How to lose should/arm weight

Hello! My upper body need work. From my arms to my boobs I really need to slim down. I’m having a hard time figuring out a routine to do so. Does anyone have a success story or any type of at home work out plan? I do not have a gym membership. I am looking for at home And body weight work outs! TIA


  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    Calorie deficit. You cannot spot reduce (even though it would be nice!). Lifting is usually recommended, this thread has a lot of info:
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    yeah unfortunately what was said above. If only spot reduction were possible...

    but - you can do a whole bunch of stuff for upper body with some little weights you can buy from k-mart and resistance bands. All sorts of things. Work out your shoulders, biceps and triceps and you will get firmer upper body. YOu can google exercises there are a billion of them out there. make a plan and stick to it. change it every 6 weeks or so. and have fun!