Male 30 Trying to Lose weight from 264LB to 180LB need help?



  • IproDev
    IproDev Posts: 19
    So should I hit the fast foods then or Can you recommend a meal plan I can fallow daily
  • 0OneTwo3
    0OneTwo3 Posts: 149 Member
    this is the results I got from the link

    Step 4: View Your Results

    GRAMS per day 170.6 264 105.6 53 - 66 2689

    GRAMS per meal 42.7 66 26.4 13 - 17 672

    in the first box there is a option to chekc lean mass and to put in your Bodyfat percentage (if you dont know exactly guess 40% ). do this. in the third choose "textbook" and put in a the ratio 30/40/30 or 20/40/40 (for a bit more protein and less fat) as mentiond above.

    the current setting gives you the intake of 260lb 10% BF bodybuilder.
  • Danimal718
    Danimal718 Posts: 90 Member
    You're looking for an answer that's would end you up with objective answers. Eat 5-6 meals a day that keep you within your calorie goal. I could tell you what I eat everyday and you might not like it. What you're eating isn't bad. Throw some protein sources in with it. Throw some chicken or some fish in those salads you're eating. That's a start.
  • NebrGuy1969
    NebrGuy1969 Posts: 17 Member
    removing because I think that a post below is better suited.
  • NebrGuy1969
    NebrGuy1969 Posts: 17 Member
    You're looking for an answer that's would end you up with objective answers. Eat 5-6 meals a day that keep you within your calorie goal. I could tell you what I eat everyday and you might not like it. What you're eating isn't bad. Throw some protein sources in with it. Throw some chicken or some fish in those salads you're eating. That's a start.
    +1, I totally agree with this comment.
  • Danimal718
    Danimal718 Posts: 90 Member
    Another tip for your workouts....if you can do circuit training and take minimal breaks to no breaks in between exercises you can get a cardio workout while doing strength. Also keep the breaks between sets short, no more than a minute. Personally during cardio I wear a hr monitor and try and keep my heart rate between 130-150 bpm which is the fat burning range for my age (42).
  • IproDev
    IproDev Posts: 19
    I did what you asked and it came out to be this on 20/40/40
    Step 4: View Your Results

    GRAMS per day CARBS: 266.6 PROTEIN: 200 FAT: 88.9 FIBER: 53 - 66 CALORIES: 2666

    GRAMS per meal 66.7 50 22.2 13 - 17 667
  • IproDev
    IproDev Posts: 19
    My body fat is 29%
  • 0OneTwo3
    0OneTwo3 Posts: 149 Member
    I did what you asked and it came out to be this on 20/40/40
    Step 4: View Your Results

    GRAMS per day CARBS: 266.6 PROTEIN: 200 FAT: 88.9 FIBER: 53 - 66 CALORIES: 2666

    GRAMS per meal 66.7 50 22.2 13 - 17 667

    hmmmm, did you check fat loss?

    nevermind. i asummed you are 6ft tall and @ roughly 40% BF. I also put in agressive weight loss.

    GRAMS per day Carbs: 218.5 Protein: 218.5 Fat: 48.6 Fibre:53 - 66 Calories: 2185
  • 0OneTwo3
    0OneTwo3 Posts: 149 Member
    My body fat is 29%

    and how tall are you?
  • 0OneTwo3
    0OneTwo3 Posts: 149 Member
    oh damn. its in the first post... my bad

    so 187lbs lean mass on 6'2? so you are muscled like a greek god? ;)

    i think that 29% is not accurate...
  • IproDev
    IproDev Posts: 19
    can you please tell me which one is protein, carbs and fat in 40/20/20
  • IproDev
    IproDev Posts: 19
    well i went to this website to calculate body fat
  • IproDev
    IproDev Posts: 19
    I am 6,2"

    264 LB

    age 30
  • IproDev
    IproDev Posts: 19
    Ok I measured my body fat it is between 30-33 % lets just say i look like this guy link here, look at the image where it says 30-32% in male.
  • IproDev
    IproDev Posts: 19
  • Jhodges3793
    People make losing weight way harder than it has to be. In reality it is very easy to lose weight as long as you are willing to cut some things out of your diet and do a little exercise. If you're serious about losing weight, gaining muscle or even gaining a little bit of weight, check out this FaceBook fanpage to this product called Smack Fat. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to message me on there. Good luck on your journey to a healthier lifestyle :) P.S I have a discount link to the product on the same Facebook. If you still can't find it then just send me a message and I'll be willing to give it to you there. Again, good luck!
  • 0OneTwo3
    0OneTwo3 Posts: 149 Member
    well the last two macro ratios should all work fine anyway. 20/40/40 means 20%fat (of your daily caloric consumption) 40% protein and 40% carbs.
    this is a ratio very high in protein and low in fat. its designed to make you loose bodyfat while keeping an to as much lean mass (basically muscles) as possible. you can also eat enough to not go mad during a prolonged diet. its a typical bodybuilding cutting-diet with a lot of chicken and fish (but you can eat whatever you want though as long as you hit the numbers.)

    my advice would be to just take this for now:

    GRAMS per day Carbs:218.5 Protein:218.5 Fat:48.6 Calories: 2185

    you can round them of course. also you don't have to hit them dead on (+/- 10 gramms range is ok)

    its quite a large deficit for a tall guy like you but its a lot more than you eat right now.
    try to hit these numbers every day. you should loose weight quite fast especially if you keep on doing your cardio.

    i also suggest you try your hands on strength training and see if you like it. it will go well with the high protein intake.
    one or two short sessions a week for now since you are already very active with 4 cardio sessions.
    "starting strength" and "stronglifts 5x5" are both great programs to start.

    i hoped this helped
  • IproDev
    IproDev Posts: 19
    Thanks, This is what I am going to do. This is final, now which macro plan I should go for in your opinion. I know you posted but it's this "GRAMS per day Carbs:218.5 Protein:218.5 Fat:48.6 Calories: 2185". what is this in Macro.

    I am going to be doing the strength training with cardio.


    1. Join a gym do 1hr strength training and cardio 30 min stair master or elliptical 15 min.

    2. Should I left heavy to build solid muscles like these guys

    I know their fitness pro but I am doing it for the Muscles and health lifestyle cause I want to see how abs look like on me one day maybe.
  • 0OneTwo3
    0OneTwo3 Posts: 149 Member
    This is final, now which macro plan I should go for in your opinion. I know you posted but it's this "GRAMS per day Carbs:218.5 Protein:218.5 Fat:48.6 Calories: 2185". what is this in Macro.
    macro plan? it just means you eat 2186 kcal a day an eat them in 40% carbs 40% protein 20% fats. i suggested that one because the deficit is high enough to make you loose weight fast but the protein is high so you keep muscle mass. (see how it works for you for a few weeks and than make adjustments if necessary.)
    2. Should I left heavy to build solid muscles like these guys
    I know their fitness pro but I am doing it for the Muscles and health lifestyle cause I want to see how abs look like on me one day maybe.

    those guys are bodybuilders. it takes years to look like that.
    i suggest you stick to "starting strength" for now even though its a program designed for strength and not mass. get the book its an investment you will never regret. learn how to do the lifts properly and build up some strength while you diet. its almost impossible to loose fat and build muscle at the same time anyway. after your diet go for a bodybuilding program and do a clean bulk.

    the good news is: abs come with very low body-fat and not so much with training. so you might see yours sooner than you think.