February 2019 Self-care Challenge



  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member

    Happy Valentine's day lovelies, may you all have a heart kind enough to shelter you xxx
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,073 Member
    HatherM wrote: »

    Happy Valentine's day lovelies, may you all have a heart kind enough to shelter you xxx

    This is the BEST!!! A perfect example of kindness at work. 💞 🐈 💞
  • jmgr9993
    jmgr9993 Posts: 41 Member
    What a week!!! Even though it was busy the week was packed with fun! Tuesday went out to eat with friends from work, Wednesday celebrated my father in law’s birthday, for Valentines Day finally got my Invisalign to straighten out my teeth, hubby took me to see Miss Saigon, Friday had date night with the kids out to dinner and then to see Bohemian Rapsody (excellent by the way), Saturday spent the day with you my sister and today we are going out early to hike before the storm hits. The storm will be my excuse to sit at home and relax by the fire 😊 expecting to get 1/10 inch of ice and 3 inches of snow.
  • 57discovery
    57discovery Posts: 3,170 Member
    Going to bed earlier helping me a lot
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    Yesterday I allowed myself to chill on the sofa and watch crap TV in the afternoon, I kept feeling like I 'should' be cleaning and doing things, but I felt under the weather, so I let myself be.
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    RubyRed427 wrote: »
    Self care: spoke my truth, told someone they are treating me awfully, and watched self help videos to help calm down.

    Brilliant! difficult, brave, inspiring, but brilliant! Hope you have managed to calm now x
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    I am following my therapist's advice and stepping back from the scale a bit. I have bulimia and there is concern that it could trigger either a purge or a binge depending on how I feel about the number. I'm reducing the number of times a week that I weigh. I have been weighing throughout the day as well as every morning as soon as I wake up. So, I am reducing to Sunday (my official day), Tuesday and Friday. If I could change the calories macro on my diary I would, but MFP says it's required.
  • thisPGHlife
    thisPGHlife Posts: 440 Member
    I overate on Saturday and Sunday. I let myself period eat and it was fun. I are too much but I'm able to remind myself that, at worst, I've put on two pounds of actual fat and in the grand scheme of things, it was worth the Oreos.

    Yesterday I took the best shower. Normally a long shower for me is 15 minutes. This was 25 minutes of boil your skin off bliss. My husband had given me a waterproof Bluetooth speaker for Christmas so I just hung out and same along while I washed away the chill in my bones. It was amazing.
  • jmgr9993
    jmgr9993 Posts: 41 Member
    I had to leave early from work to take my daughter to her doctors appointment and decided to take the rest of the afternoon off 😊 I got coffee with my husband and then headed off to the gym for a much needed workout !! All and all it turned out to be a great day.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,193 Member
    Painted my toesies and my fingers nails a beautiful dusty rose color. I also whitened my teeth. Cooked eggplant my fav food. It’s the little things that make me smile. Xo
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,193 Member
    Went to a new yoga class (I’m a true beginner) with a new teacher. Took courage & energy, but I did it.

    Class was hard, but I did it.

    Negative self talk popped up, and I quieted it compassionately.

    Proud & A little sore 🤪

    So proud of you!! Yoga is extremely beneficial to mind body and soul.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,136 Member
    RubyRed427 wrote: »
    Went to a new yoga class (I’m a true beginner) with a new teacher. Took courage & energy, but I did it.

    Class was hard, but I did it.

    Negative self talk popped up, and I quieted it compassionately.

    Proud & A little sore 🤪

    So proud of you!! Yoga is extremely beneficial to mind body and soul.

    I never knew, but already I can tell :)
  • nelja
    nelja Posts: 282 Member
    My son is preparing dinner for us tonight. Fridays is my night off from cooking. We are having home made hamburgers tonight. My daughter also have to paint my nails for Sunday's cycling (MTB) competition.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,193 Member
    Listening to happy country music during my lunch break and eating a satisfying low carb lunch makes me feel good
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    All these manicures and pedicures have inspired me. I'm going to go give myself a pedicure right now! It's been ages.
  • 57discovery
    57discovery Posts: 3,170 Member
    Mani pedi for me tomorrow:)
    Spending time with friends that care for me as much as I care for them. Great laughters
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,073 Member
    Bought/installed new smoke/CO detector (old one sounded it's "end of life" alarm).

    Monthly "out of office" lunch with co-workers (2 current/1 retired). We've been doing this since November and really enjoy it.

    Watching a bunch of inspiring "Diane in Denmark" YouTube videos, which led me to start tossing DECADES-old makeup this morning. I'm feeling a bit nostalgic, but I think it's a good idea. I made the mistake of testing an eyeliner I've had since the 1980's, and my eye started bothering me. (Eye drops have soothed the iritation.)