evidence has emerged that BCAA's have an even greater benefit in calorie deficient diets and for purposes of fat loss. The effects are three-pronged as BCAA's decrease appetite while increasing metabolism, decrease the breakdown of muscle protein on a restricted diet and also greatly reduce perceived exertion in training, allowing you to train longer and harder while energy deficient.
    A major benefit of supplementing with BCAA's on a restricted diet is the direct effect they have on brain signaling that both decreases appetite and increases metabolism. A December 2012 study released by the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism at the University of Texas Medical Branch outlined that Branched-chain amino acids, particularly leucine, had a profound effect on the anabolic actions of the mTOR pathway to muscles. In addition to this, BCAA's have an effect on both insulin sensitivity and interact with the brain chemical serotonin to reduce cravings and hunger. Anabolic signaling tends to decline in lower calorie diets as well as with aging and BCAA's reverse this decline to a degree. Basically, this means BCAA's make you less hungry, burn more calories, and direct the energy you do use to muscle protein and away from fat.
    The ability of BCAA's to inhibit the breakdown of muscle protein is two-fold. As we diet and body fat drops and fewer calories are available through food or stored body fat, our body turns to our muscle as the primary source of energy. The body breaks down muscle tissue into its amino acids components as use for energy. Supplementation with BCAA's both provides fuel for the body to use directly instead of catabolizing hard-earned muscle, but also, as mentioned before, effect signaling to the muscles that inhibits their breakdown for energy needs.
    The other way BCAA's contribute to success in fat loss is their unique ability to decrease perceived exertion in a workout. As we restrict our diets and get lower and lower in body fat stores, workouts become increasingly difficult as we simply don't have the energy to push through and tire quickly. A November 2012 study by the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil took two groups of rats, one with and one without BCAA supplementation pre-workout and ran the rats through a swimming test until complete exhaustion. What they found was the BCAA group increased their time until exhaustion by 37%. That is the equivalent of going two hours in the gym as opposed to 1 1/2 hours. The reason is that BCAA's both provide energy to the body and also interfere with fatigue causing ammonia and lactic acid in muscles.
    Overall, BCAA's should be included regularly in any athlete-focused reduced calorie diet to aid in fat loss. While they work wonders, they are also dose dependent. Too much BCAA's has been shown to decrease their effectiveness. Allmax Nutrition recommends 8,180 mg's in their Aminocore ( Aminocore uses a clinically proven and unique ratio of BCAA's and is also fortified with anabolic supporting B Vitamins as well as fatigue fighting Alpha K.I.C. Branched-chain amino acids from products like Aminocore combined with a quality but restricted diet and exercise will result in much better results than diet and exercise alone.
  • Danimal718
    Danimal718 Posts: 90 Member
    First you are pretty close to me in height and weight. I'm 6'4 and 265 right now. I am down 25lbs since Feb. How may calories a day are you eating? I can guarantee you it should be more than 1200\day. If you haven't already check find out what your BMR is ... To lose 2lbs\wk MFP has me eating 2030\day. If you don't eat enough you will not lose. I have not been eating any calories earned from exercise and just sticking to my base calories and that's where I see the best results. I also have a rare genetic disease that requires me to eat between 300-400 grams of carbs a day. About 9 years ago I lost 115lbs and was at 215 for a while. I did that on the Weight Watchers plan too. Having kids and being sick on and off I got back up to 290. Weight Watchers is good but didn't motivate me this time.

    The chicken and fish is definitely a good recommendation for protein. Feel free to check out my Food Diary as I have it public. I have been logging everything I eat for the last 20+ days. I plan on getting down to about 230's. Good luck.
  • IproDev
    IproDev Posts: 19
    Thanks for the reply, Now this 40/30/30 macro in what foods will I find it. BTW I work on Android platform for game development.
  • dough21
    dough21 Posts: 216 Member
    Thanks for the reply, Now this 40/30/30 macro in what foods will I find it. BTW I work on Android platform for game development.

    By 40/30/30 macros he means a diet of 40% carbs 30% fats and 30% protein and you'll find this in anything you eat.

    Pretty good suggestion. I like 40% protein and 30% fat and carb. The body has to work harder to burn off protein then either fat or carbs.
  • IproDev
    IproDev Posts: 19
    My BMR is 2446.52 now I do exercise treadmill for about 30 min at 5-6 speed lose about 400 calories and then hit the elliptical 30 mind at high resistance level that will lose about 400 calories totaling 800 calories per days 4 days equals 3200 calories
  • IproDev
    IproDev Posts: 19
    Thanks for the reply but how do I find my macro intakes and what foods to eat to lose the weight and gain lean muscles
  • dough21
    dough21 Posts: 216 Member
    That's up to you as you keep track of what you eat over the next week or so, you'll figure it out.
  • Danimal718
    Danimal718 Posts: 90 Member
    What does MFP have you at? I just calculated my BMR and I am just over 2350 right now. That number is what your body needs just to sit around all day. So with me eating 2030\day I am cutting out 2450\week. Then between hitting the weights 3 days a week and doing cardio of either a hard 1hr of cycling, 45 minutes on the elliptical or treadmill 3 days a week it will be quite a bit more than that. I can burn 1500+ during a ride. As I said I don't eat any calories earned from exercise. Also make sure you are drinking 100+ ounces of water. It will definitely help with weight loss....also most people walk around in some state of dehydration and don't know it.

    BTW the 2030 is what MFP has me set for to lose 2lbs a week. I have been averaging 3\wk since starting to track via MFP.
  • 0OneTwo3
    0OneTwo3 Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks for the reply but how do I find my macro intakes and what foods to eat to lose the weight and gain lean muscles

    and any food is ok as long as you keep it reasonable healthy
  • NebrGuy1969
    NebrGuy1969 Posts: 17 Member
  • michaelmadonna
    michaelmadonna Posts: 105 Member
    I'm a bit older but 5'11" and started on here in April at 260, I agree with a lot that's already been posted, don't restrict your meals too much - eat what you like, just make it fit in your macros and calorie goal. Track EVERYTHING you put in your mouth - it'll be easier to know what's working and what's not. I would also recommend some type of resistance/strength training. Eating at a calorie deficit will make you lose weight and cardio will help you stay at a deficit but resistance/strength training will help change your body composition.
  • IproDev
    IproDev Posts: 19
    this is the results I got from the link

    Step 4: View Your Results

    GRAMS per day CARBS 170.6 PROTEIN 264 FAT 105.6 FIBER 53 - 66 CALORIES 2689

    GRAMS per meal 42.7 66 26.4 13 - 17 672