Skipping Breakfast !



  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    If I skipped breakfast I would feel sick and have trouble stringing a thought together! My tummy wants food within an hour of being awake.

    Skipping any meal isn’t ideal, you leave yourself the risk of overeating later as you’re starved.
    Why would I be starved after skipping one meal? It would take several days for me to be starved, and several weeks to actually starve to death. One meal means nothing in context, calories and protein held constant.

    If you skip breakfast chances are you will eat a larger than average lunch because your body needs calories from food to survive , Food is easily available so you will most likely over eat . Which is fine because you skipped a meal so may aswel get breakfast and lunch in one meal . Yesterday I didn't eat all day and felt like I was STARVING . Dinner time came along and I ate breakfast + lunch + dinner + dessert in one sitting . Was it bad , NO I ate my calories I needed but all in one sitting.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    There was a study (and I can't seem to find it at the moment -- sigh) done not too awful long ago and the summary was basically:

    1) There is no difference in weight loss or recidivism rates between those who eat breakfast and those who do not normally.

    2) The only time there is a difference is when someone who didn't eat breakfast starts or someone who ate breakfast stopped. In both cases the results for both weight loss and recidivism were worse than those who continued to eat breakfast or continued to not eat breakfast as they had previously done.

    Long and short is... it's broscience that you need breakfast or will eat more total during the day if you skip it. The other related myth of "eating many small meals is better than a couple big ones" has also been repeatedly disproved by studies but shows up constantly too... well it's been disproved except in the case of extreme athletes who DO benefit from it. For anyone else 2-3 meals a day tends to work better and result in higher weight loss and better maintenance of muscle.

  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Since I've learned skipping breakfast won't affect my metabolism I started doing it. It was what I natually did before anyway and eating breakfast just makes me hungrier sooner. So I eat dinner around 7pm then nothing till 11.30am for lunch then I have more calories for later in the day which is when I prefer to eat.
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    I've heard this term thrown around a bit in the last week. Can someone tell me what "broscience" is?
  • RBrigzy
    RBrigzy Posts: 152 Member
    I was STARVING . Dinner time came along and I ate breakfast + lunch + dinner + dessert in one sitting . Was it bad , NO I ate my calories I needed but all in one sitting.

    Looks like you have a seriously muscular frame with high calorie burn? that kind of fits with the male / female theory..
    So it depends on how big (calories being burnt in sedentary state) you are as to if this is possible.

    I am 170 lbs 5ft 9" so not huge but reasonably muscular - maybe that's how I manage it - I did get proper hungry yesterday though!!

    These just my theories and ramblings not proven fact of course..
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    On every issue, you can argue and you will find numbers of support from the net but in my opinion one should not skip the meal especially Breakfast - not at all. I was a big skipper of meals, rarely ate breakfast and now paying for it, as per doc :(
    Except like other cases. it's been peer reviewed studied and correct.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Although there is evidence for both sides they do say that people who do eat breakfast are more likely to be slimmer and healthier, I think it just depends on the person and what works for you. I personally have found that I like to take that time out in the day for myself and it's a good way to start off eating a proper meal and stops me from choosing something less healthy later.
    It's correlation to it, not the actual cause. People get over weight from over consumption. If someone skipped breakfast then ate their required calories by days end, it doesn't matter.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Sure, strickly from a weight lose stand point not eating breakfast really dose not matter. Correct, calories at the end of the day is all that matters. But really, think about what you are doing. You just starved (fasted) your body of nutrients for 10 hours or so. Now you are going to continue to starve your body another 4 or 5 hours? Is this good common sense? Yea, yea, we all know breakfast doesn't increase metabolism, etc. Not the point. Probably the most important reason is your brain (as well as all of your other vtial organs) require replenshment to function properly. Do the research.
    Personally I eat till 11:30pm. I don't eat again till after 12:00pm. Research here shows a 12 hour fast time. What's the difference if it's 6pm to 6am?
    Many studies have found that childern who do not eat breakfast are far more likely to to worse in school.
    We're adults with full grown brains and bodies.
    Eating breakfast helps improve memory and positively affects the tasks that require the retention of new information. A hungry person will tend to be apathetic, disinterested, and irritable when confronted with difficult tasks. Additinally, your kidneys, liver, lungs, and especially your heart are all functioning less effeciently because they have no fuel to do so.
    Subjective. Personally, I do fine without it due to late night eating.
    If all you care about is losing weight at the cost of hurting your body. Go ahead and starve yourself. If want to be healthy and alert, then feed your body after you just starved it all night long. That goes for hydration as well. The first hing you should do when you get up is drink a glass of water with a little lemon juice.
    Lol broscience now popping up.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    I've heard this term thrown around a bit in the last week. Can someone tell me what "broscience" is?
    In the fitness industry, it's anecdotal evidence trying to be passed off as real science.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    Disregard my question about broscience. I looked it up and it's exactly what I assumed it was.
  • RBrigzy
    RBrigzy Posts: 152 Member
    Fasting - here is an article from the BBC discussing unproven but interesting theory about potential benefits of intermittent fasting.
    [5 August 2012 ]
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    Everyone knows that skipping breakfast leads total starvation mode within hours, promiscuity and a swift decline into complete moral turpitude. In fact it's been said that most serial killers started off life skipping breakfast!
  • RBrigzy
    RBrigzy Posts: 152 Member
    serial killers

    so how do you kill a breakfast cereal?
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    I am concerned with the total number of calories for the day meeting my goal not when they are consumed. I used to skip breakfast every day and lunch most days but since I have been dieting I eat breakfast every day, not because "it is the most important meal of the day" but because if I skip a meal I find myself feeling like snacking excessively. I spread out my calories throughout the day for that reason.
  • Gianna44
    Gianna44 Posts: 124
    If skipping breakfast causes you to overeat later in the day, then don't do it. If it fits well with the way you like to use your calories, then skip it. I agree with those who have stated that what applies to children does not necessarily apply to adults.

    I'm not sure if skipping breakfast alone would qualify as intermittent fasting unless the overall caloric intake would be reduced within a 24 hour period or so. I have started 5:2 recently and prior to that have read information related to IF, but I couldn't find much in the way of scientific studies yet. The link below had interesting information related to IF and cancer, as well as some of the other information in the BBC article earlier posted.
  • Gianna44
    Gianna44 Posts: 124
    Sorry -just found this which addresses both skipping breakfast and fasting:
  • AvsFreak
    AvsFreak Posts: 152 Member
    I never eat breakfast. I find eating breakfast makes me hungrier all day. If I skip breakfast, I can go longer without eating and just have a big dinner and dessert. I like going to bed on a full stomach better anyway.

    Do whatever works best for you!
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    If I skipped breakfast I would feel sick and have trouble stringing a thought together! My tummy wants food within an hour of being awake.

    Skipping any meal isn’t ideal, you leave yourself the risk of overeating later as you’re starved.
    Why would I be starved after skipping one meal? It would take several days for me to be starved, and several weeks to actually starve to death. One meal means nothing in context, calories and protein held constant.

    If you skip breakfast chances are you will eat a larger than average lunch because your body needs calories from food to survive , Food is easily available so you will most likely over eat . Which is fine because you skipped a meal so may aswel get breakfast and lunch in one meal . Yesterday I didn't eat all day and felt like I was STARVING . Dinner time came along and I ate breakfast + lunch + dinner + dessert in one sitting . Was it bad , NO I ate my calories I needed but all in one sitting.

    This is literally exactly what the study disproved. Read the evidence.
  • RBrigzy
    RBrigzy Posts: 152 Member
    If skipping breakfast causes you to overeat later in the day, then don't do it. If it fits well with the way you like to use your calories, then skip it. I agree with those who have stated that what applies to children does not necessarily apply to adults.

    I'm not sure if skipping breakfast alone would qualify as intermittent fasting unless the overall caloric intake would be reduced within a 24 hour period or so. I have started 5:2 recently and prior to that have read information related to IF, but I couldn't find much in the way of scientific studies yet. The link below had interesting information related to IF and cancer, as well as some of the other information in the BBC article earlier posted.
    Very interesting links - especially about fasting for anyone following this thread. I take your point that skipping breakfast perhaps is not fasting - although the body is without food for 17 hours and likely in a different mode ..

    I am only on day two without breakfast - I think it is working for me as I can handle being hungry in the morning with some mental effort, but cannot handle going to bed hungry. I don't think I am over eating to compensate - at least not yet anyway.
    I am going hungry to loose weight - that could be criticized - but some abstinence is common in many religious ways of life - so I don't see it as a big deal.

    The laugh will be on me if after a week I have gained a stone in weight !!! lol
  • Carmella9
    Carmella9 Posts: 171 Member
    Completely agree that it is personal preference, however I am starving by the time I wake up so look forward to breakfast however if I wasn’t hungry I wouldn’t force myself same applys for lunch, suppose it doesnt make much difference the time of day? As long as your not snacking on junk due to not having a meal.