Skipping Breakfast !



  • RBrigzy
    RBrigzy Posts: 152 Member
    Same thing happens when I try to follow a 3 meal/2 snack plan - I eat when I'm not necessarily truly hungry and don't enjoy it as much. (And I would really like to enjoy my food while trying to lose :)

    Ok I am going to boil a couple eggs for my lunch - just with a load of garden salad..
    Will report back later as to 'how it was' !! :)
  • vikramtag
    vikramtag Posts: 67 Member
    agree !!
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    To me its a personal thing. Some people function just fine without breakfast and feel sluggish and slow if they do eat it. Others can't seem to get it together without the morning meal.

    For myself, I need a breakfast with some protein. On the days that I have been rushed and can't get a good breakfast, I am less focused on tasks and more focused on munching any type of food that crosses my path.

    Bottom line, you do what works for you! There really is no right or wrong because we are all so unique.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    Same thing happens when I try to follow a 3 meal/2 snack plan - I eat when I'm not necessarily truly hungry and don't enjoy it as much. (And I would really like to enjoy my food while trying to lose :)

    This is true! If you really are not hungry, don't force yourself to eat just to meet some quota of meals and snacks. Only have a meal or snack when you need it. When I first started this, I had to have my morning snack within 2 hours of breakfast. Now my body has adjusted and if I force myself to eat that snack when I don't want or need it, I feel bloated and stuffed. I usually eat breakfast and go straight thru to lunch. If I have a snack, its more of a treat instead of a need now. Again, you do what works for you!
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    Meal Frequency has no bearing on Weightloss, it comes down to a personal preference and what you can adhere too.... Best of Luck

    This-I usually break my fast at around 11am, which is when I'm hungry for the first time of the day. It has had no affect on my weight loss, or maintenance.

    Eat when you're hungry/works for your schedule :)
  • RBrigzy
    RBrigzy Posts: 152 Member
    Ok had lunch after no breakfast - two boiled eggs, pile of home grown salad & herbs, small portion of left over mashed potato, spiced up with some balsamic vinegar & Tabasco sauce.

    Hunger rumbles have gone, nice to actually get really hungry for a change - reminds me of student days!

    Will be interesting to see how things feel this afternoon.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    It is entirely individual. How well does one function when blood glucose gets very low from not eating frequently enough?
    I can't skip breakfast. Certainly not on morning that I swim 4.1km at 5AM. I get irritable and can't focus if I don't eat. Maybe I'm a touch hypoglycemic after years of being pre-diabetic due to my eating habits. :bigsmile:
  • RBrigzy
    RBrigzy Posts: 152 Member
    It is entirely individual. How well does one function when blood glucose gets very low from not eating frequently enough?
    I can't skip breakfast. Certainly not on morning that I swim 4.1km at 5AM. I get irritable and can't focus if I don't eat. Maybe I'm a touch hypoglycemic after years of being pre-diabetic due to my eating habits. :bigsmile:

    Hearing the warnings - so thinking of doing this every other day - or at least until I reach my goal weight.
  • Cindy4FunFit
    Cindy4FunFit Posts: 2,732 Member
    I like black coffee and juice in the morning. At most, I'll eat some toast. I have always been inclined to "fast" until lunch/brunch (10am to 2pm) Skipping breakfast feels good to me physically and mentally & honestly helps me stay within my daily caloric goals. I easily bust my daily goals with the standard american breakfast. I am happy to see articles that support what feels natural to me. Do whatcha like!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Some mornings I I don't eat until 10 or 11am. Some mornings I will eat something small, then a big lunch. Some mornings on the weekends, I will have a big breakfast then skip lunch because I'm not hungry. On some days I eat a light breakfast and lunch then a big dinner. Some days I eat an equal 500ish calories for three meals. It's clear to me that it's an issue of personal preferences.
  • RBrigzy
    RBrigzy Posts: 152 Member
    Skipping breakfast feels good to me physically and mentally & honestly helps me ..

    Me too .. I feel like I have found a way to cheat the system .. I feel fine this afternoon..
    I easily bust my daily goals with the standard american breakfast.
    Never been to America but would love to one day .. if the standard is anything like the British fry up .. then point taken!
    Do whatcha like!

    Well if I did that and if I ever get to America for vacation I wanna try ALL these naughty things :-

  • Gianna44
    Gianna44 Posts: 124
    And the lovely pictures on your American food link are part of the reason we are no.2 on the most obese nation list, I believe :)

    (And why I save the "standard American breakfast" for Sundays only!)
  • 58Rock
    58Rock Posts: 176 Member
    Sure, strickly from a weight lose stand point not eating breakfast really dose not matter. Correct, calories at the end of the day is all that matters. But really, think about what you are doing. You just starved (fasted) your body of nutrients for 10 hours or so. Now you are going to continue to starve your body another 4 or 5 hours? Is this good common sense? Yea, yea, we all know breakfast doesn't increase metabolism, etc. Not the point. Probably the most important reason is your brain (as well as all of your other vtial organs) require replenshment to function properly. Do the research. Many studies have found that childern who do not eat breakfast are far more likely to to worse in school. Eating breakfast helps improve memory and positively affects the tasks that require the retention of new information. A hungry person will tend to be apathetic, disinterested, and irritable when confronted with difficult tasks. Additinally, your kidneys, liver, lungs, and especially your heart are all functioning less effeciently because they have no fuel to do so.
    If all you care about is losing weight at the cost of hurting your body. Go ahead and starve yourself. If want to be healthy and alert, then feed your body after you just starved it all night long. That goes for hydration as well. The first hing you should do when you get up is drink a glass of water with a little lemon juice.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    I do not eat "breakfast"... I drink my coffee, and that is it. I do not like to eat until after 12 noon. I have not entered this mysterious "starvation mode" that some will preach about as of yet. have lost 90 pounds in 10 months without eating "breakfast", although, I do break my fast after 12 noon... to each their own I guess, its all about your body, and what it likes / dislikes...
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    The whole "eating breakfast" thing was due to having something in the morning (hopefully) prevents you from binge-eating at lunch.

    Honestly, it comes down to calories in vs calories out, doesn't matter when you're eating them. Eat all your days calories in one meal if you want to. You might be starving the rest of the day, but as long as you're within your macros, you'll lose weight.

    I've seen a loss after eating birthday cake and dinner at 9 p.m. because it was all planned into my calorie limits.
  • luulu1999
    luulu1999 Posts: 119
    Were on the same track.....I posted the question this AM about if skipping breakfast is bad for you haha....I didn't eat this AM but I am about ready for lunch....on the weekends I get up a little later and usually don't have breakfast or have more of a brunch thing and I stay under my calories so I wondered if there would be negative effects of not eating breakfast so I am also trying it this week.
  • RBrigzy
    RBrigzy Posts: 152 Member
    My teenage daughter will do it despite me hassling her to eat in my worrying parent mode.

    My teenage son has been skipping breakfast while on holiday - he sleeps through breakfast then wakes up for his lunch!

    I think I will go back to breakfast once I have got shot of remaining 7 lbs - which I am finding very hard to shift!

    From posts it looks like women are better or more able / likely to skip breakfast?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Sure, strickly from a weight lose stand point not eating breakfast really dose not matter. Correct, calories at the end of the day is all that matters. But really, think about what you are doing. You just starved (fasted) your body of nutrients for 10 hours or so. Now you are going to continue to starve your body another 4 or 5 hours? Is this good common sense? Yea, yea, we all know breakfast doesn't increase metabolism, etc. Not the point. Probably the most important reason is your brain (as well as all of your other vtial organs) require replenshment to function properly. Do the research. Many studies have found that childern who do not eat breakfast are far more likely to to worse in school. Eating breakfast helps improve memory and positively affects the tasks that require the retention of new information. A hungry person will tend to be apathetic, disinterested, and irritable when confronted with difficult tasks. Additinally, your kidneys, liver, lungs, and especially your heart are all functioning less effeciently because they have no fuel to do so.
    If all you care about is losing weight at the cost of hurting your body. Go ahead and starve yourself. If want to be healthy and alert, then feed your body after you just starved it all night long. That goes for hydration as well. The first hing you should do when you get up is drink a glass of water with a little lemon juice.
    Ugh, really? Please take your own advice and "do the research."

    It takes several days of complete fasting for any negative health effects to occur, not skipping one meal and waiting a few more hours.

    If you eat the same number of calories, your body has the SAME AMOUNT OF FUEL, regardless as to whether you ate breakfast, or skipped breakfast and ate lunch and dinner. If you eat one large meal, your body stores it away and uses it as needed, and it lasts just as long as if you had eaten 3 smaller meals. You are not "starving" your body just because you skip breakfast. Up until the 1700's or so, breakfast didn't exist. People woke up at dawn, started working, worked until midday (when the sun was hottest,) then stopped, ate, rested, then went back to work until dusk. Then they went to sleep. Eating more than once in a day is a convenience born out of automation of modern society, not any kind of necessity for survival or health.

    Simply put, eating multiple meals a day started happening because rich people could afford to sit around and eat rather than work. That's the only reason it became a thing.
  • Cerdice
    Cerdice Posts: 12 Member
    I do what works for me on a daily basis. On work days when I get up at 5.30 I'll have breakfast when I get to work at 7.30 otherwise I simply don't function properly as I can't concentrate. Weekends it can depend when I get up, but normally I'll have just a yoghurt or toast if I'm up early enough or I'll skip breakfast and have a very early lunch if I sleep in.

    Skipping breakfast makes no diference to the number of calories I eat, but does tend to move the times I have lunch and dinner a little earlier. I actually prefer that as I've finished eating at 5pm and I seem to sleep better.
  • RBrigzy
    RBrigzy Posts: 152 Member
    Wikipedia sais this about skipping breakfast:-

    "Nutritional experts have referred to breakfast as the most important meal of the day, citing studies that find that people who skip breakfast are disproportionately likely to have problems with concentration, metabolism, weight, and cardiac health.[4][5][6] The nutritionist Monica Reinagel has argued the metabolic benefits have been exaggerated, noting the improvement in cognition has been found among children, but is much less significant among adults. Reinagel also explains that the link between skipping breakfast and increased weight is likely behavioral—compensating with snacks and/or eating more later—and therefore not inevitable.[7]"


    So from by my view - if I can handle the urge not to over compensate then this can help me for a while.