Disease free...FOREVER??? Is this possible?

So I was watching this documentary "America the beautiful"
About how obesity is an epidemic and how people obsess with getting
The "perfect" body. So the producer went on a vegan type diet and the owner of
The restaurant/diet thing said that if you never eat animal products(basically vegan)
Then you will NEVER get any kind of disease,ever. No heart disease, high blood pressure,
Liver disease, kidney disease,ect. He said he guarantees that if you eat all raw food and no animal foods
You will live your life without any disease.

Is this an accurate statement? Cancer aside, Alot of diseases do come from the stuff
Found in animals but disease "free" for life sounds like a bold statement.
Insight Please!


  • HeadsPoppingOutOfCups
    Didn't Ashton Kutcher get hospitalised not too long ago for eating raw vegan?
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    I recently switched to a whole foods, plant based diet for this reason. With a 100% cancer rate among the older women in my family, as well as many cases of type 2 diabetes in both my male and female relatives, I know the odds are stacked against me. But, someday I'll be able to look back and say I tried to make a difference. Time will tell if I was successful or not, but I feel great and am enjoying the short term benefits of this way of eating :) Op, you might be interested in the documentary Forks over Knives, which is a about doctors who use food/nutrition to fight diseases. The book Eat to Live, by Joel Fuhrman is also good :)
  • Morn66
    Morn66 Posts: 96

    Then you will NEVER get any kind of disease,ever. No heart disease, high blood pressure,
    Liver disease, kidney disease,ect. He said he guarantees that if you eat all raw food and no animal foods
    You will live your life without any disease.

    Sorry, this is BS. Many diseases that affect any number of organs/body systems are genetically-modulated and have absolutely nothing to do with what you eat. And there are other causes of disease as well. For instance, I was born with two defective heart valves which were "silent" and went undiagnosed until about 7 months ago when I started showing vague symptoms. Now, in my 40s, I have bilateral heart failure and because of the heart failure my liver's been damaged as well and we're trying to prevent kidney damage. None of this has anything to do with what I do (or don't) eat but are ultimately because of structural defects that I was born with. And I'm vegan. Though not raw, as I see no reason to be.
  • v70t5m
    v70t5m Posts: 186 Member
    Not erase disease, but certainly drop your chances of developing some of them for a long time.

    A healthy diet, low or absent of animal protein and animal fat, and high in vegetables, does have a great impact on the body. Blood pressure and cholesterol tend to be low (though not always).

    High blood pressure and high cholesterol are contributing, if not causal, factors in a vast majority of diseases.

    In addition to regular exercise, your diet plays a huge role in your health.
  • GODfidence
    GODfidence Posts: 249 Member

    Then you will NEVER get any kind of disease,ever. No heart disease, high blood pressure,
    Liver disease, kidney disease,ect. He said he guarantees that if you eat all raw food and no animal foods
    You will live your life without any disease.

    Sorry, this is BS. Many diseases that affect any number of organs/body systems are genetically-modulated and have absolutely nothing to do with what you eat. And there are other causes of disease as well. For instance, I was born with two defective heart valves which were "silent" and went undiagnosed until about 7 months ago when I started showing vague symptoms. Now, in my 40s, I have bilateral heart failure and because of the heart failure my liver's been damaged as well and we're trying to prevent kidney damage. None of this has anything to do with what I do (or don't) eat but are ultimately because of structural defects that I was born with. And I'm vegan. Though not raw, as I see no reason to be.

    I'm sorry you have to deal with that but this isn't referring to something you were born with.
    That's obviously not controllable. If someone is disease free RIGHT NOW and adopts a Vegan lifestyle
    Would that prevent diseases of all or even most kinds?

    I'm not vegan btw, just curious to this guys statement.
  • DrNerdy
    DrNerdy Posts: 168 Member
    No one lives forever, no one. But with advances in modern science and my high level income, it's not crazy to think I can live to be 245, maybe 300.

    Sorry... I couldn't help it.
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    Didn't Ashton Kutcher get hospitalised not too long ago for eating raw vegan?

    No, he was hospitalized for eating ALL fruit, ALL the time.
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    Didn't Ashton Kutcher get hospitalised not too long ago for eating raw vegan?

    No, he was hospitalized for eating ALL fruit, ALL the time.

    That's what I had read too, he was experimenting with a fruitarian diet, which is very different than a whole foods, plant based diet.
  • Tessyloowhoo
    Hmm.. they didn't make a distinction between preventable disease vs. inherited/ idiopathic/ genetic disease?
  • v70t5m
    v70t5m Posts: 186 Member
    Many diseases that affect any number of organs/body systems are genetically-modulated and have absolutely nothing to do with what you eat.

    You are right, a lot of diseases have contributing genetic factors. I've been really fascinated by how much research indicates that diet and exercise tends to outweigh a good many of those genetic factors.

    One of the big problems with encouraging health is that pharmaceutical companies and doctors don't make much money by prescribing diet and exercise. Many patients seem to prefer the pill in order to continue eating their horrible diet.


    No, unfortunately, we can't blame our parents and grandparents for many of our diseases. We can blame them for raising us with poor nutrition knowledge, but that is a different story! :wink:
  • GODfidence
    GODfidence Posts: 249 Member
    No one lives forever, no one. But with advances in modern science and my high level income, it's not crazy to think I can live to be 245, maybe 300.

    Sorry... I couldn't help it.
    No one said forever. You can live a long life free of disease and
    Die naturally. Sarcasm is a killer though so I think you're doomed.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    Sorry, this is BS. Many diseases that affect any number of organs/body systems are genetically-modulated and have absolutely nothing to do with what you eat. And there are other causes of disease as well. For instance, I was born with two defective heart valves which were "silent" and went undiagnosed until about 7 months ago when I started showing vague symptoms. Now, in my 40s, I have bilateral heart failure and because of the heart failure my liver's been damaged as well and we're trying to prevent kidney damage. None of this has anything to do with what I do (or don't) eat but are ultimately because of structural defects that I was born with. And I'm vegan. Though not raw, as I see no reason to be.

    This. The body is far more complex than what we eat. Even if we are born sound, environment plays a large role. Diet cannot cure everything nor is a lucky charm to ward off the big bad. It's just one thing we happen to control that can help alleviate risks. Not bypass them completely.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    It's not true. You may be at a lower risk for cancer, cardiovascular disease, and dementia (or many of the conditions that have been linked to a Western diet), but you could still get any these as well as infectious diseases, degenerative diseases, metabolic diseases, pretty much anything actually...
  • GODfidence
    GODfidence Posts: 249 Member
    Didn't Ashton Kutcher get hospitalised not too long ago for eating raw vegan?

    No, he was hospitalized for eating ALL fruit, ALL the time.

    That's what I had read too, he was experimenting with a fruitarian diet, which is very different than a whole foods, plant based diet.
    Again, disease not a sickness,virus,ect.
    Obviously you can get sick from all foods. But can your body be ridden with a disease if all you
    Eat is vegetables, fruits, and nuts in moderation? Hmm.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member

    Joking aside, that sounds absolutely ridiculous.
  • originalcookiemonster
    Hmm.. they didn't make a distinction between preventable disease vs. inherited/ idiopathic/ genetic disease?

    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    Didn't Ashton Kutcher get hospitalised not too long ago for eating raw vegan?

    No, he was hospitalized for eating ALL fruit, ALL the time.

    That's what I had read too, he was experimenting with a fruitarian diet, which is very different than a whole foods, plant based diet.
    Again, disease not a sickness,virus,ect.
    Obviously you can get sick from all foods. But can your body be ridden with a disease if all you
    Eat is vegetables, fruits, and nuts in moderation? Hmm.

    You're forgeting beans, lentils, whole grains, seeds and things like olives, soy etc. But, a whole foods plant based diet is going to be more balanced than a raw vegan diet.
  • Morn66
    Morn66 Posts: 96

    Then you will NEVER get any kind of disease,ever. No heart disease, high blood pressure,
    Liver disease, kidney disease,ect. He said he guarantees that if you eat all raw food and no animal foods
    You will live your life without any disease.

    Sorry, this is BS. Many diseases that affect any number of organs/body systems are genetically-modulated and have absolutely nothing to do with what you eat. And there are other causes of disease as well. For instance, I was born with two defective heart valves which were "silent" and went undiagnosed until about 7 months ago when I started showing vague symptoms. Now, in my 40s, I have bilateral heart failure and because of the heart failure my liver's been damaged as well and we're trying to prevent kidney damage. None of this has anything to do with what I do (or don't) eat but are ultimately because of structural defects that I was born with. And I'm vegan. Though not raw, as I see no reason to be.

    I'm sorry you have to deal with that but this isn't referring to something you were born with.
    That's obviously not controllable. If someone is disease free RIGHT NOW and adopts a Vegan lifestyle
    Would that prevent diseases of all or even most kinds?

    I'm not vegan btw, just curious to this guys statement.

    No. Because not all disease is diet-linked. Much of it is genetically-modulated, like I said. If you have genes for developing, say, breast cancer, and those genes activate (something which is usually hormonally-regulated, NOT diet-regulated), you're going to get breast cancer whether you're a vegan or a person who exists solely on Big Macs. In short, your genes don't really give a fig what you eat, and any of us can be walking around with ticking time bombs in that regard.

    That said, a vegan diet can be good for lowering blood pressure (IF you also keep your diet low-sodium) and possibly cholesterol, which both play into heart disease, of course...although many studies show that serum cholesterol levels aren't strongly affected by dietary cholesterol intake. Generally, if you lose weight, your BP will go down (assuming you don't eat a crap-ton of sodium) and your cholesterol will often (but not always) moderate. Whether you lose the weight on a raw, vegan diet or a diet of Big Macs, your body doesn't really care. As for diabetes...As they say, Oreos are vegan. And also "raw," if I'm not mistaken. If you eat a bunch of them, you're not doing your blood sugar any good. And there's tons of other vegan junk food out there, too, some of which is also raw, all of which is just as bad for you as non-vegan junk food. There's whole websites of calorie-laden, sugar-laden raw vegan desserts out there. Eat a ton of those and your blood sugar will whack out as surely as it will if you eat a ton of Twinkies.

    It's all in the degree, you see.b There are no guarantees of anything, with anything. But my sense is that, even if you eat the cleanest, raw-est vegan diet ever, you're not going to be guaranteed to escape disease. And you're certainly not going to live forever. Even if your health is good, simple entropy takes it toll.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I'm pretty sure you'd still get veneral diseases from unprotected sex. Unless that's against veganism because technically you'd have meat inside you...
  • GODfidence
    GODfidence Posts: 249 Member

    Then you will NEVER get any kind of disease,ever. No heart disease, high blood pressure,
    Liver disease, kidney disease,ect. He said he guarantees that if you eat all raw food and no animal foods
    You will live your life without any disease.

    Sorry, this is BS. Many diseases that affect any number of organs/body systems are genetically-modulated and have absolutely nothing to do with what you eat. And there are other causes of disease as well. For instance, I was born with two defective heart valves which were "silent" and went undiagnosed until about 7 months ago when I started showing vague symptoms. Now, in my 40s, I have bilateral heart failure and because of the heart failure my liver's been damaged as well and we're trying to prevent kidney damage. None of this has anything to do with what I do (or don't) eat but are ultimately because of structural defects that I was born with. And I'm vegan. Though not raw, as I see no reason to be.

    I'm sorry you have to deal with that but this isn't referring to something you were born with.
    That's obviously not controllable. If someone is disease free RIGHT NOW and adopts a Vegan lifestyle
    Would that prevent diseases of all or even most kinds?

    I'm not vegan btw, just curious to this guys statement.

    No. Because not all disease is diet-linked. Much of it is genetically-modulated, like I said. If you have genes for developing, say, breast cancer, and those genes activate (something which is usually hormonally-regulated, NOT diet-regulated), you're going to get breast cancer whether you're a vegan or a person who exists solely on Big Macs. In short, your genes don't really give a fig what you eat, and any of us can be walking around with ticking time bombs in that regard.

    That said, a vegan diet can be good for lowering blood pressure (IF you also keep your diet low-sodium) and possibly cholesterol, which both play into heart disease, of course...although many studies show that serum cholesterol levels aren't strongly affected by dietary cholesterol intake. Generally, if you lose weight, your BP will go down (assuming you don't eat a crap-ton of sodium) and your cholesterol will often (but not always) moderate. Whether you lose the weight on a raw, vegan diet or a diet of Big Macs, your body doesn't really care. As for diabetes...As they say, Oreos are vegan. And also "raw," if I'm not mistaken. If you eat a bunch of them, you're not doing your blood sugar any good. And there's tons of other vegan junk food out there, too, some of which is also raw, all of which is just as bad for you as non-vegan junk food. There's whole websites of calorie-laden, sugar-laden raw vegan desserts out there. Eat a ton of those and your blood sugar will whack out as surely as it will if you eat a ton of Twinkies.

    It's all in the degree, you see.b There are no guarantees of anything, with anything. But my sense is that, even if you eat the cleanest, raw-est vegan diet ever, you're not going to be guaranteed to escape disease. And you're certainly not going to live forever. Even if your health is good, simple entropy takes it toll.

    Good answer. Thanks