IF is exaggerated ?



  • TerranandKaylynsmommy
    I follow IF per my terms just so I feel satisfied and don't binge. It's definitely different for everyone. Per example I go to bed early and get up early. I try to only eat between 10:30-7pm. Good luck
  • Kalex1975
    Kalex1975 Posts: 427 Member
    FWIW I don't know the last time I had an apple that small, they're all monsters these days. I eat a lot of apples, I weight them after I core and slice them and the edible portions as such are almost always over 150g, last night was a 200g beast. Just to say that, your logging is most definitely to blame.

    Agreed, I do the same and am usually close to 225g... love Lady Alice and Envy varieties.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    wderwich1 wrote: »
    Thanks guys i'ill weigh my food for sure next time , @RoxieDawn actually i started with 16:8 the first day but i can't notice that im doing an effort , it was kind of easy for me so i decided to go with 20:4

    It doesn't have to feel hard to be effective. When did you start your workout routine?
  • gogetemrogue
    gogetemrogue Posts: 80 Member
    Want to add to the cries of "buy thee a food scale". You can find them reasonably priced on Amazon. Accurate logging and following MFP's calorie recommendation for an appropriate rate of loss is your primary directive when it comes to weightloss. Intermittent Fasting cannot fix any problems caused by not logging intake accurately. I say this as someone who does 16:8 IF and likes it.
  • foxtrot1965
    foxtrot1965 Posts: 133 Member
    im curious as to what your TDEE, or BMI, or whatever....how much do you weigh and what is your height? Maybe you are tapped out and at a healthier weight
  • SirMxyzptlk
    SirMxyzptlk Posts: 841 Member
    ginagurl79 wrote: »
    What’s an IF? Is there an appendix? Or dictionary? For all the short hand?

    That was what I was wondering too, but yeah.

    I think IF (I feel so trendy now using abbrevs.) is great if it works for your and your energy needs in a day. I like a bunh of smaller things to eat in a day, but I do have days I have a big meal and I am fine through the rest of the day. Never felt a need to skip a whole day though.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    wderwich1 wrote: »
    Started IF since 25 days , can't notice any changes in my weight only 0.4 lb , note that im fasting 20 hours and im so strict with my food and the CICO , i know it's a rookie question , should i continue or what ? (im okay with fasting 20 hours)

    There's nothing magical about IF...you can lose weight, maintain weight, and gain weight doing IF as it all comes down to calories.